Become a Fairy

Chapter 2251

Lu Xiaotian was taken aback, but he didn't notice it at all. With the cultivation of this middle-aged man, even if Lu Xiaotian had cultivated the supernatural power of Yuan Magnetic and Golden Armor, if he had no other choice, he would never be willing to take a blow from the opponent. There is a huge difference in strength between the two sides, and the chance of Yuanci Jinjia to block the opponent's heavy blow is pitifully low.

Hum, that golden hand slapped in the void, and it hit nothing. At this time, the rolling green ropes had tightly bound the two soul-melting harpies and Ye Ziyu.

"Brother Lu, hurry up and leave me alone." Ye Ziyu yelled loudly. At this time, she was tightly bound by the green rope, not to mention breaking free, and even using her mana was not so smooth. Ye Ziyu knew that if Lu Xiaotian had used teleportation to escape from the beginning instead of taking her along, there might still be some possibility of escape. If there is any further delay, I am afraid that both of them will be killed here.

"I can't go anymore." The middle-aged man stood quietly on the white lotus, and he didn't move his feet from the beginning to the end. I saw the golden hand coming out of the blazing golden flames of the Brahma Demon, and it turned into a golden shadow, the speed was unbelievably fast, even if Lu Xiaotian used teleportation to reappear, the golden hand followed like a shadow, it seemed that the golden hand could roughly Sensing the position where Lu Xiaotian appeared, this is the first time for Lu Xiaotian who has practiced teleportation with the help of the illusion mirror.

He used the teleportation magical power twice in succession, and every time it appeared, the big golden hand had rushed to his eyes, Lu Xiaotian's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he knew that this time he would not be able to get away with teleportation. Facing this mysterious middle-aged man, Lu Xiaotian felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great. It's not like ordinary supernatural powers can shorten the distance.

Lu Xiaotian, who appeared again, did not use teleportation again, just now, the golden hand slapped again. This time Lu Xiaotian didn't dodge or dodge, he stretched out his hand and slapped the void.

Boom, two tyrannical forces collided, the golden hand remained motionless, and Lu Xiaotian fell backward like a broken wind. The shock wave formed by the two incomparable Qi Jin directly caused more than a dozen nearby hills to vibrate and turn into dust.

The big golden hand flashed again, chasing Lu Xiaotian and clapping again. Suddenly, a deep pit of hundreds of feet appeared on the ground.

"Brother Lu." Ye Ziyu screamed.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's mana and the power of the blood gang vibrated, and he shook the golden hand twice in succession. Under the vibration of the two forces in his body, he was shaken into chaos for a short time, and he had no resistance for a short time. The eagle-bodied beasts with six fused souls and the ape-headed beasts with seven fused souls can still be controlled, but at this time they are tightly bound by green ropes, so tightly bound that it is difficult to even struggle, how can they rescue Lu Xiaotian himself.

The green rope rolled over, easily tied up Lu Xiaotian, who was already covered in blood, and lifted him into the air.

"The mere little guy in the early stage of the body-fitting state has been able to persist under my subordinates until now. If I hadn't fought in person, I really wouldn't believe it." Although he succeeded at this time, the middle-aged man still couldn't hide his surprise. He said, "If it had been a few years earlier, I would have accepted you as a disciple. It's a pity that you were born at an untimely time."

"It's just trying to take Ziyu's Piaomiao sword embryo, let's do it." The green rope seemed to have the effect of blocking Lu Xiaotian from mobilizing the mana and blood power in his body. At this time, Lu Xiaotian's whole body seemed to be falling apart, and even the Yuanyuan Magnetic Armor was mostly broken by the golden hand. It's useless. It's just that Lu Xiaotian's tone was still calm, and he didn't have much frustration about being defeated by Ye Qianxun. Winner and loser, Ye Qianxun did not hesitate to lose the clone of the previous city lord, setting up this situation for nearly a thousand years. Losing to Ye Qianxun, Lu Xiaotian didn't feel wronged.

"The Piaomiao sword fetus has been missing in this world for tens of thousands of years. I have been searching for the head of this Piaozi sword formula for ten thousand years. In recent years, it suddenly appeared from Yuanling City. The space around Lingcheng seems to be unstable, you two should not be from this world." Ye Qianxun had a calm smile on his face, as if he had already expected everything.

"Brother Lu, is that so?" Ye Ziyu looked at Lu Xiaotian who was also bound by the green rope, and asked with a look of surprise.

"Since I guessed it, why bother to ask more questions." Lu Xiaotian said weakly, "The supernatural power of your lotus avatar is really extraordinary. It is not wrong to lose in your hands. You can't escape death. Let's have a good time." Facing a person with such deep calculations by the city government, whose cultivation strength is far inferior to the opponent, Lu Xiaotian didn't think he still had a chance to escape. Even in the heyday, he was easily defeated by this person, not to mention the twelve pillars of mysterious fire, Fang Tian's painted halberd were forcibly taken away by this person, the six fused soul eagle-bodied beasts, and the seven fused soul ape-headed beasts were restrained. The Yuanci Golden Armor has also been broken, and the Piaomiao sword embryo has also been intercepted by the middle-aged man's Tunyuan Sword and cannot turn around. Most of Lu Xiaotian's supernatural powers can no longer be used, and his strength has been greatly damaged. How can he escape? The opponent's means.

Ye Qianxun is such a powerful person, he will never make some low-level mistakes and give himself the slightest chance to take advantage of it. Moreover, the strength of the other party is so powerful, even the person in front of him is probably just a lotus clone. As for his true self, Lu Xiaotian can hardly guess how far the other party has cultivated. This kind of enemy, Lu Xiaotian can't even imagine what methods the other party will have. Even if the other party lets him go, he may not be able to escape from the other party's palm.

"When I saw Ye Ziyu for the first time, I was amazed by the misty sword embryo in his body. But what interests me most is not the sword embryo in his body. It is the second soul in his body, a mere one The Nascent Soul cultivator actually cultivated the second soul, and the second soul is completely independent, not subject to the slightest restriction of the main soul. There are no adverse consequences, even this is the first time I have encountered it since I practiced. But it is a pity that Ye Ziyu has lost his memory. Affected by the Forgotten Soul Stone in the void, it is difficult for me to wake up his lost memory. Knowing that Ye Ziyu has the method of cultivating the second soul, but he can't get it But it really disappointed me for a long time."

Ye Qianxun smiled, looking at Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu who were tied up with great interest. There is no intention to start immediately.

"So I let the useless avatar of Yezhu City continue to sit in Yuanling City. To see if there are any new opportunities, it turns out that my luck is not bad. Yuanling City is huge, with a population of hundreds of millions of monsters. It is difficult for me to check one by one. I didn't expect you to come to your door. Speaking of which, you are also very affectionate, escorting Ye Ziyu all the way to the Valley of Sorrows, and then to the Chaotic Demon Realm. All the way to the present , It just so happens that this seat has also dealt with some trivial matters at hand, and finally freed up my hands."

Ye Qianxun smiled and said, "What was your relationship with Ye Ziyu before? I'm afraid it's not easy."

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