Become a Fairy

Chapter 2179 Straight into the Ghost Gu Sect

"Then we have to go to the Ghost Gu Sect. Che Da, go to the Mangqing Field and tell Zhu Qi to bring the Scarlet-eyed Goat Demon to the Ghost Gu Sect to meet me." Qingli can't get enough help here. information, but it doesn't matter, just go to the Ghost Gu Sect.

"Yes, sir." Fire Corpse Cheda responded quickly, before he could react, Lu Xiaotian had already brought Che Er and Qing Li into a ray of light, and went towards the direction of Ghost Gu Sect.

"Is there no other way, Uncle? It would be risky to go directly to the Ghost Gu Sect." Qingli also didn't expect that the ghost Gu attack was so violent that she didn't even have time to react. After being wounded, it will only be like this if it is restricted by the Buddha flame, otherwise even if it is the spider tiger ghost Gu, it will never be so unbearable. Qingli has heard that the entire Ghost Gu Sect has three powerful ghost clan masters who are at the Composite level, but she didn't expect that her cheap master would take her all the way to the Ghost Gu Sect without saying a word.

"Don't resist." Seeing Qingli's extremely weak appearance, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to press the back of his hand, and a wave of magical power soaked into his body. Lu Xiaotian practiced orthodox human skills, if he hadn't practiced Hunyuan Sutra, which is extremely inclusive, if he had only practiced Buddhist techniques, Lu Xiaotian would not have dared to immerse mana into Qingli's body rashly. Otherwise, the ghosts will not be saved, Qingli's cultivation base can still support the ghost Gu in the God Void Realm, but there is no resistance to Lu Xiaotian's alien mana in the Composite Realm. A little carelessness is the end of the soul flying away.

If Qingli is a human cultivator, just a ghost Gu planted by the ghost race in the Void Realm, Lu Xiaotian would not have any trouble expelling him. But Qingli is also a ghost clan, and he can't bear how much mana Lu Xiaotian enters into his body. Otherwise, the ghost gu would not be dispelled, and Qingli would have died under Lu Xiaotian's mana. That is to say, the Buddha Flame Restriction is similar to Lu Xiaotian's cultivation method, and it is a means of the human race. Lu Xiaotian is sure to try it. Even so, he must be very careful.

"It's not so easy to exorcise the ghost Gu for me. My uncle is going to the Ghost Gu sect again, so I have to save mana as much as possible." The spider tiger ghost Gu broke out in his body, and Qingli's body trembled in severe pain. However, being able to be accepted as a disciple by Luo Qian does have its uniqueness. Under the bite of ghosts, Qingli still maintains his rationality.

"These are not things you should consider." Lu Xiaotian said quietly. Divine consciousness immersed in Qingli's body and began to check the Buddha flame restriction in his body.

The flying sword-shaped energy wrapped around Lu Xiaotian, Qingli, and Che Er were patrolling in the air at an astonishing speed. When Che Er heard the conversation between Lu Xiaotian and Qingli, he couldn't help but secretly speculate. It seems that he is a gentleman. The relationship with that fellow sect is really extraordinary, only the disciples of the other party can treat him like this. How many monks in the Chaotic Demon Realm can't even have their own heirs or direct disciples like Lu Xiaotian, let alone other people's disciples.

The Ghost Gu Sect is heading towards the Susang Demon Sea, which is more than one and a half million miles away from Yuantang. Even Lu Xiaotian would have to rush for more than half a month. At Lu Xiaotian's speed, it would take more than half a month to travel. As for Zhu Qi's speed, he couldn't compare to Lu Xiaotian, so he might lag behind a lot in the future. During this period, Lu Xiaotian took time every day to try to lift the prohibition of the Buddha flame in Qingli's body.

The Ghost Gu Sect can be regarded as one of the top ranked ghost sects in the Chaos Demon Realm. It is located near the Lying Silkworm Ghost Lake. The Lying Silkworm Ghost Lake is a place surrounded by mountains and guarded by mountains. The lake, the lake is gloomy and cold, and the black water is like a mirror. Between the mountains, it is actually much higher than other grounds. From a distance, through the ghostly fog, the Lying Silkworm Ghost Lake is like a piece of land. A huge black mirror hangs high among the mountains.

Around the Ghost Gu Sect, there is a bone silkworm swamp. From time to time, there are shallow or deep puddles in a muddy swamp, in which you can see all kinds of low-level ghost insects that suck filthy breath and climb up.

The ghost fog in the distance is misty, even with Lu Xiaotian's eyesight, in this kind of place, what he can see is only a few tens of miles away, and it is much easier to use spiritual sense than the naked eye. It's just that the spiritual consciousness spreads out, and when it touches some restrictions, it will be bounced back again.

"The gate restriction of the Ghost Gu Sect is more powerful than the rumors." The huge flying sword in the air turned into a stream of light, bringing Qingli who had already lifted the restriction of the Buddha flame in his body, and descended with Che Er. to low altitude.

"Uncle, after lifting the Buddha Flame Restriction, I have recovered a lot. About the Spider Tiger Ghost Gu, why don't you think about it later when you go back." Hurry up, it is very taboo for Lu Xiaotian to break into the gate of the Ghost Gu Sect so carelessly.

It's not just Qingli, but Che Er's heart is full of ups and downs, but he is different from Qingli, he dare not question any of Lu Xiaotian's decisions.

"The Chaotic Demon Realm is about the weak and the strong, when is it time to worry about breaking the other party's taboo." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, swayed his figure, and led Qingli and Che Er straight to the prohibition of the Ghost Gu Sect. He has been studying the formation so far, and he has not learned it every day, although the time he has spent in walking the world of cultivating immortals is longer than other combined old monsters. But if you really count the time to study the formation, it may not be less than those who devote themselves to the formation. Ordinary formation masters also need to practice, and they are distracted by daily trivial matters. With Lu Xiaotian having many sub-primordial spirits, he hardly stops deducing formations. Although the ghost sect's restriction in front of him is extraordinary, it has not been put too much in Lu Xiaotian's eyes.

Under the towering ghost palm tree, a man with silver eyebrows and red eyes, with an extremely handsome complexion, crawled at the feet of the people surrounded by a cloud of black air, not daring to show his breath.

"Min Lei, the task you should entrust as a teacher for the past three years has not been completed yet. Today is the deadline." The man surrounded by black air all over his body said indifferently, looking at the eyes of Min Lei who was prostrate at his feet. Emotionless.

The extremely handsome man with silver eyebrows and red eyes trembled when he heard these words, kowtowed again and again, "Master, please allow some more time, the disciple will definitely offer the Gu mother."

"Jie Jie..." The man surrounded by the black mist laughed strangely, "If the rules set by me can be easily changed, how can I deter other juniors. Min Lei, since you haven't completed the task assigned to you by your teacher, then According to the patriarchal rules, present yourself, and come to be the Gu mother who is your teacher."

Before he finished speaking, a pair of green-red eyes with no emotion appeared behind the man surrounded by the black mist. He couldn't see clearly what was in the black mist, but only a trace of breath leaked out occasionally made this extremely handsome Min Lei Instinctive fear.

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