Become a Fairy

Chapter 222 Succeeded

Fear comes from the unknown. After learning that the hidden monster is a monster sea urchin, although many people are still pale, their expressions are relatively calm. It's just that even though we know it's a monster sea urchin, it's not easy to deal with it. Even the shirtless man can only block one of them with difficulty.

The demon sea urchin captured by Jinyue's net showed its original shape due to the shackles of the French net, and was besieged by Tao Feng, Zong Sheng and others. His ability to appear and disappear would have been terrifying if he hadn't been forced to show his original shape. But at this time, under the siege of many monks, Tao Feng's Netherwind did not parry a few times and was tortured to death. The shadow of the ruler pierced through the body.

. The large number of water thorns shot before his death was also quite terrifying, but most of them were blocked by Lu Xiaotian's fire scale armor, which did not cause much damage. Except for Zong Qing's thigh being pierced, nothing was lost.

Relatively speaking, the situation of the remaining six monsters in Tuoling is much more difficult. The previously injured demon sea urchin became invisible again.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the lake water surged again.

"Don't be discouraged, there are still monster sea urchins, and there are more of them than before." Lu Xiaotian reminded in a deep voice.

"What? There are more monster sea urchins." The faces of the people present tensed up immediately. They managed to kill one just now, but more came later. It was obvious that the two monsters rushed too fast just now. The sea urchin launched an attack, and the battle ended in a blink of an eye. If it weren't for Lu Xiaotian, a human sandbag with a strong sense of the monster sea urchin, they would have no idea of ​​continuing to fight the monster sea urchin. Not to mention the larger number, even if only two came, they couldn't bear it. Both Tao Jing and Zong Qing were injured, their eyes were full of timidity, they seemed to want to leave the bottom of the lake as soon as possible, no matter how good the treasure was, they had to be killed to get it.

Dozens of spikes in the swishing water shot again, even Tao Feng, Zong Sheng and others couldn't help hiding behind Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian didn't care about this either, who told him to have a fire scale armor. While everyone was in a panic, Lu Xiaotian sacrificed the long-lost centipede puppet. Before that, the centipede puppet had been taken away by Lu Xiaotian because the spirit stones were exhausted, and it was useless against those golden stone figurines. up.

It was not possible to use it again until after killing the tall and thin young man who was one of the eight monsters in Tuoling before, and obtained the top-grade spirit stone in his storage bag. For the spikes on this kind of monster sea urchin that can kill people, the centipede The puppet is huge, and it doesn't matter if there are a few in the middle and upper. And at this time, the monster sea urchins should all be attracted by them, and the centipede puppets can just make the best use of them. At this moment, the centipede puppet was of little help to him in the battle. If he could get the eighth-order gold demon pill or the red bamboo coral, it would undoubtedly be of great value. Even if it is destroyed, it is not unacceptable to Lu Xiaotian.

The centipede puppet was extremely flexible in the water. It made a big bend in the lake, circled in the direction where the monster sea urchins came from, and swam swiftly towards more than a dozen Sasa corals.

"Two monster sea urchins, one in front and one behind!" Lu Xiaotian shouted in a deep voice, these monster sea urchins can achieve such strength, and they also have considerable intelligence, knowing that crowding together to attack is not very effective, so they attack separately.

"Lu, brother Lu, how did you sense the position of the demon sea urchin?" Zong Sheng asked with fear at this time. At this moment, he has no time to pay attention to why Lu Xiaotian still has a centipede puppet on his body that is comparable to a foundation cultivator.

"I can only sense a vague position. The demon sea urchin moves very fast, so be careful." Lu Xiaotian naturally wouldn't tell the other party that he had melted water beads, so he could only stop at the demon sea urchin, probably wanting to attack. A little reminder to the convenience and benevolence, the two parties have no life-threatening friendship. As for whether they can cope with it, it depends on the luck of these people.

Luo Qing hid behind Lu Xiaotian unusually. She had never felt that a man's back was so thick and tall, as if it could block all the wind and rain in front of him. It's just that this back figure is so mysterious, no matter how close it is, it's like being separated by layers of mysterious veils. She feels that she has never really understood Lu Xiaotian.


Chi la, once again the monster sea urchin caught in the net was very angry, but it was angry again, once the stealth skill was broken, it recruited several monks to attack at the same time.

ah! Tao Jing screamed from behind, was pierced through the head by a sharp thorn, and died on the spot!

"Fifth Sister!" Tao Feng was furious, and tried his best to strike at all the abnormalities in front of him. He has the magical artifact of the Nether Wind Ruler, which can support it for a while. On the other side, Zong Qing, who was less powerful, was also stabbed by two spikes of the monster sea urchin again. The original nine-member team, plus the wounded Zong Qing, left only six people. Zong Qing himself was lucky because he had a monster in the foundation-building stage who helped it block the killer blow of the monster sea urchin. He managed to save a life, but the monster he had raised until now also died, and most of his ability was lost.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaotian caught another demon sea urchin, and everyone desperately wanted to survive, three times and five divisions, burst out the strongest attack, especially Tao Feng's Nether Wind Ruler and Luo Qing's amazing swordsmanship, but in the blink of an eye Then he killed the demon Haidan caught in the net again.

In contrast, the remaining six monsters in Tuoling Mountain were almost massacred, and the situation there was even worse. Also facing the attack of two monster sea urchins, the strongest bare-armed man could barely cope with one of them. Only, and the other few people, although they can vaguely sense the position of the demon sea urchin, they are powerless to resist the spikes of dozens of demon sea urchins at the same time. In a short while, three more people died, leaving only the shirtless man, the exposed woman, and the black-clothed dwarf. Even the blue crab with strong defensive power can't afford to be seriously injured at this time. has lost its effect.

The remaining monster sea urchin may have seen that two of its kind had died, and in fear, it rushed towards the remaining three Tuoling monsters.

"That demon sea urchin has left! Let's go get the treasure, let's go!" Lu Xiaotian shouted,

Tao Feng and the others looked shocked, and without thinking, they rushed towards the distant piece of red bamboo coral. Five demon sea urchins came out in full force, and the centipede puppet put away the eighth-level gold-type demon pill without encountering any resistance. In addition, in a hurry, they have already dug up half of a moderately shaped Sasa coral.

Lu Xiaotian was overjoyed, and directly replaced the Chiyan Lihuo sword, directly dug up the red bamboo coral that the centipede puppet dug, and put it into the barrier. At the same time, he raised his hand to put away the eighth-order demon pill.

"Brother Lu, how about entrusting the demon pill to me for safekeeping? I know how to refine alchemy." Zong Sheng looked at the eighth-level demon pill with fiery eyes, and exchanged glances with Tao Feng. The two sects suffered heavy losses. , Luo Qing made it clear that he was with Lu Xiaotian, and now the two of them can only have the right to speak when they unite.

"There's no need to do so much, I will also refine the alchemy. After we get out of here and refine the alchemy, we will divide the account separately." Lu Xiaotian replied coldly, Zong Sheng and others were worried about him, and he How can you rest assured of the other party.

When speaking, Lu Xiaotian's movements are not slow at all. Swinging the sword, he picked up another sasa coral, which was second only to the oldest in size. Luo Qing took the oldest one. Jin Yue also harvested a plant.

"Damn it!" At this moment, the big shirtless man was furious, his eyes flickered fiercely, and he was obviously still a little undecided. He has to do his best to get rid of the other two monster sea urchins, and his subordinates have suffered heavy losses. Even if he kills them, he has no chance of winning in the face of the powerful Lu Xiaotian and others. As for the verbal agreement reached before, Once the balance of power is broken, shit is nothing. At this moment, he could only watch helplessly as the treasure was taken away by Lu Xiaotian, Luo Qing and the others.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" the blood dwarf said weakly.

"What can we do, let's go!" The shirtless man yelled angrily, and his figure rose into the sky. The treasure has already been taken away by the opponent, and he will stay in the lake unless his brain is flooded.

After a few crashes, Lu Xiaotian and others also broke out of the lake.

"Brother Lu, how do you plan to distribute the extracted alchemy?" Tao Feng was the same as Zong Sheng. The first thing he did when he came out of the lake was to ask Lu Xiaotian to come up with a distribution plan. Although the red coral can save him years of penance. But the value of a drop of Dan Yuan is obviously greater.

"I don't know how to distribute Brother Tao and Brother Zong to feel appropriate?" Lu Xiaotian asked back.

"We all contributed a lot. My Demon Yang Sect lost two fellow sects, and the Barbarian Beast Sect also lost one. Naturally, it is divided according to sect. Each sect has one drop. The eight-line demon pill is no small matter. Four drops are extracted. Dan Yuan is not difficult." Tao Feng said without thinking.

"How could it be so easy? If brother Lu hadn't figured out a way to kill the two monster sea urchins this time, it's hard to say whether we could escape from the lake intact. Naturally, we will distribute according to credit. Zong Sheng didn't Did you mean that too? Why did you change your mind now." Luo Qing sneered ironically.

"I..." Zong Sheng's face turned red, he was blocked by Luo Qing and couldn't speak.

"Junior Sister Luo, it's not that we are unreasonable, it's that Dan Yuan is very precious to us, it can be encountered but not sought, if you miss it, you may never have another chance before, brother Lu is the most powerful, we also know that, I think How about taking a step back, Junior Sister Luo and Brother Lu have fixed alchemy, and Brother Zong and I each take out some spiritual objects or spirit stones to compensate Brother Lu, how about that?" Tao Feng said with a sigh.

"Yes, brother Lu, we can't miss such a treasure. Without our help, you can't deal with the eight monsters on your own. How can you get the demon pill?" Zong Sheng nodded repeatedly.

"Forget it, then you can use spiritual stones or equivalent spiritual objects to convert. It will be half the price of the auction house outside. If it doesn't work, we will pull it down." Lu Xiaotian stopped Luo Qing who still wanted to talk, he is now lacking spirit Shi, besides, these people did contribute some effort.

"Succeed, since Brother Lu has said so, why do we still have no reason to refuse." Before Tao Feng could speak, Zong Sheng patted his chest and agreed directly. Yes, there is no market at all outside, in exchange for the elixir he wants, and when the time comes to refine a handful of elixir, his strength will be enough to skyrocket. As for Lu Xiaotian, at the same time he was afraid in his heart at the same time, he also admired him somewhat. If he really did something, I am afraid that together with Tao Feng, he might not be able to suppress Lu Xiaotian, not to mention that Luo Qing and Lu Xiaotian have such a deep friendship. They have no chance at all.

"Fine, Brother Lu is so straightforward, I have no objection." Tao Feng nodded and said nothing. After all, he is alone now, and this Hunyuan Dao Zang is so dangerous that several people have to form a group to survive, otherwise, even if they encounter a big naked man who was alone before, it will be difficult to deal with.

After the great battle, the group had to rest for a while, so they found a relatively safe place, and Lu Xiaotian refined this eighth-level gold demon pill by the way. Four drops of pills were a bit more, Lu Xiaotian asked for the largest drop, and distributed the remaining three drops to the others. Lu Xiaotian was also able to harvest various spiritual objects worth more than 400,000 spirit stones, including several top-grade spirit stones. With these things, Lu Xiaotian finally breathed a sigh of relief, now he can finally refine some more pills. At this time, the speed of his cultivation was astonishingly slow, and every day that passed was a waste of time. In addition, he needed to refine part of the Heavenly Returning Pill. As for the identity of the body repairer, it would be best not to reveal it.

Because of refining the elixir, Zong Sheng and Tao Feng waited two days longer outside Lu Xiaotian's shelter. It's just that I wonder what Lu Xiaotian is going to do. Lu Xiaotian has arranged a layer of restrictions outside. Although they can break it with just raising their hands, no one will touch Lu Xiaotian's bad luck.

"Brother Lu, you've figured it out." Seeing that the restriction was lifted, Zong Sheng looked happy. Although Lu Xiaotian looked like he was not close to strangers, he would never speak easily if there was nothing wrong, but after the previous events, Zong Sheng However, Sheng could feel that Lu Xiaotian was a person who kept his word, and in this murderous Hunyuan Dao Zang, having such a partner was more important than anything else.

"Since Brother Lu has come out, let's search around for a while. There are so many treasures of heaven and earth in this Hunyuan Taoist Collection. If someone else takes the lead, it will be a big disaster." Tao who got a drop of Danyuan Feng also said in a good mood.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, although he got the Red Bamboo Pill, which made his road to Jindan Avenue a little smoother, but the matter of practicing exercises has not been resolved until now. A moment of hesitation flashed in my heart, whether I should act alone, but just as this thought came up, the ground suddenly felt like shaking.

"The ground is collapsing!" After Tao Feng shouted in surprise, everyone jumped into the air.

There was a burst of landslides and ground cracks below, leaving everyone stunned. A huge Five Elements Palace floated up amidst a tremor. On the palace were the Hall of Elixirs, the Hall of Skills, the Hall of Puppets, the Hall of Spiritual Talismans, and the Hall of Magical Artifacts.

"It seems that this is the core of Hunyuan Palace, we are finally here." Zong Sheng shouted excitedly.

Swish, from the gates of the five branch halls, dozens of black shadows were ejected, which looked like tokens.

"The token leading to the palace!" Zong Sheng, Tao Feng and others' eyes lit up at the same time. Without any explanation, he flew towards those tokens.

Naturally, Lu Xiaotian and Luo Qing will not be left behind, but this palace is strange, someone must have touched the restriction here, that is to say, there may be more powerful people to face later.

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