Become a Fairy

Chapter 2222 Meeting Ziye Zhenwu Again

Ye Ziyu nodded, didn't ask any more questions, but followed Lu Xiaotian step by step and flew away among the dense grass in the distance. According to the position reminded by Lu Xiaotian, Ye Ziyu stretched out his hand, and a sword slash directly cut into the ground, rushing madly towards the ground. Then Lu Xiaotian waved his hand, green light flashed in his hand, and the green veil turned into a green light curtain that completely covered him and Ye Ziyu, and merged with the grass in the distance in a blink of an eye. Find out the exact location of the two.

"Brother Lu, what is this going to do?" Ye Ziyu didn't have the slightest doubt about Lu Xiaotian, she did whatever Lu Xiaotian asked her to do, but after finishing the work, Ye Ziyu couldn't help asking.

"A spiritual pet that got away from me, I didn't expect to break through to the body-fitting state, and it was also encountered in this place, which is really beyond my expectation." Lu Xiaotian's eyes also flashed a bit complicated, It was the Ziye Zhenwu who had been separated from him for hundreds of years, or it was no longer the Ziye Zhenwu who was sneaking underground. If it wasn't for the fact that his primordial spirit has become so powerful, and he is extremely familiar with Ziye Zhenwu's aura, he would never have noticed that Ziye Zhenwu wanted to sneak across the galaxy from the ground, avoid these double-headed monsters, and steal to the other side of the galaxy .

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Ziyu's sword energy cut into the ground, it just stopped in front of Ziye Zhenwu. A purple cyan brilliance flashed, and a handsome young man in a green shirt emerged from the ground, but his atmosphere was ruined by three palm-sized leaves on his head. This young man looks handsome, but there is a bit of fierceness in his eyes.

With the action just now, the nearby double-headed monsters were naturally alarmed, and dozens of double-headed monsters with different bodies came running wildly, pedaling with great force on the ground and making a loud noise. Far. It seems that the movements are a bit clumsy, but when you really think about it, the speed is extremely fast. It's not much slower than the ordinary monks in the fit state.

The face of the man transformed by Ziye Zhenwu was startled, obviously he also recognized the power of these double-headed monsters, he didn't dare to fly away directly in the air, but darted across the ground quickly. Fast as a ghost.

In contrast, Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu hid in the green veil, but they took it calmly, watching Zhenwu Ziye and the two-headed monster rushing past one after another.

"This is your former spiritual pet, Brother Lu? Why did it get away?" Ye Ziyu looked surprised. Judging from the current situation, Ziye Zhenwu has reached the early stage of the combined state, and his strength is already extremely strong. If there is such a helper, it will be very useful.

"It's a long story, let's go and see first." The entanglement between Lu Xiaotian and Ziye Zhenwu can't be explained clearly in a few words. The last time in Taoist Hunyuan's cave, he was about to catch up with this guy and surrender him again, but this guy was also extremely cunning. With the help of the ability of Tudun, he sneaked near the territory of the two-headed demon dog. Lu Xiaotian had just broken through at that time In the Void Realm, the two-headed demon dog is powerful in the Fusion Realm. If it hadn't been trapped in a fixed position in the Hunyuan Taoist's cave, the cave would have been killed by the Fusion monster inside, and blood flowed into rivers.

The two-headed demon dog is a clone that passed through the restriction, and it is also much stronger than the ordinary God Void Realm. What's more, when Ziye Zhenwu saw that the timing was wrong, he actually wanted to escape to the territory of the two-headed demon dog. Lu Xiaotian offended the two-headed demon dog to death, how dare he stay around there. So he had to give up Ziye Zhenwu and leave the Hunyuan Taoist cave.

After that, when Lu Xiaotian saw Ziye Zhenwu again at this time, this guy had also cultivated to the early stage of the Body Fit state, and even transformed into a human form. The method is also sharp, but this guy's earth escape method is extremely miraculous, Lu Xiaotian thought to himself that his spiritual sense is not weak, but if Ziye Zhenwu dived deeper, even his divine sense would not be able to easily capture the other party s position.

"Could it be that there are some powerful restrictions in the underground, or terrible monsters, even Ziye Zhenwu's earth escape method can't dive deep." Lu Xiaotian guessed secretly.

Ziye Zhenwu is good at escaping from the ground, and his speed on the ground is not much faster than these two-headed monsters. The two sides chased each other, and the distance was not widened. Ziye Zhenwu took the opportunity to sneak into the ground again. Naturally, these two-headed monsters didn't do it. They swung their incomparably thick arms and pounded fiercely on the ground, bang bang bang. Columns of soil exploded from the ground, and mud slag was scattered everywhere. The solid ground punched out spider web-like cracks for the double-headed monster.

Ziye Zhenwu got out of the ground in a panic, and continued to run forward like a ghost. Not entangled with these double-headed monsters at all.

After escaping for a while, Ziye Zhenwu repeated his plan and went underground again. These double-headed monsters are amazingly powerful. Immediately afterwards, he slammed against the ground again. It's just that the soul of the double-headed monster is far from being comparable to Lu Xiaotian. It is impossible to rely on spiritual consciousness to capture the exact location of Ziye Zhenwu after sneaking into the ground. Just relying on the large number, the rough technique of pounding on the ground forced Ziye Zhenwu out of the ground.

It's just that this method is not much better than a blind cat catching a dead mouse. After all, there are times when you miss, and after repeating this two or three times, the thick ground is still blown out by these two-headed monsters, and the soil is scattered in mid-air. everywhere. There is an earthy smell in the nose. And Ziye Zhenwu had already escaped without a trace. These double-headed monsters also knew that they were lost, so they thumped the ground a few more times. They howled a few times unwillingly, and retreated along the way they came.

"The depth of Ziye Zhenwu's dive is really limited." Although those two-headed monsters were lost after chasing them, Lu Xiaotian followed them all the way, and the speed was extremely slow under the green veil, and the attention of those two-headed monsters was completely After being attracted by Ziye Zhenwu, Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu came out from the green veil. Unless Ziye Zhenwu is underground, Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu are not far away, but on the ground, how can they escape Lu Xiaotian's pursuit.

Dodge the returning double-headed monster. Lu Xiaotian sent out his consciousness, and he really found Ziye Zhenwu who had sneaked into the ground again.

Zhenwu Ziye did not sneak into the vicinity of Xinghe this time, but left in the opposite direction.

"That guy is gone?" Seeing Lu Xiaotian's frown, Ye Ziyu thought she lost it, because she couldn't sense Ziye Zhenwu's existence.

"Get ready to go, it looks like he's planning to change places and steal there." Lu Xiaotian quickly twitched his mouth again, "Let's follow up, if he has this idea, if he doesn't bring the two of us with him, we will spoil his good deed. "

"That's a good idea." Ye Ziyu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she was ice-snow smart, so she naturally understood Lu Xiaotian's meaning very quickly, even she couldn't sense that Ziye Zhenwu was sneaking underground.

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