Become a Fairy

Chapter 2294 Strange Black Stone

In this earth evil duoyuan pool, the powerful spiritual sense can't detect very far at all. Lu Xiaotian can only feel the specific direction of the huge suction force by feeling, and then make constant adjustments. Let's find this spiritual creature with huge suction power first.

The attacks of the five demon soil scorpions kept calling Lu Xiaotian, but Lu Xiaotian didn't fight back much, but tried his best to defuse the attacks of the demon soil scorpions to weaken them to a certain extent.

In the end, when the monster earth scorpion's attack landed on him, Lu Xiaotian didn't even need to use the magical power of the five-element element magnetic gold armor, and he was able to block all the attacks of the weakened monster with the powerful defense of the body repair.

The crystal armor on the surface of the monster earth scorpion is extremely defensive, and it can be continuously replenished with spiritual power. Even if Lu Xiaotian wants to kill it, it will take a lot of effort.

Moreover, if one is killed, there will be at least hundreds of such monsters in the Disha Duoyuan Pool, and they will be replenished immediately. For Lu Xiaotian, it is a loss-making business. Naturally, it is not cost-effective.

In this case, Lu Xiaotian played a great advantage as a body repairer. It only needs to neutralize part of the demon earth scorpion's attack power, and there is no need to worry about the rest. This allowed Lu Xiaotian to save a considerable amount of mana. As an ordinary monk, there is no way to ignore many attacks like Lu Xiaotian.

Moreover, the recovery ability of physical training is far beyond that of ordinary monks. Facing the attack of the five monster earth scorpions, Lu Xiaotian did not resist the weird and huge suction force in the Disha Duoyuan Pond, but approached along the huge suction force.

From the outside, Disha Duoyuan Pond doesn't look very big, it looks like it's only a hundred miles around, but when you actually enter it, you will find that there is another universe inside. Following the strange power, Lu Xiaotian has been sneaking for more than a thousand miles, and his visibility is extremely low in the mud full of earth spirit power.

The closer it gets, the stronger the suction force becomes. Later, Lu Xiaotian was startled, even if he wanted to turn back, he was already stuck in a quagmire, unable to get out. As for the five demon earth scorpions, they had already disappeared, and they seemed to be extremely afraid of this area. In this area, it is completely a forbidden area for living beings.

Lu Xiaotian wanted to break free from this huge suction force, but even with all his strength, he couldn't stop the sinking trend at this time. Lu Xiaotian's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, but Ye Qianxun arranged another method. According to Mo Yuyan's introduction, it was just how to deal with those monster earth scorpions. In the current situation, I can only rely on myself. If I can't get rid of this strange force, even I can't escape the fate of being trapped here to death.

"Let's first see whether the thing that caused this strange force is a human or a ghost." With no way out, Lu Xiaotian gritted his teeth and no longer resisted this weird suction force. He immediately fell from the sky like a mortal. The speed is getting faster and faster. Even the thick mud couldn't stop it at all.

Whoosh. A star beam shot straight like a sword. Through layers of mud, pointing directly at Lu Xiaotian's body.

"Sure enough, there are other threats." Lu Xiaotian frowned, this attack can only be launched by a monk in the Composite state, which is far superior to those monster earth scorpions.

Lu Xiaotian directly stretched out his hand and pointed, and a bloody light formed by the condensed power of the blood gang hit the sword-like star directly. Buzz. The two attacks vanished invisible, but the tumbling mud formed a huge and unparalleled undercurrent. It was transmitted to the outside of Disha Duoyuan Pond, and the tumbling mud waves were tens of feet high.

This surging mud wave was higher and higher one after another. The man in purple stood by the Disha Duoyuan Pond with his hands tied. His brows were darkly wrinkled.

"This aura doesn't look like it's fighting with the demon earth scorpion. According to Lu Xiaotian's cultivation base, relying on the star blue nightmare flower, this hour should have passed through long ago. It seems that the old monster Ye Qianxun should have another There is an arrangement. Not only that little girl Mo Yuyan, but I also miscalculated. The old monster in the Mahayana period who can transform the Disha Duoyuan Pond is really skilled."

"Let me give it a try and see what's weird inside. If there is any danger, then Lu Xiaotian can barely be regarded as a helper."

The man in purple was also decisive, and soon realized that the previous records of Disha Duoyuanchi and Xinggong might have changed a little for nothing.

Although Lu Xiaotian, who has already entered the pool behind, is an enemy and not a friend to him, but if he can't pass through this place, he can't even get the hair of the treasure in the back. Naturally, this kind of result is not what the purple-clothed person wants to see.

However, after the purple-clothed man entered the Disha Duoyuan Pond, not long after, the purple-clothed man came out again. His complexion was cloudy and uncertain for a while.

In the depths of the Disha Duoyuan Pool, the raging torrent came one after another. Obviously Lu Xiaotian is still fighting fiercely in the pool and the hidden dangers inside.

The man in purple could easily see that the more he went in, the stronger the suction force. After using the Star Blue Nightmare Flower, those monster earth scorpions were no longer a concern. Originally, he wanted to get in touch with Lu Xiaotian, but unfortunately after entering the Disha Duoyuan Pool, things were far from what he originally expected. Even if he used the magic weapon, he couldn't touch Lu Xiaotian's position at all.

After hesitating again and again, the man in purple retreated again. Back again. The new dangers that appeared in the Disha Duoyuan Pond were second to none. More importantly, this method was reserved by Ye Qianxun. The man in purple naturally had to be extremely careful.

Whoosh whoosh. The beams of light with starbursts followed one after another, as if they were endless.

Compared with the hesitation of the man in purple, Lu Xiaotian's situation at this time is undoubtedly much more dangerous. The powerful suction force made Lu Xiaotian advance and never retreat, and under this huge suction force, facing successive attacks, even if Lu Xiaotian wanted to avoid it, he was powerless. I can only bite the bullet and go up.

Fortunately, after a fierce struggle, Lu Xiaotian saw the pupa who started the attack, a pure black crystal clear stone, as tall as a person, and about three feet wide.

Originally, it looked very neat, square and square, like a cuboid, but when it reached the bottom, there was an extra flat bevel cut. It looks like it was cut with a knife, or a magic weapon like a sword. The stones are crystal clear, and there seems to be a starry sky hidden inside, vast and deep.

This streak of starlight is bursting out from the stars inside. The huge suction force is also caused by this stone.

"A mere stone can play such a miraculous effect." Lu Xiaotian was surprised. Divine consciousness swept around the stone for a while, but did not find anyone controlling the black stone.

"It seems that the powerful suction force and starlight attack are the effects of the stone itself, and no one controls it." After looking around, Lu Xiaotian was a little determined. With such supernatural powers, there is no chance of him surviving with such means.

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