Become a Fairy

Chapter 205 The Lake Tide Returns

"Time is running out. Let's go shoulder to shoulder. If you have any tricks, don't hide and tease them." Hu Qianshan shouted and sacrificed six fireballs. The temperature of the iron block is hundreds of thousands, and within a hundred feet, low-level Qi refining monks are forced by this amazing force as if they are about to suffocate. It was the demon tortoise in the stagnant water who was extremely disturbed at this moment.

The six fire beads formed a circle in the air with astonishing momentum, and smashed towards the huge tiger-striped demon tortoise. The moment it got close to the demon turtle, the circle of fire beads turned into a straight line, hitting one point of the demon turtle one after another. Even the monks at the same late stage of foundation establishment couldn't withstand a single fire bead with their bodies, but the shell of the monster turtle was extremely hard, and six of them hit it, only hitting a small dent the size of a fist. Compared to the monster turtle's huge size, this little damage is nothing at all.

Yan Tielin's khaki-yellow spear also burst out with an astonishing aura of Zhang Xu, piercing the hole on the left hind leg of the tiger-striped demon tortoise. He realized that with the tiger-striped demon tortoise's amazing defense, he picked the turtle's weakness to attack. However, the speed of the tiger-striped demon tortoise is not slow, and the body is slightly tilted, and the gun light is blocked with an extremely hard shell.

Lu Tianlin's black crutches were originally aimed at the demon turtle's head, but the demon turtle just shrank and avoided the vital point. When the black crutches were shaken back by the shell, the tiger-striped demon turtle stretched out its head again and sank into the pool , the demon turtle opened its mouth and sucked it in. After swallowing a large amount of blood, it suddenly opened its mouth to spit it out.

A huge hurricane blew out, and the blood sucked in and spit out by the tiger-striped demon turtle turned into sharp arrows of sharp cold. Hundreds of thousands. It was densely packed, and the scattered attacks naturally couldn't help the foundation-building monks, but the sudden rain of arrows was an out-and-out disaster for the Qi-refining monks. Although many foundation-building cultivators built earthen walls, and the light curtain formed by mana blocked many ice arrows, dozens of people were still shot by ice arrows, either dead or injured.

"It turns out that this evil animal cares about its descendants. Brother Yan, Brother Lu, we were all thinking about it before. If we want to attack this old turtle monster, it is better to find its disciples and grandchildren, or we can lure the snake out of its hole." Hu Qianshan Raising his hand and swiping in the air, he grinned cruelly, six fire beads shot into the water one after another, dozens of low-level monster turtles were blown into the air, and those directly hit by the fire beads were even blasted into pieces. debris.

Yan Tielin also shot into the pool knowingly, and more than a dozen low-level demon turtles were thrown out of the pool and killed one by one by other foundation-building monks.

The giant tiger-patterned tortoise roared angrily, although these human monks couldn't break through its defenses, they couldn't do anything to it. But it is also inferior to these Foundation Establishment cultivators in terms of speed. The same can't help each other.

Now Hu Qianshan, Yan Tielin, and Lu Tianlin led the foundation-building monks to attack these low-level monster turtles, causing the huge monster tortoises to roar again and again. The mountain-like body finally started to move, and angrily rushed towards the nearest foundation-building monk, and opened its mouth. A huge ice ball, the terrifying cold directly froze the low-level Qi refining monks where the ice ball passed into ice sculptures. And the cultivator at the early stage of foundation establishment was also unlucky. He sacrificed two magic weapons one after another, but they didn't work. But the body is still covered with a thin layer of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye. The gigantic tiger-striped tortoise slipped its four feet into the water, and its bulky body popped out like a cannonball. The heavy and solid turtle shell knocked this early foundation-building monk into the hard rock together with him, and others had no time to act. save.

"Haha, I got it!" After removing the giant turtle monster, Hu Qianshan controlled the fireball and threw it into the pool. The accumulated water within a radius of several feet was instantly evaporated, revealing a five-color stone the size of a millstone inside.

Lu Xiaotian watched coldly. This big monster turtle knew how to protect its disciples and grandchildren. In contrast, several masters did not hesitate to drive these low-level monks to death in order to achieve their own goals, which would only attract part of the big monster turtle's attention. But this kind of thing is really common in the world of cultivating immortals, so there is no need to be angry, as long as it doesn't affect yourself.

Roar, the gigantic tortoise rammed back again, and Hu Qianshan, Yan Tielin, and Lu Tianlin, who had already succeeded at this time, retreated violently.

"Everyone, get out of the reef cave immediately and return to the lake." Before leaving, Hu Qianshan still reminded everyone.

"Let's go!" Lu Xiaotian didn't react slowly. Originally, as the scuffle progressed, he, Lu Feng, and Lu Hui were getting closer and closer to the shore. Before Hu Qianshan could speak, he saw a few people retreating, so Lu Xiaotian secretly He greeted the Lu brothers. Jump up from the water and escape from this ghost place as soon as possible.

Suddenly, there was a tremor like a mountain shaking. Everyone present turned pale, thinking that the reef hole was about to collapse.

"No, the tide has returned to Tongtian Lake, let's go!" An experienced white-bearded old man present explained the source of the shock. Everyone present turned pale, and the tide returned to the lake. If you can't get ashore before the tide rushes back, this little life will probably be confessed here. All of a sudden everyone rushed to flee.

There were more than a thousand people present, and those who escaped the fastest were naturally those monks who established the foundation. It was not easy for low-level Qi refining monks to get rid of the entanglement of the turtles.

With a loud bang and a loud noise behind him, Lu Xiaotian glanced back with a sullen face, the huge stupid body of the huge tiger-striped demon tortoise leaped out tens of feet again, and its heavy body directly stopped in front of most of the monks.

so close! Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat. This huge monster turtle should have sensed the tide back to the lake. Before it was limited by its stature and slow to move, it was put together by Hu Qianshan's monks in the late stage of foundation building. Once the lake water was refilled from the sea. The huge monster turtle is like a fish in water, no longer restricted by the terrain, but these human monks are greatly reduced in combat power in the water. After one increase and one decrease, these human monks are no longer its opponents. The strength of this big monster turtle has reached the sixth level. Even with the melting water beads, it is far from being the opponent of this monster turtle in the water. However, if Yujian flies directly from the lake, then Lu Tianlin and Hu Qianshan, who are in the late stage of foundation building The cultivators will soon link the deaths of Lu Jinrong and Hu Bin to him, especially Lu Tianlin's pain of losing his son, and they may chase him desperately. There is no way to kill them all. That situation is too dangerous. He had to escape to the lake with the fastest speed and continue to mix in the team as a late-stage Qi refining monk, otherwise he would be in a very difficult and dangerous situation.

In the rear, hundreds of Qi Refining Cultivators and a few unlucky Foundation Establishment Cultivators who were blocked by the huge tiger-striped monster turtle rushed out desperately, at all costs. After all, staying is a dead end. The huge monster turtle opened its mouth and killed two The foundation-building monk spit out the ice ball and directly frozen hundreds of people into ice sculptures. However, even though a large number of monks were not afraid of death, more than a hundred people escaped.

No one paid attention to the tragedy in the rear, and everyone was busy running for their lives. Escaping from the attack of the tiger-striped demon tortoise was only the beginning, and only when he escaped to the shore of the lake would he be considered complete.

The foundation-building cultivator rode with a magic weapon, while the low-level Qi-refinement cultivator fled desperately. It formed a sharp contrast with the high-spiritedness when he came.

call! After some Foundation Establishment cultivators came out of the reef cave, they flew into the air with their swords, and had spare time to watch the lake tide pouring back from a distance, like a white line in the sky, churning. Although there are still a large number of low-level monks below who have not escaped, at least they have not endangered their lives. Of course, except for those who still have close relatives mixed in below and did not escape. But this is not a big problem, they can't save everyone, but for the most important few, it's still no problem, and several magic weapons can also be carried.

Lu Xiaotian and the Lu brothers were mixed among hundreds of people. Back then, the three major families had a large number of casual cultivators, and there were more than 3,000 qi refining cultivators who entered the reef cave. At this time, there were only five or six hundred people who left the reef cave, and it was not known how many survived in the end. The tide to return to the lake was imminent.


There was chaos at the scene, and they rushed to the shore to escape. At this time, the already invincible Foundation Establishment Master also began to rescue the Qi Refining Cultivator below. However, only 17 of the more than 30 Foundation Establishment cultivators survived at this time, and the remaining dozen of them all perished in the reef cave. Only a few dozen people managed to escape to the shore, and more than a hundred people were rescued by the Foundation Establishment monks in time. The rest were swallowed by the monstrous lake tide, and they were swept away by the tide in a blink of an eye.

"It's dangerous." Lu Feng, Lu Hui, and Lu Xiaotian were standing on the shore of the lake at this time, looking at the monks of the same level who were swept away, and they couldn't help but sigh.

"After this incident, the vitality of our three major families has been seriously injured. If we want to recover, we don't know when we will have to wait." Yan Tielin sighed as he looked at the sparse crowd on the lakeshore. Not only the Qi refining monks, but also the Foundation Establishment disciples who are the core of the family, also lost nearly half at this time.

Hu Qianshan said, "As long as Daozang can be opened, everything is worth it. These low-level monks are no longer of much use. I think it's not too late to let them rush to Wangyue City by themselves. Let's go to Hunyuan Daozang immediately. .”

Lu Tianlin put on a serious face, turned his eyes away from the many low-level casual cultivators, and looked at these people over and over again, but found nothing wrong. Could it be that the black hand lurking among the crowd is really dead? In this lake tide?

Seeing Hu Qianshan and Yan Tielin soaring into the sky with their respective family monks, Lu Tianlin waved his hand, and followed Yukong with the Lu family's Foundation Establishment monks.

The remaining one hundred or so qi refining monks had already lost their hearts, and most of them planned to follow the Patriarch's order and rush to Wangyue City. After all, those who survived this disaster have made a lot of money. After surviving a near death, they have no interest in continuing to take risks for the time being.

"Do you two remember the approximate location of Hunyuan Daozang? After the foundation cultivators of the three major families left, the three of them left the big team. Lu Xiaotian looked at Lu Feng, and Lu Hui said

"It's about the foundation building of our two brothers, so I dare not forget about it." Lu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Although I have stayed in the Lu family for more than ten years and even changed my surname, the Lu family can't do it at all. I didn't regard our two brothers as our own, so I can only rely on myself in terms of cultivation."

"Alright, then let's go." Lu Xiaotian waved his hand, and the ground-splitting knife flew out. Under an irresistible force, Lu Feng and Lu Hui flew together with Lu Xiaotian to the rapidly enlarged golden body. above the knife.

"This, this, this is, Lu, Lu Dao, not Senior Lu!" Lu Feng and the two stammered for a while, and they couldn't believe that they had been together for so long, and they escaped from the mud before, like clay figurines Lu Xiaotian, unexpectedly, will be a foundation cultivator. This is a bit too unbelievable for them.

"What, is it surprising?" Lu Xiaotian sat on the other end of the Earth Splitter and asked.

"Naturally, I was very surprised. Since Senior Lu has such a cultivation level, he was directly regarded by the Patriarch as the most honored guest minister back then. Why did he get mixed up with us low-level monks?" Lu Feng's mind turned a little faster after all. , quickly boldly asked.

"Originally, I just wanted to follow the team to look back at Yuecheng, but I didn't expect to learn about Hunyuan Daozang through your mouths. My purpose is naturally to enter Hunyuan Daozang. Since you remember the location, it would be great." Lu Xiaotian said calmly. He said with a smile, in fact, Hu Qianshan's dozen or so foundation-building monks flew across the sky and left a lot of aura fluctuations. If it was three late-stage foundation-building masters, he might not be able to catch the other party's traces, but the seventeen Among the basic cultivators, there are also many relatively low-level ones, and it is not too difficult to track them all the way. Lu Feng and Lu Hui are just his back-ups. If he fails to track him down, he can rely on them to find him.

"Remember, remember, I have offended Senior Lu before, please forgive me." Lu Feng nodded quickly, remembering that Lu Xiaotian was cheated out of the residence and threatened, Lu Feng and Lu Hui couldn't help it. Sweating madly, threatening a senior Foundation Establishment, this is probably the most daring thing the two of them have ever done in their life.

"It doesn't matter, those who don't know are not guilty. Besides, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know about Hunyuan Daozang. As long as I can go in, the benefits of you two brothers will be indispensable. If there is Jizhu Dan in Daozang, I don't need it." I can give you two brothers whatever you want." Lu Xiaotian threw the remaining bottle of Huiyuan Pill to Lu Feng, maybe he will know about Hunyuan Daozang among the monks of the three major families sooner or later, but the two brothers Looking for him in advance made him go back to Wangyue City to get the Fire Dragon Scale Armor. With this extremely powerful defensive magic weapon, Lu Xiaotian naturally has more confidence.

"Thank you, Senior Lu! Senior Lu has treated our two brothers so kindly, so we naturally have to do like dogs and horses." Lu Hui took the pill bottle and expressed his thanks repeatedly.

Lu Feng also nodded greatly. They stayed in Lu's house for so long, but they didn't get much benefit. On the contrary, following Lu Xiaotian, they got two Huiyuan Pills, and there was no conflict of interest with Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian needed The spiritual objects in Lu Xiaotian's hands are not something that the two of them can get their hands on. Hearing the promise made by Lu Xiaotian, the two brothers were overjoyed.

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