Become a Fairy

Chapter 2023 Fierce Fighting Old Demons

"It doesn't matter if I pick up your ten swords." Lu Xiaotian's retreating figure stopped, and his body floated in front of him again. Fang Tian painted a halberd across the sky, like the collapse of the sky, and the soul-melting Dafa! The power of the blood gang in the body merged with a fused spirit of a monster, and his aura was even higher than before. A halberd fell, like the collapse of the sky.

The middle-aged man in the blue armor stretched out his hand, and a flying sword wrapped in a red round cover turned around, facing Lu Xiaotian without showing any weakness, and the swords and halberds struck each other. With the strength of his body-fit state, even if he enters the demon mound and is suppressed to a certain extent, the body-fit state is the body-fit state, and even with the same strength, the lethality he exerts is not the same. It's like the difference between holding the same knife in the hands of ordinary people and peerless swordsmen. Moreover, the strong body is suppressed, after all, it is stronger than the God Void Realm.

Those eight demon corpses refined with his demon blood were powerful, but they couldn't hold back Ye Ziyu. Ye Ziyu's injuries until now were probably caused by his attack. It's just that the head of the Piaozi Sword Art practiced by the other party is really no small matter, and it still has enough strength to support it all the way until now. Originally, the blue-armored middle-aged plan was to consume Ye Ziyu to death, and after consuming more of Ye Ziyu's strength, accumulate small injuries into major injuries, and finally take Ye Ziyu's life. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaotian came here at this juncture.

However, the blue-armored middle-aged man still feels that he is still in control of the matter, and with his strength, killing a junior in the Void Realm is still not something he can do in his pocket. Even if the kid in front of him is far stronger than the same level, as long as he doesn't have a promotion and fit, there is always a way to deal with him.

Hum. Two powerful forces collided, Fang Tian's painted halberd and the blue-armored middle-aged red sword embryo were at loggerheads, with the two of them at the center, the burst of sword energy and blood gang became the center of the storm, rolling logs around, Sand and stone flew away.

In another violent explosion, Lu Xiaotian and the middle-aged man in the blue armor floated back. This time, the distance of the two of them was about tens of feet, and the middle-aged man in the blue armor looked even more surprised. There is no reservation. In this case, it is still impossible to get the slightest bargain. Judging from the pureness of the blood power of this kid in front of him, he is definitely just a junior in the Void Realm.

"No wonder no one has done anything to you in the dark demon mound all these years. Below the combined state, you are well-deserved number one." The blue-armored middle-aged man withdrew his previous contempt. Most of his news about Lu Xiaotian and Ye Ziyu It is through investigation, and at this time, I have a clear understanding when I personally fight against each other.

"That's a lot of nonsense." Lu Xiaotian's eyes were cold, and he didn't have the slightest fear of facing the strong man of the fit state in the dark demon mound. Although he had to use the soul melting method to achieve an equal share with the opponent, but under the suppressed situation in the demon mound, Just use those fused monster spirits, but there is no need to waste the remaining Weishuo Eagle King spirit and another fusion spirit. There is quite a lot of such fused spirits in his hand, and he will not worry about running out of them in a while.

Lu Xiaotian raised his hand, and Fang Tian's painting halberd turned into many phantoms, and crushed away with a destructive aura.

"Boy, I really think that I can rest easy if I can block the two attacks of this demon." After the middle-aged man in the blue armor was surprised, he laughed again. The body of the Hidden Demon Sword floated in the void, carrying the billowing demon energy and strangling Fang Tian's painting halberd again. As a combined boss, the blue-armored middle-aged man has more means than that. From his black and red pupils, a black sharp blade suddenly shot out, and the edge of the sharp blade flickered with red light.

"Attack of primordial spirits." Lu Xiaotian's heart shuddered, it seemed that the supernatural powers that this middle-aged man in blue armor had cultivated besides the Hidden Demon Sword Embryo were no small matter. Lu Xiaotian has been walking in the world of cultivating immortals so far, and this is the first time he has encountered an attack from a primordial spirit. This kind of attack is extremely rare and extremely dangerous. Especially in the case of crossing a large realm like this, the difference in primordial spirit is too great. When a cultivator in the Void Realm encounters a combined old monster and uses this supernatural power, he will almost die. This is also the reason why the blue-armored old devil is so determined.

Without the restraint of the blue-armored old demon, Ye Ziyu's Piaomiao sword tires criss-crossed, killing the eight blue-armored demon corpses back one after another. After all, Ye Ziyu has become a body sword cultivator, and Piao Miao's sword art is extremely overbearing. With these demon corpses alone, Ye Ziyu couldn't do anything.

Although the blue-armored old devil's cultivation is deeper than that of Ye Ziyu, if he is outside, it is not a big problem to suppress Ye Ziyu in a frontal fight, but he can do nothing when he is suppressed in the Dark Demon Territory. Do not leave leaves. Relying on the demon corpses he refined before, he gained the upper hand from the sidelines and caused Ye Ziyu some injuries. But now that he is held back by Lu Xiaotian, if the demon corpse he worked so hard to refine is destroyed, not to mention ruining his hard work over the years, he will kill Lu Xiaotian later, and Ye Ziyu can't do anything about it.

In this case, the blue-armored old devil naturally wants to make a quick decision, let's deal with Lu Xiaotian.

The sharp magic blade pointed directly at the center of Lu Xiaotian's eyebrows. It didn't look fast, but in fact, the magic blade had already covered a radius of more than ten miles. No matter how fast Lu Xiaotian was, it couldn't be faster than the magic blade formed by divine consciousness . The magic blade seems to be far away from Lu Xiaotian, but it is actually just an illusion. At this time, Lu Xiaotian felt a slight pain between his brows, and the sharp edge of the opponent's magic blade had already begun to attack his sea of ​​consciousness.

Except for the Demon-Suppressing Tower on Lu Xiaotian's body, the relics have a certain defense against this kind of magic attack. There is no other magic weapon to defend against spiritual attacks. Moreover, Lu Xiaotian himself has not cultivated the supernatural powers of divine consciousness attacks. If the primordial spirit is released, it will spread uncontrollably, and he cannot compete with this magic blade outside.

It's just that this magic blade wants to invade Lu Xiaotian's body at this time, but it is beyond self-control. Lu Xiaotian's soul is fighting locally in the body, no matter the flexibility or the strength of the consciousness, it is more powerful than the blue-armored old devil in front of him. point. Dozens of Dao Primordial Spirits surrounded the magic blade and attacked fiercely. The magic blade formed by this consciousness was defeated without any suspense. And these consciousnesses were directly erased by Lu Xiaotian.

It took a lot of consciousness for the blue-armored old devil to condense this magic blade, and he was directly obliterated by Lu Xiaotian, hurting the primordial spirit. Even the blue-armored old devil suddenly felt a pain like a knife in his head.

"How is it possible!" After the blue-armored old devil spit out a big mouthful of blood, he looked at Lu Xiaotian in disbelief, as if he saw a ghost. Spiritual attacks are extremely dangerous, and if they are not hurting others, they are hurting themselves. Not only are they dangerous to the opponent, but they are also a threat to themselves. The blue-armored old devil had used this magical power even when he was fighting with monks of the same level before, and he still took advantage of the opponent's magic weapon of divine sense defense. This junior of the human race in front of him can actually make him suffer such a big loss, what kind of treasure does the other party have?

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