Become a Fairy

Chapter 22 Martial Arts Secrets

"Have you heard that this martial arts conference will be held in our Pingwu County, and the heads and outstanding disciples of hundreds of schools in Liangzhou will send people to participate." A middle-aged man with thin cheeks said deliberately lowered his voice and asked.

"I heard it a long time ago. What kind of news are you talking about? Now all the sects are rushing to Pingwu County, and the leader of our Red Shark Gang has also arrived early, and has rented an entire inn. I am afraid that those who come later are even There is no place to sleep on the street." A bearded man laughed.

At this time, in the Qian's restaurant in the county seat, there were many wealthy people sitting in the city, armed with knives and swords. Discuss with each other. How lively.

Pingwu County is going to hold a martial arts conference? And all the gangs in Liangzhou? Lu Xiaotian sat in an inconspicuous corner of the restaurant at this time, ordered a pot of tea and a plate of beef, and listened to the discussion in the restaurant in silence.

"Of course I'm not talking about this. It's the first time that such a grand martial arts event has been held in recent decades. Even the iron master who ranks first in Liangzhou now doesn't have such appeal. You can know the reason." After the middle-aged man was refuted, he decided to make some serious news.

"what reason?"

"Black Iron Order!"

"What, Black Iron Order, how is it possible, hasn't it disappeared for nearly a hundred years and hasn't appeared?" In the restaurant, everyone was shocked and turned pale.

The thin middle-aged man snorted, "Yesterday, Yu Tianshan, the leader of the Four Seas Gang, was killed by the enemy and unfortunately died. People from the rivers and lakes passing by saw the black iron order that fell from Yu Tianshan with their own eyes. Except for the black iron order, who has the ability Calling all the gangs in Liangzhou to discuss the matter in such a short period of time?"

"That said, it is indeed somewhat possible." The people present in the restaurant started discussing, and there was a look of fear on their faces for a while.

It turned out to be some trivial matters in the world, Lu Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, ready to check out and leave. Except for matters of cultivation, he is not interested in these disputes in the Jianghu. But soon, the words of an old man with white eyebrows made his hands pause for money.

"It is rumored that the holder of the Black Iron Order has been instructed by an immortal. At the beginning, the gangs in Liangzhou refused to obey the Black Iron Order, but they suffered a bloody baptism. The residence may be attacked by a fireball, and the fire will melt into iron, and the water will not be extinguished. Or the body will be pierced by an ice arrow, and the whole person will be frozen into an ice sculpture, and the ice arrow will not melt in the fire, it is extremely cold.”

Lu Xiaotian's pupils shrank when he heard it, a fireball that can melt gold and iron, isn't that the fireball technique? As for ice archery, the black-robed old man also used it once when he was trapped by a barrier. The person in charge of the Black Iron Order is very likely to be an immortal cultivator. But it also makes sense, there are hundreds of sects in dozens of counties and towns in Liangzhou, and there are hundreds of thousands of warriors. It is possible to order so many unruly warriors, only the great strength of the immortal cultivators can make these warriors surrender.

It just made him wonder why the cultivators would go to great lengths to find these ordinary warriors?

While Lu Xiaotian was surprised, a luxury carriage escorted by twenty first-class warriors entered from the north gate of Pingwu County. Not to mention that the four horses used in the carriage are all snow-white and extremely handsome. Just dozens of galloping horses and twenty first-rate warriors are an incomparably powerful force wherever they are placed.

The carriage drove into a compound without anyone daring to stop it. A white-haired old man and a man dressed as a fat shopkeeper were waiting there respectfully. If Lu Xiaotian was here, he would definitely recognize that this fat shopkeeper is the shopkeeper of Miaozhitang.

get it

The carriage stopped, and a young man in a golden robe with a haughty look came out from inside. He looked only in his twenties, but his supercilious attitude didn't seem to take so many warriors in his eyes at all.

"This is Hu Yiping, the master of Miaozhi Hall. This is Ma Hongtao, the treasurer of the hall. I have met the Holy Envoy." The white-haired old man Hu Yiping and the shopkeeper Ma saluted the young man in golden robe at the same time.

"Well, you guys have news about the Purple Spirit Grass?" The golden-robed youth stood on the carriage with his hands tied, looking down at the two of them.

"Exactly, but the purple spirit grass mentioned by the envoy was bought by another boy." Shopkeeper Ma said truthfully.

"What?" The young man in the golden robe looked angry. Liangzhou is located in a remote place, and there are not many spiritual things in the first place. After finally getting the news of the purple spirit grass, others were able to get there first.

"I didn't know that Purple Spirit Grass was the herb needed by the Holy Envoy. If I offend the Holy Envoy, I ask the Holy Envoy to forgive me!"

Feeling the coercion from the golden-robed youth, Ma Hongtao's legs trembled, and he almost couldn't help but kneel down. The hall master next to him, Hu Yiping, was much more advanced than him, but his complexion was also pale.

"The person who bought the Purple Spirit Grass, do you still remember what he looked like, was it a man or a woman?" the golden-robed youth asked in a deep voice.

Ma Hongtao nodded repeatedly, "I still remember."

"The holy hand of Danqing draws a portrait of this person immediately, and secretly investigates this person's movements. Once you find out, you are not allowed to act rashly, and immediately notify this envoy. Get lost!" said the golden-robed youth after thinking about it for a while.

"Yes, yes!" Hu Yiping and Ma Hongtao hurried out as if they were being amnesty.

"Go back to Qinglian Mountain Villa!" After the young man in the golden robe said something, he got back into the carriage.

At this time, in the carriage, lay a plump woman in a red dress with a good face, playing with a strand of black hair beside her ear, and said, "Didn't you say that Liangzhou has always been the territory of your Situ family? Are there other cultivators?"

The young man in the golden robe said with a gloomy expression, "I also heard from the elders of the clan about what happened before. It has been a hundred years since our family left Liangzhou. It is normal for a few casual cultivators to appear in Liangzhou for such a long time. It’s fine if you don’t know about this matter, since I found out, I must get rid of this person.”

"We don't know the depth of each other now, are you so sure? Do you want to inform the masters in the family to come?" The woman threw herself into the arms of the young man in the golden robe.

The young man in the golden robe snorted and said, "Liangzhou is such a remote place, casual cultivators with high cultivation bases would not come here at all, if the competition in Mochiyue Fairy City was not too fierce, and the family ancestor offended a senior in the city who was in the foundation stage, I will not be reduced to Liangzhou again. Besides, the other party only took the lowest-level spiritual grass, such as purple spirit grass. A casual cultivator, even at the third level of Qi Refining, may not be my opponent, let alone us It’s still two people, so there’s nothing to be afraid of. My father is preparing to break through the fourth level of Qi Refining, and there’s no time at all right now, and if he can’t do such a small thing well, how can I inherit the family’s business in the future.”

"Alright, then let's find out about that person first, but we have to find someone first."

The young man in the golden robe nodded and said, "As long as he is still in Liangzhou City, he will never escape our eyes and ears. There are hundreds of gangs in Liangzhou, and countless warriors. I believe there will be news about him soon. Play by ear .”

In Pingwu County, there may be other cultivators. Having fought against the black-robed old man, Lu Xiaotian was instinctively wary of other people. But the black-robed old man kept silent to him, and he knew nothing about the situation in the world of cultivating immortals. After thinking about it again and again, Lu Xiaotian thought that even if there is a certain risk, he should try to get in touch with some situations in the world of cultivating immortals. Otherwise, relying on his own cultivation alone, he may only be able to cultivate to the fourth or fifth level of Qi Refining in his lifetime. At this time, Xiuxian has opened a door to him, and he is not willing to stop here easily.

"It seems that this martial arts conference must be attended."

Lu Xiaotian muttered to himself, took out the broken silver and put it on the table, and went out. Not long after he went out, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the two middle-aged men wearing bamboo hats. One of them left in a hurry, and the other fell far behind in the bustling crowds of the county town.

As warriors from all over the world gather in Pingwu County, there are more and more high-ranking people in the county at this time, and the streets are full of traffic and crowds. Lu Xiaotian didn't feel it on the street, after all, there were too many people.

But after leaving the city gate, the man in the bamboo hat also came out, which quickly aroused his vigilance.

"Could it be someone from Miaozhitang again?" Lu Xiaotian frowned, and quickened his pace to the deserted place.


Dozens of first-class warriors galloped on the street, followed by a carriage pulled by four white horses. The martial artists on the street originally wanted to open their mouths to curse, but when they saw such a uniform group of first-class martial artists, they immediately shut their mouths tightly, and the trouble came out of their mouths. They couldn't afford to provoke such a powerful force.

After leaving the city gate, the young man in gold robe and the young girl in red skirt left the carriage and chased into the wilderness all the way to the mark left by the middle-aged man in the bamboo hat. But after chasing for a while, entering the mountain forest, he saw the middle-aged man in a bamboo hat who had been following him, looking blankly into the distance.

The young man in the golden robe asked coldly, "Where are people?"

"Which one are you? Oops!" The middle-aged man in the bamboo hat just wanted to refute the young boy in front of him. After all, he didn't know him yet, but he was only halfway through when he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he curled up like a shrimp He was kicked four or five feet away, and landed on the ground, howling miserably.

"Before my patience is exhausted, you'd better say what I want to hear." The young man in the golden robe said with a cold face.

"I, I followed that young man all the way out of the city gate, followed into the woods, and the other party disappeared. So, where did I go, I, I don't know!" Looking at the icy eyes of the young man in the golden robe, The man in the bamboo hat shuddered, and said with a trembling face.

"Useless stuff!" The young man in the golden robe waved his right hand, and a crystal icicle pierced the chest of the man in the hat, instantly freezing him into an ice sculpture, and the frightened and painful expression on the man's face was also frozen in the ice sculpture. .

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