Become a Fairy

Chapter 2036 Soul Quenching Dafa

Within a hundred miles around Lu Xiaotian as the center, blood-colored monsters are manifesting between the surging magnetic power and the spiritual power of heaven and earth. After a while, a country of bloody monsters was formed. But upon closer inspection, these monsters were stained with some purple-gold color of Yuan Magnetic Power. Eagles fly in the sky, dogs walk on the ground, within a hundred miles, among the small mountains, tigers roar and monkeys sing, and crows perch on branches.

At this time, not to mention those monsters floating around like stones, even Lu Xiaotian was also very surprised. Some of these monsters were formed by fusion, and some were originally like this, but without exception, they were all used to attack the fusion state before. The spirit of monsters and beasts used in Soul Dafa. These monster spirits had already been shattered by the violent Yuan Magnetic force. At this time, Lu Xiaotian has passed the most difficult period, he is receiving the power of heaven and earth, and the power of Yuan Magnetic, and his middle dantian is also expanding rapidly. It's just that those monster spirits that were scattered are still cruising in the void. Lu Xiaotian originally thought that they should have dissipated long ago, but he felt the existence of these monster spirits in the process of receiving spiritual energy. With the movement of consciousness, these monster spirits regrouped one by one, and then manifested. Moreover, after being dispersed by the power of Yuan Magnetic, the spirit of this monster has already fused part of the power of Yuan Magnetic while cruising in the void within a radius of a hundred miles. The original blood color naturally came with a streak of purple gold, which made it look even more miraculous.

Moreover, during the process of these blood-colored monsters appearing, Lu Xiaotian discovered a very strange phenomenon. Among these blood-purple monsters that appeared, there was a layer of natural affinity than before. Lu Xiaotian was blessed to his heart, and with a move of his consciousness, the spirits of the chicken, lion, deer, and fish nearby were directly fused to form a strange beast with the head of a lion and the body of a deer, with a tail of a chicken, and covered with fish scales.

Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but look happy when he saw this, and then he began to control the five monsters of ape, python, horse, falcon, and ant to fuse them together, and it was also water. It was only when trying to fuse the six kinds of monsters with their primordial spirit that it was extremely difficult, and after a while they couldn't hold on before they suddenly dispersed.

"I didn't expect the four fused souls and the five fused souls to be cultivated in this way." Lu Xiaotian looked happy. Although the six fused souls could not be completed in one go, the process was much smoother than when the three fused souls were cultivated before, and after a few attempts, they could reach the height of the six fused souls. Every time one more type of spirit is incorporated into it, the Soul Melting Dafa will greatly increase the strength of the fighting method.

When Lu Xiaotian used the soul-melting method after breaking through again, a formula suddenly appeared in his mind, "Quenching the soul!" At the beginning when he was cultivating to the realm of the gods and the body, the soul war pearl burst in his body, and Lu Xiaotian only felt this skill. That's the end of the method, and we can only increase the number of fused souls and improve our strength. Unexpectedly, at this time, another side formula appeared. It seems that the Soul War Soul Orb has not really disappeared in the body, but exists in another unique way.

Lu Xiaotian quickly memorized the soul-quenching formula by heart. From the original soul-swallowing method to the subsequent soul-melting method, this secret technique had a great influence on Lu Xiaotian's strength. At this time, he just took a look at this soul-quenching method, and Lu Xiaotian felt more and more mysterious about this method, and couldn't help feeling like The urge to wow. This method of quenching the soul is not only a way to refine and purify the primordial spirit of monsters, but also a way to repeatedly practice and improve one's own primordial spirit. There are very few exercises that can improve the primordial spirit, and the soul quenching in this method is undoubtedly the best among them.

Moreover, Lu Xiaotian needed to practice the Soul Melting Dafa, and the higher the level of the monster spirit that was fused later, the better. After all, with Lu Xiaotian's current state, if the level of the monster's primordial spirit is too low, it won't be of much help to Lu Xiaotian's fighting skills. But high-level monsters are like the top of a pyramid, especially when they reach the state of integration, the entire chaotic monster domain doesn't add up much, and they can't even meet Lu Xiaotian's training needs, let alone use them to fight against the enemy later.

This soul quenching technique solves the worries in this area. It tempers the souls of low-level monsters to make them more pure, and then fuses the souls of the same kind of monsters together to obtain a powerful monster. of. As for how strong it can be, it depends not only on the refined spirit, but also on the level of attainment of the caster.

After memorizing the formulas of "Soul Quenching Dafa", Lu Xiaotian gathered his attention back. Focus on the hundreds of blood-purple-gold-colored monster spirits scattered throughout the mountains. After fusing the power of Yuan Magnetic, these monster spirits are not only easier to fuse, but also more numerous than before. There is a kind of solidification.

As soon as Lu Xiaotian's consciousness moved, these monster spirits roared and birds sang, and Lu Xiaotian's body was ignited with fighting spirit.

"Not to mention the soul-melting method, just controlling so many monster spirits is also a great supernatural power." Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered, a single monster spirit is not very powerful, but so many The number is superimposed, and the power of Yuan Magnetic and the power of his own blood are combined. Within his own domain, the combat power is extremely impressive. It can also be regarded as a unique supernatural power that I cultivated after I became a body repairer.

But this supernatural power has no name, so Lu Xiaotian pondered for a while, and called it "A Hundred Beasts Crying".

Lu Xiaotian held Fang Tian's painting halberd, leaning towards the sky trace, and the thirteen primordial spirits spread out, including the main primordial spirit. Together with the power of the blood gang, they were all sublimated by the power of primordial magnetism and the spiritual power of heaven and earth. . The spiritual consciousness spread like a tide, one hundred miles, two hundred miles, until it reached more than eight hundred miles before it stopped slowly. After advancing to the body level of body cultivation, Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit has been greatly improved again. The range covered by the spiritual consciousness alone has reached an astonishing eight hundred miles. It is rare for other post-combination great powers to reach this level.

Of course, this is without harassment. If it is in some special places, such as ghost domains, and places with strong magnetic power, the detection range will be greatly affected. Some magic weapons can also evade the detection of spiritual consciousness.

However, the breakthrough of Yuan Shentong achieved such an amazing refreshment, which was beyond Lu Xiaotian's expectation.

With the expansion of his consciousness, Fang Tian's painted halberd also burst into astonishing light, as if declaring to the world that a peerless spiritual weapon appeared in this reborn way.

This state lasted for more than ten days, and the magnetic vortex in the sky gradually became smaller, and the blood-colored beasts from the eight directions were also thrown into the magnetic vortex. Lu Xiaotian's not-so-big mouth suddenly opened at this time, as if swallowing the sky, and suddenly sucked the magnetic vortex that was still amazing and looked hundreds of feet long into his abdomen.

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