Become a Fairy

Chapter 2253 White Lotus Altar

"Ye Ziyu was given to me by Ye Qianxun. I don't like this name anymore. Brother Lu, was my name Xiao Qiao before?" Now that Yu Xiaoqiao has recognized Ye Qianxun's true colors, how can she still use this name? name.

"Your real name is Yu Xiaoqiao, and I am indeed not from this world. When you were still in the Nascent Soul stage, I brought you to this world, but we were separated because of the storm in the void. When I see you again When you arrived, you were already in Yuanling City, and you couldn't remember the past." Lu Xiaotian said a few words briefly.

"Yu Xiaoqiao? I like this name, Big Brother Lu, can you tell me about the past?" Yu Xiaoqiao seemed to be trying to recall the blank memories of the past, and one or two familiar and vague figures flashed in his mind. Just trying to think about it, my head felt like a cracking pain, and I couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Don't think about it, your missing memory, even that old monster Ye Qianxun can't help you recover." Lu Xiaotian persuaded.

"Left and right are about to die. It doesn't matter if it hurts a little bit. I'm not willing to die like a fool." Because of the great pain, Yu Xiaoqiao's pale face showed a little smile.

"He may not die, Ye Qianxun is powerful, but his enemy's methods will not be too bad. Chizi Youlian, such a rare treasure, is enough to cause other Mahayanas, and even old monsters in the tribulation period to go crazy. Move. Although the chance of killing Ye Qianxun is not high, it is not impossible." Lu Xiaotian said, facing a strong man like Ye Qianxun, it is normal to miss and be captured. For Lu Xiaotian and Yu Xiaoqiao right now , tied up by green ropes, the mana in the body and the power of the blood gang cannot be mobilized, and the thing suspended in this white lotus altar is continuously baked with the blazing golden flame of burning demons. The Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flame did not intend to directly kill him and Yu Xiaoqiao, otherwise they would not be alive now.

This Burning Devil Flame was refined by Ye Qianxun with a unique method, and before Ye Qianxun left just now, he imposed a lot of restrictions. The function of the Burning Golden Flame is to refine the soul. In Yu Xiaoqiao's head, he refined the "Splitting Mystery Technique" technique. The reason why Ye Ziyu is still kept, on the one hand, it may be that the enemy came too suddenly and it is extremely urgent, or it may be that Ye Qianxun wants to be on the safe side, in case something happens to Lu Xiaotian, and Yu Xiaoqiao, after all Yu Xiaoqiao just lost her memory, and that memory may not have completely disappeared in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Such an important skill, Ye Qianxun naturally does not want to miss it if there is even a chance.

"Brother Lu seems to know something." Hearing Lu Xiaotian's tone, Ye Ziyu couldn't help feeling hopeful again.

"The old monster Fire Cloud Monster is here, and there may be other old monsters that haven't been born for a long time. I'm just guessing, but the opponent's strength will never be weak." Lu Xiaotian thought of the two combined monks Hao Zhijie and Hai Qing, The other side must have other deep meanings in ordering Mo Yuyan and Yan Xiaoyu to fetch Bixinglu. Especially the fall of Ye Qianxun's avatar of the city lord back then, not without Mo Yuyan's help behind it. Ye Qianxun designed for nearly a thousand years in order to lead the two of them to the star field.

But behind Mo Yuyan is the lord who can't see the end of the dragon. Maybe it was Hao Zhijie's senior brother who never showed up. Calculations are also extremely powerful. Maybe the lord doesn't count, but if he dares to make an idea of ​​the star field, it will definitely not be simple.

A good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves, Ye Qianxun may not be able to secure victory.

"I hope so." In contrast, Yu Xiaoqiao is not as optimistic as Lu Xiaotian. It's not because she has a negative temperament, but because all means can't be used. I'm afraid she won't wait until the accident occurs, and she may be caught by this. The Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flame was almost refined.

Lu Xiaotian was talking to Yu Xiaoqiao. He possessed multiple sub-primordial spirits, and talking to Yu Xiaoqiao didn't affect his other thoughts at all. In fact, in the extremely brief fight with Ye Qianxun just now, Lu Xiaotian made some other small moves. He was shot down by Ye Qianxun's big hand and fell to the ground, when a deep hole of hundreds of feet was smashed on the ground, Lu Xiaotian already realized that this time it might be difficult to escape even if he wanted to.

So, taking advantage of this powerful fluctuation of mana, he secretly released the world-breaking worm. And put the Xumi ring with the puppet in his mouth for the worldbreaker. Inside the Boundary Breaker, Lu Xiaotian hid three sub-primordial spirits. Originally, Lu Xiaotian wanted to separate more sub-primordial spirits into the body of the world-breaking worm, but any more would cause slight fluctuations in consciousness. Facing such a scheming old monster like Ye Qianxun with great supernatural powers, Lu Xiaotian didn't dare to underestimate him in the slightest. To be on the safe side, Lu Xiaotian didn't hide more sub-primordial spirits in the body of the world-breaking worm.

If he had a choice, Lu Xiaotian wouldn't make such a bad move. After all, apart from the special ability to break the barriers of formations, the Boundary Breaker is useless in fighting skills. In addition, the breath fluctuations on the Boundary Breaker's body are almost non-existent, perhaps because it has swallowed too many formation restrictions.

Originally, releasing the World Breaker from the spirit beast bag would cause certain fluctuations in spiritual power. It's just that Lu Xiaotian fluctuated too much when he was fighting with Ye Qianxun, and compared with the spiritual power released by the Boundary Breaker, it was almost negligible.

Most of Ye Qianxun's attention was on Lu Xiaotian and Yu Xiaoqiao, but he didn't expect Lu Xiaotian to have such a backhand. The hiding place of the World Breaking Insect was not found either.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian himself and Yu Xiaoqiao were trapped in the white lotus altar, enduring the burning of the blazing golden flame. The deity of Lu Xiaotian and the Breaker are separated by the White Lotus Altar. Unable to contact. It's just that the sub-primordial spirit is an independent whole that has been cultivated and has the ability to act independently, so there is no difficulty in directing the actions of the world-breaker.

Lu Xiaotian is very afraid of this area, especially when encountering an enemy like Ye Qianxun, Lu Xiaotian dare not be careless in the slightest. Now that the deity and Yu Xiaoqiao are being captured, Lu Xiaotian's only reliance is the Boundary Breaker. Ye Qianxun left the sub-primordial spirit hidden in the world-breaking worm, and he didn't know if there were any backhands in this area, so Lu Xiaotian was cautious. The sub-primordial spirit drove the world-breaker to hide in the ground hundreds of feet deep without moving. Even out of fear of attracting Ye Qianxun, Lu Xiaotian didn't let out a trace of his consciousness.

After staying under the ground for several days, Lu Xiaotian's deputy soul felt that it was safe for the time being, so he ordered the world-breaker to break through the soil and crawl to the ground.

The deputy soul hid in the body of the world-breaking worm, thinking of the process of being ambushed that day and fighting Ye Qianxun.

"Those green ropes should be magic weapons refined from the stems of Linglian, and they are so powerful only when they are controlled by Ye Qianxun." Lu Xiaotian thought about the sub-primordial spirit attached to the world-breaking worm. At this time, Ye Qianxun, or the lotus avatar that he had fought with before, had been attracted by other enemies. Presumably the enemies who came here were not weak. And never more than one. Otherwise, Ye Qianxun's true self would be enough to deal with it. There is no need to transfer this lotus clone.

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