Become a Fairy

Chapter 2287 Giant Tree

"The most important thing right now is to find a way to get the star chrysalis crystal snail!" Lu Xiaotian flew in the void for a while, his thoughts turned quickly.

Right now, his strength is not to mention compared with old monsters like Ye Qianxun and Nine-eyed Demon Owl, but Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar that has reached the late stage of fusion.

Or the lord who is very likely to reach the late stage of integration, and the senior sister of the female cultivator Haiqing. Lu Xiaotian wanted to avoid these people. When the strength is not dominant, although Lu Xiaotian has made several moves, he can break the boundary. If the black panther puppet can't get in touch, they will fall into a situation where they are fighting each other.

Although the Boundary Breaker is extremely concealed, the black panther puppet has not yet attracted the attention of other strong people, and its strength is low after all. Can't handle many things. Now that Lu Xiaotian himself is out of trouble, he must take on more.

The mana in the body circulates, constantly passing through the strange tendons and eight veins in the body according to the formula of the Five Elements Magnetic Armor, as if the tiny veins are constantly intertwined, and finally weaved into a magic armor to block the escaping breath from the body.

Lu Xiaotian has already practiced the Yuanci Gold Armor quite well, and he is proficient in the five elements, so he can get started with the Five Elements Yuanci Gold Armor very quickly. In just a few years, he integrated it with the original exercises without hindrance.

"It's a pity that the black panther puppet is still in the secret realm at this time and cannot come out." Lu Xiaotian had a bit of regret on his face. The Bixinglu in the black panther puppet's hand can refine mana and save Lu Xiaotian a lot of time for cultivation. It would be a waste to put this thing in the hands of the black panther puppet. After all, this kind of low-level puppet can't cultivate by itself, and it is as different as the lotus clone.

"Huh?" Lu Xiaotian had a strange expression on his face, "It seems that luck is pretty good."

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and pointed at the void, and a white light like a sword sank into the yellow void in the distance.

A faint yellow light surged in the void in the distance. Inside was a small three-leaf tree that was only a few feet tall, and the two purple leaves above its head were lavender, and the aura was compelling. At the intersection of two purple leaves, there is a cold and gloomy bird with one eye.

"It's you again." The person with this look is naturally Lu Xiaotian's former Lingzhi Ziye Zhenwu. At this time, Ziye Zhenwu looked at Lu Xiaotian with obvious fear in his eyes. Before that, he brought Lu Xiaotian and Yu Xiaoqiao to Mumian Huahai to kill people with a knife.

It's just that they didn't expect the flower demons in Kapok Sea to be so useless, with the right time, place and people, but they still couldn't do anything to win Lu Xiaotian.

Meeting Lu Xiaotian again at this time, Ziye Zhenwu inevitably felt a little guilty.

"It seems that you don't want to see me again." Lu Xiaotian had a slight smile on his face.

"You are only alone now, what can I do?" Ziye Zhenwu tentatively asked, Yu Xiaoqiao and Lu Xiaotian were together before. Looking at the situation, those few kapok demons are not useless. If Yu Xiaoqiao was killed, the pressure Ziye Zhenwu faced would undoubtedly be much less.

Just out of caution, Ziye Zhenwu still carefully guards against the surrounding situation, he has followed Lu Xiaotian for many years, and he is very clear about Lu Xiaotian's behavior. A little opportunity in Lu Xiaotian's hands may become a key winner, not to mention a sword repairer like Yu Xiaoqiao with such a powerful help. Ambush to the side, a bad result is a fatal result.

For Lu Xiaotian, Ziye Zhenwu, whose temperament has changed drastically at the moment, is afraid, and wants to put him to death and then hurry up, but there is nothing he can do.

He is extremely familiar with Lu Xiaotian, so why not Lu Xiaotian. If it wasn't for Lu Xiaotian's attack just now, he wouldn't even be able to detect Lu Xiaotian's aura.

Ziye Zhenwu had stayed in Lu Xiaotian's body for many years, and both sides knew each other's aura very well. The occurrence of this kind of situation can only show that Lu Xiaotian's cultivation method is more advanced or profound than his, and there is a huge gap in the primordial spirit.

Originally, Lu Xiaotian Yuanshen was much stronger than Ziye Zhenwu, not to mention that he had stayed in his body for so many years. A large part of the reason why Ziye Zhenwu was difficult to find Lu Xiaotian was because Lu Xiaotian had never been in contact with Ziye Zhenwu, the five-element magnetic gold armor that Lu Xiaotian practiced later.

"Whether I can win you or not, I'll know if I try it." Lu Xiaotian originally went to the star chrysalis crystal snail. Although the Five Elements Magnetic Armor has certain attainments, it's just that Lu Xiaotian has a good understanding of Ye Qianxun and his lotus clone. Still have deep fear.

Although the mystical starlight area is vast and boundless, it is Ye Qianxun's territory after all. If he is unlucky, the possibility of being discovered by him is still very high. If he could get Ziye Zhenwu's help, the possibility of saving his life would undoubtedly increase a lot.

But Ziye Zhenwu is no longer his spiritual plant at this time, and even wants to get out of Lu Xiaotian's shadow all the time. If you want to use it for your own use, you can't do it without using some means.

Lu Xiaotian's voice fell slightly, he stretched out his hand to grab the void, and a few big bloody hands covered the void. Facing Ziye Zhenwu, he quickly grabbed it.

Ziye Zhenwu flashed a bit of awe in this, even if he met an opponent whose strength was comparable to Lu Xiaotian, Ziye Zhenwu had never been so afraid, Lu Xiaotian's accumulation of prestige accumulated in his heart for many years was too heavy.

The dead vine-like roots and branches of Ziye Zhenwu were like a sharp long whip whipped out of the void, and the entire void was crackled.

Bang Bang Several big bloody hands were beaten and shattered one after another, turning into spots of blood.

"Damn it, it's an illusion." Ziye Zhenwu's eyes changed, and when he came back to concentrate, he had already lost the trace of Lu Xiaotian himself. More bloody big hands grabbed Void.

Before Lu Xiaotian came to this world, he had cultivated illusion magic powers, Ziye Zhenwu knew it. It's just rarely used. It is really a strange number that the exercises that have been practiced in the Nascent Soul stage can still exert such miraculous effects.

It's just that this void is full of thick earth aura everywhere, such an environment is like a fish in water for Ziye Zhenwu.

In another place, Ziye Zhenwu may not be able to find the specific location of Lu Xiaotian after hiding. But here, although Lu Xiaotian changed positions quickly, Ziye Zhenwu could always catch a rough trajectory in his heart.

"It's a little too naive to want to defeat me by this method." Ziye Zhenwu snorted coldly, his body began to swell rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it grew into a giant tree with a height of tens of feet.

It is quite similar to Huaiye Mozun who fought against Lu Xiaotian at the beginning, but the difference is that Huaiye Mozun has luxuriant branches and leaves, and at this time, Ziye Zhenwu, except for the two purple leaves that can be ignored, There are even bare branches everywhere, only the cold one-eyed eye is extremely intimidating.

Withered vine-like branches churned, constantly smashing the big bloody hands caught by the void.

Every time they strike, there is a violent shock in the void.

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