Become a Fairy

Chapter 2129

"The preparations are really sufficient!" Lu Xiaotian sneered, the other party had a thousand calculations, but it was a pity that some things could not be budgeted.

"Chimu, Che Da, Che Er, and you guys, go back to the Gloomy Demon Grave." Lu Xiaotian swept away the Chimu Sheep Demon, and the middle-aged man's family of three.

"Here, Mr. Lu, what's the matter? Don't let me follow Mr.?" The red-eyed sheep demon couldn't help but wondered.

"Go to attract Zhong Ling, and prepare to fight with others." Lu Xiaotian ordered. The black-robed man was bombarded and killed by him with a six-armed golden suan puppet before. He was not a body of flesh and blood, but was blown into a pile of broken wood. It was obviously the body of a puppet. Lu Xiaotian had some doubts at that time. It's just that in the dark demon mound, Lu Xiaotian was too suppressed to perceive in a wide range. If the other party wanted to hide, he wanted to find the other party, which was completely thankless and not easy.

"Do something with someone?" The red-eyed sheep demon looked puzzled, but seeing Lu Xiaotian's sweeping eyes, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

With a move of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, the purple-black centipede puppet, blue wolf puppet, and six-armed golden suan puppet flashed in the white light one after another. Surrounded by the red-eyed goat demon.

"Here, sir, I saved my next life in the hands of the people in Yuantang before. Is this a person who doesn't know what is good or bad? Since I came here with my senior, we naturally have to advance and retreat together." The red-eyed goat demon said with an unnatural expression.

"These puppets are used to protect you. Since I dare to use you, you can't escape from my palm. It's just a thought of my life. Why do you need a few puppets?" It was the six-armed golden suan puppet.

The red-eyed sheep demon turned around in amazement, seeing the unusually vivid expression of the six-armed golden suede puppet, he couldn't help but feel horrified. With introverted consciousness, he found that there was a fingernail-sized blood bead in his body near the dantian. The blood bead exuded dense blood energy, and its power was incomparable, far beyond his demon power.

The red-eyed goat demon didn't even know when Lu Xiaotian used this method on him.

"I understand clearly that I must obey the orders of my seniors." The red-eyed goat demon was afraid in his heart, and his attitude wanted to be respectful.

"Go, if you do things effectively, the previous promise is valid, and you are forbidden to go afterwards." Lu Xiaotian waved his hand.

The red-eyed sheep demon nodded, and immediately returned to the dark demon mound with Che Da, Che Er, and a middle-aged man's family of three.

"Brother Lu seems to value this goat monster quite a lot?" The wild boar demon Zhu Qi glanced back at the red-eyed goat monster. There are not many monsters in the Void Realm that can make Lu Xiaotian spend so much time on guard. Zhu Qi asked himself that he was with Lu Xiaotian back then In the Gloomy Demon Tomb, Lu Xiaotian did not pay such attention to it. Could it be that this red-eyed goat demon is so powerful that even Lu Xiaotian has to turn his back on it?

"This red-eyed goat has a unique method of attracting tomb spirits. In the dark demon mound, this goat is still somewhat useful." Lu Xiaotian nodded. In fact, the blood bead exuding a dense breath in the red-eyed goat's body is his cultivation. The supernatural powers sneaked into the body of the red-eyed sheep demon secretly on a whim. See if it can attract the attention of the red-eyed goat demon. During this period, the distance from the red-eyed sheep monster must not exceed five miles, and the time must be more than a few months, so that the power of the blood gang can be controlled to sneak into the red-eyed sheep monster in a silent way. The degree of fineness of the control of the power of Gang.

Originally, Lu Xiaotian also used the red-eyed sheep demon as an experimental object for his own cultivation. Even if the other party finds out, it's nothing. It's just that the process of cultivation was quite smooth, and it wasn't until Lu Xiaotian woke up that the red-eyed goat demon discovered the abnormality.

But even if there is no such method, Lu Xiaotian will inevitably put a tight curse on the red-eyed sheep demon. Then Wu Changlian obviously came prepared, and his strength has greatly improved. To what extent he has cultivated, Lu Xiaotian can't do it without fighting in person. Learned. In case of losing the enemy at that time, escaping into the dark demon mound is also a good escape route.

It's just that the method used by the red-eyed sheep demon to control the tomb spirit is also extremely good in the dark demon mound. In case of stalemate or even loss of fighting skills with Wu Chang, the red-eyed sheep demon will be extremely critical.

Naturally, Lu Xiaotian can't let the Crimson-eyed Sheep Demon have autonomy, such a pawn must be absolutely controlled in his own hands, even if he doesn't want to do anything to the Crimson-Eyed Sheep Demon, he will never give him a chance to rebel.

"So that's the case, what did brother Lu discover?" Judging from Lu Xiaotian's repeated attitude, Zhu Qi couldn't see any signs of it.

"Several old friends came together, including Wu Changlian, do you think we can be more careful?" Lu Xiaotian smiled slightly. I met him face to face once or twice, especially when I fought against him, and the other party didn't deliberately cover up his breath, so Lu Xiaotian couldn't sense it. Of course, the other party never expected to be so far apart, before they were aware of it, Lu Xiaotian sensed that something was wrong.

"Wu Changlian? He didn't go after Miss Ye?" Zhu Qi was shocked when he heard Lu Xiaotian's words. He always thought that since Wu Changlian's target was Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu, he would go after Ye Ziyu. How could he waste time on him? .

"Brother Lu means, is this a trap?" Although Zhu Qi is a pig demon, his mind is not simple. Before Lu Xiaotian entered the Yousen Ghostland with him, he sent Jin Peng to secretly follow him. Not only was Jinpeng discovered by Zhu Qi, but he was also unaware of Zhu Qi's golden cicada. At this time Lu Xiaotian said so, how could Zhu Qi not react.

"It's not impossible." Lu Xiaotian nodded. Whether Ye Ziyu has escaped or not can be known only by meeting Wu Changlian face to face. If you just turn around and leave, you will have a lot of worries in your heart, and you will feel uncomfortable instead. "It's useless to think too much, you'd better hurry up and recover. You can recover as much as you can."

"Based on my current state, I'm afraid I will only become a burden to Brother Lu outside, but I still have the strength to fight in the dark demon mound." Zhu Qi nodded. With the friendship between the two, he was not worried that Lu Xiaotian would just let it go leave him.

"You are right here. The situation is not right," Lu Xiaotian waved his hand, and a misty light enveloped Zhu Qi, and once the leisurely consciousness touched the nearby area, it would be gradually eaten away by the mask. As soon as Lu Xiaotian stepped forward, the deity flew out, but a phantom with exactly the same shape as Lu Xiaotian stayed inside the mask. In case Wu Changlian started a fight and accidentally jumped into this area, the Phantom would also be able to protect Zhu Qi, who didn't have much combat power outside at this time, so as not to be affected.

"Although the attack power of the methods in this illusory scripture is insufficient, they are really useful." Lu Xiaotian rubbed his chin, and the deity had already stepped out.

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