Become a Fairy

Chapter 2039 Wild Boar Ridge

He didn't dare to ask, the entire Chaotic Demon Realm, the Chaotic Demon Realm has not heard of a cultivator in the Void Realm who has advanced to the Composite Realm over the years. Who would have thought that Lu Xiaotian, who was almost reduced to the public enemy of the entire Chaos Demon Realm and the Void Realm decades ago, could break through to the Composite Realm. And there is one more companion in the Composite Realm.

In addition, this simple and honest young man was also extremely puzzled. There are countless places that Yehuo Field is better than Yezhu Ridge. Even if you are a guest, you will not come to a place like Wild Boar Ridge as a guest. As for seeking revenge, it seems that with the wealth on the Wild Boar Ridge, he can't afford to be the fit old monster himself.

"Okay, you can go back." Lu Xiaotian flicked his finger, and the low-grade spirit crystals in a small sumeru bag flew towards the honest young man.

The honest young man didn't dare to count in Lu Xiaotian's face, for fear of annoying the other party, not to mention that the other party was willing to give some spiritual crystals, even if they didn't let him do something, he would definitely not dare to say no, chaotic demon realm, fit together It is much easier for a strong person to kill a junior than to crush a chicken.

After getting out of Lu Xiaotian's sight, the honest young man felt uneasy, and flew hundreds of miles away before opening the sumeru bag. There were only hundreds of low-grade spirit crystals, but compared to getting these low-grade spirit crystals when he took a trip, This return is also extremely high.

Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu landed on Wild Boar Ridge. This Wild Boar Ridge is worthy of its name. There are a lot of red fire mulberries growing on them, and the tall spirit mulberries are full of fire, like dragons and snakes. As for under the mulberry tree, groups of wild boars can be seen from time to time, with different levels of cultivation, most of them are still low-level, maintaining the state of wild beasts. Only a very few begin to take form. The level of cultivation of the monster race in this world is different, some are talented, and some of the human blood can start partial transformation at a low level. And like the wild boar demon, even if it is cultivated to the stage of transformation, it can only manifest a standing shape after barely strengthening its shape, and it is difficult for its limbs and head to become similar to that of a human race.

Lu Xiaotian didn't disturb the other wild boar monsters all the way, and his consciousness spread, and there was nothing special in this wild boar ridge that could affect his consciousness. Lu Xiaotian is in the mulberry forest, within a radius of 800 li, he can control everything.

From the breakthrough to the body cultivation, Lu Xiaotian enjoyed the process of releasing his consciousness very much. He felt that within this field, he was the master of this field, with a radius of 800 miles, like a small world. Compared with before Not the same. The area of ​​Wild Boar Ridge is not too big, with a radius of no more than ten thousand miles, and the core area is only about a thousand miles away. With Lu Xiaotian's current Yuanshen, he found it without much effort.

"You stupid pigs, let me tell you, when I was your age, I practiced hard every day, but now you are doing better, you are lazy and don't want to make progress."

At this time, in the core area of ​​Wild Boar Ridge, on a high platform, a sturdy wild boar monster sat there with a big horse and a golden sword, with one hand on his waist, and the other pointing at a group of relatively lower-level siblings in front of him, his mouth crackled. Like setting off firecrackers, it went on and on for a while, without repeating a word, and the saliva flew a few feet away. There was a strange look on Lu Xiaotian's face, the forest is really big, there are all kinds of pigs, some are delicious, and some are lazy. Zhu Qi is a nagging guy, it's really not something ordinary people can bear, it's nothing more than a higher level of cultivation than him, and he can still suppress this guy. If the cultivation base is lower than him, he will be trained like a grandson like those wild boar monsters with relatively low cultivation bases.

However, Zhu Qi has no bad intentions, but he just endured his croaking for a while, which is much stronger than some leaders with deep scheming and vicious methods. There are some bloodthirsty monsters who take human life at every turn. In comparison, these wild boar monsters are considered lucky.

Suddenly, Lu Xiaotian's eyes froze, and he saw two fire bear demons and an old man in brown flying in the air, making no effort to hide his domineering aura. The eyes of some wild boar demons below were flickering fiercely, facing the three outsiders. The intruder howled endlessly. Although the opponent's cultivation base was stronger than these wild boar demons, this was the old lair of the wild boar demons, and they were afraid of three outsiders.

"Presumptuous, you all back down." Zhu Qi and a few wild boar monsters with higher cultivation levels quickly stopped the restlessness of the group, lest there would be a fight for nothing. You know how big the world is beyond Wild Boar Ridge. I don't know how tyrannical and ignoring the outside forces are, Yezhuling seems to have a lot of ethnic groups, but in fact, whether it is Yuan Tang or Dongyi Xionghuang's subordinates, it will not take much effort to destroy Yezhuling. He didn't even need to move a finger like Dongyi Xionghuang.

"Guests, I don't know why you come to such a remote place as Wild Boar Ridge. If there is anything like last time, just summon me there, why don't you guys come here in person." The wild boar demon put away The croaking just now greeted him with a smile on his face. The attitude seemed extremely humble.

"This time I came to see the terrain of Wild Boar Ridge. Next time I come, I will directly lead the rear to encircle and suppress it." The leader, the Fire Bear Demon, landed on the high platform, squinted at the Wild Boar Demon, and did not pay attention to Zhu Qi at all. inside.

The other three wild boar demons who had just set foot in the Divine Void Realm, and several deity-transforming pig demons immediately looked horrified when they heard what the fire bear demon said.

"Here, where do the distinguished guests start from? Wild Boar Ridge has always been respectful to Dongyi Xionghuang and Yuantang, and I have always been knowledgeable about the envoys' inquiries, and I have nothing to say." After Lie Qi's complexion changed for a while, he said with a smile on his face.

"Know everything, talk endlessly, I think this is over." The brown-clothed old man suddenly shouted violently, his voice was like thunder, "Wu, that pig demon, how dare you lie to Yuantang and Dongfang?" One Bear Emperor and two parts."

The visitor was not kind, and there were beads of sweat oozing from Zhu Qi's forehead at this time, but Zhu Qi still did not lose his position, "Is there anything that Zhu Qi didn't do well, please ask the envoys to make it clear, Zhu Qi must correct it. .”

"You said earlier that you had a normal relationship with that Lu Xiaotian, and the old man believed it at that time. Who would have thought that you would even dare to lie to the old man. In the dark demon tomb, you have a strong relationship with that Lu Xiaotian, so don't think that God doesn't know it. With the power of Yuantang and Dongyi Xionghuang, unless you don't want to know, you can dig out any secrets."

"Now if you are willing to tell the truth about the past with Lu Xiaotian, you can still let the past go. If you are stubborn, do you really think that Dongyi Xionghuang and Yuantang can't be fooled? This is your last chance. In fact, the whole Wild Boar Ridge will not be left alone!" The leader of the Fire Bear Demon said in a sinister tone.

Now, beads of sweat rolled down Zhu Qi's forehead, Zhu Qi couldn't tell that the fire bear demon and the old man in brown were deceiving him.

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