Become a Fairy

Chapter 2274

"Senior and junior entered this place together, how do you know about this?" Lan Xuan asked suspiciously in his eyes.

"I don't need to tell you this, you can choose to believe it or not, it's up to you." The black panther puppet smiled.

In this purple tung forest, the number of ferocious demon dogs has never been reduced. These demon dogs whose bodies have been refined by special means have low intelligence and are extremely bloodthirsty. As the fierce fighting continued, dozens of them had died in the hands of Lan Xuan and the others. It's just that the ferocious demon dog shows no signs of diminishing.

"Hiss!" Among the monks Lan Xuan and Mo Yuyan, two ferocious demon dogs threw Yan Xiaoyu away and rushed towards Xueyan. Yan Xiaoyu was standing in the void at this time, behind a huge spider web, the spider threads were pulled out fiercely like a long whip.

It's just that this time it was supposed to be four ferocious demon dogs attacking Yan Xiaoyu, but now two of them suddenly rushed towards Xueyan. Yan Xiaoyu's current combat strength is due to the White Jade King Spider, not because of her own cultivation. The two ferocious demon dogs withdrew suddenly, Yan Xiaoyu seemed to have no time to react.

Xueyan originally only had to face four ferocious demon dogs, but at this time two more were added suddenly. The long battle was exhausting, and he couldn't block it for a while, and was hit in the chest by a blue-light ice ball spit out by the ferocious demon dog spirit armor. Immediately, the spiritual armor was directly wrapped by a circle of blue armor. The blue ice floe seemed to have a dog-shaped demon hiding in it. Like a shadow, biting towards Xueyan's throat.

One ferocious demon dog succeeded, and the blue ice balls spit out by the other ferocious demon dogs hit Xueyan one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the blue ice directly covered Xueyan's whole body. With the naked eye alone, it is difficult to see the blood flames in the thick ice that has reached Zhang Xu. It's just the black panther puppet possessed by the huge thick ice block to Lu Xiaotian's deputy soul.

"Save him." A bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of the black panther puppet, and it backed away unhurriedly, trying to avoid these six menacing and ferocious demon dogs.

"Yes, senior." The spider silk controlled by Yan Xiaoyu whipped out like a whip. Bypassing the huge blue ice block and attacking the six ferocious demon dogs, she didn't intend to directly repel these demon dogs with outnumbered opponents, but just wanted to stop the opponent's offensive slightly, and use Xue Yan, the blood red The defensive power of the spirit armor, as long as it takes a breath, it will be able to recover.

boom! The huge blue ice wrapped in blood flames suddenly exploded, turning into sharp ice edges, stabbing at the black panther puppet.

The astonishment in the eyes of the black panther puppet suddenly turned into ridicule. I saw a strange twist of the black panther puppet's body. The blue ice thorns pierced the air one after another. Every movement of the black panther puppet was not superfluous. And the spider thread that was supposed to wind towards the six ferocious demon dogs suddenly exploded into six sections, and each segment turned into an extremely sticky spider web, which engulfed the six ferocious demon dogs that rushed towards them one after another. The remaining one also turned into several spider webs that would break through the ice one after another, and the bloody spear pierced Lu Xiaotian's blood flame.

The shocking changes are happening so quickly that it is almost impossible to see. Suddenly, a golden light and five silver lights flashed beside the black panther puppet.

A six-armed golden suan puppet and five six-armed silver suan puppets flashed in the aura, and each took a picture with one hand. The six giant hands overlapped and turned into a giant gold and silver hand, pressing down directly from the top of Xueyan's head.

Xue Yan was horrified in his heart, and the bloody spear in his hand was pushed into the void, but under the bombardment of the giant gold and silver hands, it was bent to the extreme in a blink of an eye, making a creaking sound like toothache. I couldn't hold it anymore when I saw it.

Xueyan was also decisive, without blinking his eyelids, the blood-red spiritual armor on his body exploded directly, expanding like a huge ball, and the fragments of the spiritual armor carried an astonishing lethality.

The black panther puppet sneered. Lu Xiaotian paid a huge price to send a deputy soul over. Even if you can't use the mana of the Composite Realm. Based on this primordial spirit alone, the cultivators of the Yuanshen Void Realm can infer. Xueyan made dangerous moves under his nose, which was no different from courting death. The combined power of these six puppets was beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators in the Void Realm, but Xiong Kun, who had refined the power of Yuan Magnetic, was also weaker.

I saw one gold and five silver six-armed suan puppets waving their six arms for a while. There are complicated and mysterious handprints on the palm. Like a Thousand-Handed Demon Venerable.

A shining aura formed in each handprint, and six auras of gold, king and silver converged to form a crescent-shaped light wave. This wave of light was fleeting, and with the flash of the spiritual light, there was a shrill scream. In the fragments of the spirit armor, when the blood flame appeared from inside, the body and the parts below the waist were already separated.

The six suan puppets stretched out their hands and swiped at the void, and the six auras twisted in the air for a while, turning into a huge hexagram, separating the upper and lower limbs, and the panicked Xueyan and the six ferocious demon dogs were all included. "Dare to make troubles under my nose, you are not very capable and courageous."

The six-pointed star became tighter and tighter, restraining all the vicious demon dogs inside in an instant. With a slap of the puppets' big hands, the head of the demon dog was smashed like a Western anti, leaving only the headless corpse falling to the ground Twitching.

"Brother Xueyan, what's the matter with you?" Everything happened too fast just now, and by the time Mo Yuyan realized it, Xueyan had already been cut into two pieces. After all, Mo Yuyan and Xueyan were acquainted with each other. Seeing Xueyan's miserable state at this time, Mo Yuyan couldn't help feeling a little bit unbearable. At this time, when he was fighting fiercely with the demon dog, he couldn't help turning his head.

"What else is going on, the blood flame is a nail inserted by the hostile old monster." Lan Xuan said coldly, "If you dare to plot against the senior, you also want our lives, and death is not a pity."

After fighting with Xueyan for so many years, Lan Xuan has not been able to get much favors. Seeing Xueyan end up like this, Lan Xuan felt a burst of satisfaction.

"Lan Xuan, don't be complacent. The old monster behind me has been in business for many years. Let alone you, even the Nine-eyed Demon Owl is definitely not his opponent. I just want you to take a step ahead." Xue Yan didn't expect Lu Xiaotian It is extremely rare for him to be able to control so many puppets without the deity being here, not to mention that these six puppets can also be arranged in an array. Even if he hadn't reached the God Void Realm, Xueyan knew that he could reach this level, and he already had no hope.

"I didn't expect senior to have such supernatural powers. It seems that I have already seen something wrong with me. Why didn't I do it earlier and wait until now."

"Since you are willing to continue the performance, I am naturally happy for you to kill a few more demon dogs." The black panther puppet slowly said as he watched Xue Yan, who was trapped in the six-pointed star with the six demon dogs and gradually lost the ability to resist. .

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