Become a Fairy

Chapter 2069 Curse Oath Pill

Li Danwang's side is progressing very fast. The fusion of the mud pupa demon, quicksand demon, glazed water demon and transparent jellyfish does not take much blood power. Lu Xiaotian put away the four soul-melting monsters, and then started Fusion with another six-melting soul monster mainly blue shark. Not only is it extremely fast underwater, but it is also fearless once it fights with the enemy.

Lu Xiaotian quenched and melted his soul day and night in the Liefeng Gorge. The last one has the body of a shark, the head of a carp, and the fins of an alligator. Chibi Yaomu, sword crocodile fins on both sides, there is also a ink sturgeon sac. This monster looks extremely weird, but its lines are extremely smooth, and it looks fierce and full of power.

It didn't take long for the shark-body beast to be fused, and King Li Dan sent someone to send a message, urging Lu Xiaotian to go to Yuncheng for a meeting.

At this time, Ye Ziyu was retreating in Liefeng Gorge, so Lu Xiaotian said hello to Yu Zimo and the wild boar demon respectively, and left a sound transmission talisman for Yu Zimo to hand over to Ye Ziyu later, saying that he was going to find King Li Dan Exploring the way of alchemy and researching the method of refining the Buddha dust bone-cleaning pill will take an uncertain amount of time, it may be as short as a few years or as long as decades.

When Lu Xiaotian broke through to the body-fitting state, he revealed his thoughts with Ye Ziyu, and after breaking through to the body-fitting state in mana, he went with her to find Wu Changlian. Of course, the search for Wu Changlian has not been relaxed yet. City Lord Ye has left another force for Ye Ziyu, and Lu Xiaotian is also using Yuantang's relationship to inquire about Wu Changlian's whereabouts throughout the chaotic demon realm. Wu Changlian entered the body-fit state thousands of years earlier than both of them, and his cultivation base is much more advanced. If Wu Changlian focused on avoiding, they would find each other like looking for a needle in a haystack. And both of them have just broken through to the Composite Realm not long ago. Right now, the first priority is to stabilize the realm, otherwise, if you find Wu Changlian, you may not be able to capture and kill the old monster. Instead, they startled the snake.

Arriving at the small city in the cloud with ease, Li Danwang was still half-lying on the stone chair in a senile manner, and only opened his eyes leisurely after seeing Lu Xiaotian arrived. "Are you almost ready?"

"There is still a lack of the Primordial Spirit, the monster of the Fusion Realm in the hands of King Li Dan." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Curse Oath Pill, after taking it, make an oath, go to Qianyin Temple to get me the thing from the Buddhist sect, and I will give you what you want." King Li Dan stretched out his palm, and a golden pill the size of a pigeon egg flew towards Lu Xiaotian Come on, bursts of binding power are exuding from this panacea.

"Look at this elixir, it should be some years old. The elixir that can only be refined by a fourth-rank alchemy king is no less rare than the Buddha Chen Bone Cleansing Pill. The time for Li Danwang to prepare for this matter is really not short." Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand Take the oath pill.

"This old man has long lost the extravagant hope of breaking through to the body-fitting state. To be able to live until now, there is only a little unfulfilled desire in his heart to persist. It's just a pity that no other monks in the body-fitting state are willing to try. Your strength is in the eyes of the old man. It's not the best candidate, but apart from you, I really have no other choice." Li Danwang shook his head, speaking without any regard for Lu Xiaotian's face.

Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, swallowed the oath pill directly, and then made an oath according to what King Li Dan said. This oath did not kill the mission. After all, Lu Xiaotian was not stupid and could not make an oath that he would do whatever he could if he could not complete the mission. This trip was originally a trip with many dangers, and it is good to be able to come back alive. How can I ask for more? To what extent Lu Xiaotian can do it, strength and luck are indispensable.

"This is the map of Qianyin Temple. The old man stayed in Qianyin Temple for a while, and I got it by chance. After all these years, I don't know if there will be any changes." With a smile, "Of course, even if there is a change, it's only part of it. The result of this trip depends on your own luck."

After finishing speaking, Li Dan Wang Shuang gave Lu Xiaotian several monsters of the Composite Realm together.

Except that the ice python primordial spirit in the hands of King Li Dan is in the middle stage of the body-fitting state, what surprised Lu Xiaotian was that the green eagle primordial spirit in the hands of Ming Shen's mother was also in the mid-stage of the body-fitting stage. There is a demon elephant primordial spirit in the early stage of the combined body state and a green blood centipede primordial spirit respectively.

"Looks like luck is pretty good." Every time there is one more monster in the combined state, the chance of Lu Xiaotian's survival will increase by a few points. It's a pity that Lu Xiaotian's practice of "Soul Quenching Dafa" is not enough at this time, and he can't temper and fuse the monsters and primordial spirits of the Fusion Realm, otherwise his strength will definitely be great and go further.

"You're lucky?" Li Danwang's eyes fluttered and a sly smile flashed across his face.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the smile on Li Danwang's face, Lu Xiaotian felt a little bad in his heart.

"I just got the news that Qianyin Temple has recently invited Zen Master Mingyi to give lectures and Dharma teachings at Qianyin Temple." Li Danwang said.

"That is to say, there is one more eminent monk in the Fusion Realm of Qianyin Temple. Those who can go to Qianyin Temple to teach scriptures and Dharma must not be too low in strength, at least they must be at the same level as Qianyin Temple, in the middle stage of Fusion, or in the late stage of Fusion?" Lu Xiaotian looked complex It suddenly became extremely ugly, "Why didn't you say it earlier."

"I also only got the news in the last month or so. Zen Master Mingyi is in the middle stage of the body, but you still don't have enough understanding of the Buddhist sect. Those who can be named Zen masters are top existences in the middle stage of the body. A powerful person who has entered the late stage of integration. His strength is still higher than that of Qianyin Temple. With the strange skills you practice, if you encounter Zen Master Mingyi, it will indeed be more or less ominous." King Li Dan smiled, "However, there are disadvantages and advantages. Zen Master Mingyi went to Qianyin Temple to teach scriptures and Dharma. There must be many monks rushing to Qianyin Temple from all over the world. Maybe this will be a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

"How to fish in troubled waters? Could it be that you asked me to pretend to be a monk?" Lu Xiaotian's heart moved when he heard the words, King Li Dan gave up everything for this operation. The things of Buddhism are fulfilled but wishes. He must have made a lot of preparations, King Li Dan had no grievances or enmities with him, so there was no need to make such deliberate plans and let himself die in the end.

"Well, there was a battle between the Zhuzhu Buddha Sect and the world-class powerhouse of the demon clan. The two sides swore to divide the chaotic demon realm as a buffer zone. Those who belong to both sides are not allowed to enter the chaotic demon realm. Violators will be corroded by the vow power of the soul stone in the demon realm, and their body and spirit will be annihilated to death. The chaotic demon realm is full of chaos, and the strong ones who are in the Buddha Sect can't come, but those who are in the emptiness realm can't come. Subject to this constraint, it’s just that if you come from the realm of the gods, except for alchemy like me, or some people who refine weapons and talismans, waiting for idle monks to come here will probably be life-threatening.”

"For this reason, I used some means outside the chaotic demon realm to control a few monks. I started to lay out the layout when the realm was low. Right now, one or two of them have grown to the realm of the gods, and I can let you replace them." His identity has entered Qianyin Temple."

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