Become a Fairy

Chapter 202: Cold Midge Spider

"Quick, retreat quickly!" The two Yan family who had already rushed ahead, and the two Hu family's foundation-building monks, only one of them was in the middle stage of foundation-building. Facing such a large number of cold midge spiders, they were no opponents at all, and Yan Ming, the leader, was no match. The figure recedes rapidly. While terrified in my heart, I was also somewhat lucky. The speed of those qi refining monks was not as fast as his. With these qi refining monks standing in front, they should be able to delay the opponent's speed by a certain amount. Under the circumstances, it is not a problem to hold the ground and kill these cold midge spiders.

It's just that the progress of things is always beyond people's expectations. More little cold midges rush out like a tide. When several of their foundation-building masters retreat in panic, the monks in the Qi refining stage are even more heartless and scramble to be the first. Back away. With the eight long legs of a few huge black giant cold midge spiders moving in unison, their speed is no slower than that of a foundation-building monk. Those eight long legs are as strong as gold and stone, which is the best weapon. The bursts of cold air emitted are also the best weapon. After the qi refining monks who come into contact with them are frozen and stiff, once they encounter them, they will be massacred one-sidedly, and it is impossible to slow down the opponent's speed.

"Brother, what should we do?" Lu Hui was terrified when he saw the spider swarm rushing in like a tide. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were overwhelmed by the spider swarm, besieged and eaten by several cold midge spiders, and there were no bones left. Such a tragic image is creepy.

"What can be done, of course, retreat, the sooner the better." Lu Feng also trembled, even the Foundation Establishment cultivators retreated in panic, he could have a way.

"Although these cold midge spiders are scary, as long as the big families come to their senses, they can still be cleaned up. Let's retreat for a while, but we can't retreat to the back, otherwise those seniors who catch up will come for the sake of To stop the decline, it is likely to kill a few people to deter the retreating monks. Let's grab a good position first, so as to deal with the situation of the spider group fighting behind." Seeing that the two had lost their minds, Lu Xiaotian still relied on the two brothers Going to Hunyuan Daozang, I naturally don't want any accidents to happen to them.

The spider swarm was like a rainbow. On the other hand, when the monks of the three major families took the lead in retreating, their morale was lost and they retreated one after another. And because Yan Ming, who was at the forefront before, now directly bears the pressure of several high-level cold midge spiders. With the thick long legs of the cold midge spiders waving one after another, Yan Ming swung his sharp ax and blocked a few strikes one after another, but faced with the successive attacks of three high-level cold midge spiders rushing to the front, he couldn't cope for a while. Unable to be rescued in time, a cold midge spider spit out a black thread and stuck to Yu Ming's legs.

Even though Yan Ming was a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he couldn't help screaming at this time, his fists were no match for four hands. Among the four Foundation Establishment cultivators, the other two belonged to other families. How could they be among the spiders? For him to fight desperately with monsters in this dangerous situation, even though he didn't escape directly, under the hurdle of life and death, facing the spider swarms that are advancing bravely, just a hesitation will become the difference between victory and defeat in an instant.

Amidst the shrill screams, a thick spider leg pierced through the lower abdomen of Yan Ming, a middle-stage foundation-establishment monk, and in a blink of an eye, Yan Ming was frozen into a big ice cube, and even the primordial spirit was sealed in it.

Yan Ming's death exacerbated the panic of others. Fortunately, the panic here has alarmed the attention of the main monks of the three major families. Dozens of figures flew towards them, led by two masters, Yan Tielin and Lu Tianlin. Thousands of Qi refining monks also rushed back.

Not long after entering the reef cave, he lost Yan Ming, a powerful middle-stage foundation-building monk. As a family member, Yan Tielin was even more furious. He took the lead with a yellow ape gun with simple patterns in his hand and swept it away. The Qi Refining Cultivator who retreated in panic was cut in half.

"Everyone, follow me to slay monsters, and those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"

The thunderous vibrato made people's eardrums tremble, and before everyone recovered, Yan Tielin's shot had already pierced a thick spider leg. Yan Tielin, who was in the late stage of the construction period, shot out with anger, and the sharp spear light broke a thick leg of the cold midge spider, and the huge cold midge spider flew back tens of feet.

"Kill!" The high-level cold midge spiders were blocked by Yan Tielin and other ten masters, and the courage of the large number of Qi-refining monks naturally grew stronger, and they were not afraid to fight against the low-level spiders. They fled in despair before, but with their strength, they couldn't fight high-level monsters at all.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, fortunately you reminded us in time, otherwise the few of us might not have died in those spider swarms, and we were probably shot and killed by the head of the Yan family just now."

Lu Hui's back was still a little chilly at this time, because when they found the spirit thing before, they kept restraint and did not rush up to join in the fun. They were originally at the back of the team. If they escaped with all their strength just now, the fastest escape would definitely be It's them. But right now, the dozen or so people who fled to the front were all killed by Yan Tielin in anger. If Lu Xiaotian hadn't reminded them in time, they might be the two brothers who fell on the ground now.

"That's right. Thinking about it, it's really dangerous." Lu Feng, who was usually bold, broke out in a cold sweat at this moment.

"There are more than a dozen Foundation Establishment seniors standing in front, these spiders are no longer to be feared, but they need to be dealt with carefully, thousands of cold midge spiders are not a joke." Lu Xiaotian said quietly.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, don't worry, the three of us advance and retreat together. As long as we are not blinded by the interests in front of us, we will not be in too much danger." Lu Feng said, as long as he does not encounter those high-level cold midge spiders, he still has confidence To deal with it, after all, although the low-level demon spiders are powerful, their spiritual intelligence is not as good as that of high-level monsters. What's more, these monks also have healing medicines, mana-supplementing pills, spirit stones, etc. The means are not comparable to low-level monster spiders.

Once the biggest survival crisis is resolved at this time, a large number of Qi refining monks will come back. After all, the material of the cold midge spider, the demon core, is also very valuable, and killing one can make a small profit.

Lu Xiaotian, Lu Feng, and Lu Hui formed a triangle shape, constantly switching to the front, and then taking turns to rest. Although they didn't scramble forward, but this kind of cooperation was relatively tacit, and the speed of killing the cold midge spider was faster than that of ordinary monks who practiced great perfection.

While fighting the low-level cold midge spiders, Lu Xiaotian also had a panoramic view of the battle between Yan Tielin and other foundation builders and the high-level cold midge spiders. Compared with the cold midge spiders that were given by Gao, the number of foundation-building monks from the three major families has an absolute advantage. Later, Lu Tianlin, the head of the Lu family, also joined the battle group. Under the earth-type spears, when the two of them worked together to trap and kill the only seventh-level cold midge spider, the other four-level to sixth-level cold midge spiders, which were equivalent to the middle stage of foundation establishment, were also killed by more than ten other cold midge spiders. The basic monks were surrounded and killed.

Losing the command of the high-level monsters, the remaining group of low-level monster spiders fell into chaos, and were strangled by the foundation-building monks. The morale of the other monks in the refining period was like a rainbow. After two hours, they dropped more than 2,000 spiders. The corpses of the low-level cold midge spiders were scattered everywhere. However, in this fierce battle, more than 200 low-level monks died, and Yan Ming was the only foundation-building monk who fell.

No one cares about the remaining small group of spiders, but after the incident with the cold midge spider, everyone became more cautious. Next, everyone continued to search, not letting go of the low-dust pools or dark stone crevices that passed by along the way. The foundation-building monk commanded a large number of Qi-refining monks to dig three feet into the ground to search all the way.

After staying in the vast reef cave for more than three hours in a row, Hu Qianshan, Lu Tianlin, and Yan Tielin couldn't help but look sad when they got together.

"It's only more than an hour before the tidal influx. If we still can't find what we want, we can only return in vain." Yan Tielin said with an ugly expression.

"I thought it was a very easy task, but who knew that the rocky cave would be so big. Fortunately, we have almost searched now, and only a few hidden places have not been touched because they are too dangerous. Before taking into account the following Human life, now it seems that we have to pay some price, we have waited for more than ten years, we can't wait for more than ten years, wasting years." Lu Tianlin said in a deep and authentic tone.

"There are only three most dangerous places. One is a long-standing cold pool, the other is the previous cold midge and spider cave, and the other is the cave of the tiger-striped demon tortoise. The strength of the tiger-striped demon tortoise has already It's close to the peak of foundation building, and we can't break through its defense with a tortoise shell. We can only drive a large number of cultivators in to attract its attention. We can't go deep into the cold pool, so we can only give up. As for the cold midge spider cave, there are hundreds of low-level demon spiders inside, which is also a big trouble. It is necessary to send a few foundation-building monks to lead a team into the cave to search. In short, at all costs." Hu Qianshan's eyes flashed sharply, and he said decisively.

"In that case, let's do it this way." Yan Tielin looked gloomy, and made a quick decision after a little hesitation. Although it is not easy to cultivate a family, as long as there is a slight possibility of becoming a Golden Core cultivator, it is worth taking the risk. They only need to ensure the safety of their closest descendants, and it doesn't matter what happens to the others.

Once the three masters made a decision, they immediately took action, and Lu Xiaotian, a group of monks, was ordered to enter the cave of the cold midge spider. With the previous strict education, these foundation-building monks are very cautious, and they don't take risks easily, but let a large number of Qi-refining monks serve as cannon fodder. Although the spider group was severely injured, there were still hundreds of them retreating to their nests. Now the Qi Refining Cultivator entered its lair, desperate. The trapped beast is still fighting, and these cold midge spiders have been completely aroused to be ferocious. The dozen or so qi refining monks who entered first entered screamed one after another, and there was a lot of fighting. Lu Jinrong, who was in charge of supervising the team, waved his hand with a face, and the second team of Qi Refining Cultivators was also driven into the lair.

"It seems that the higher-ups are really cruel, and they don't hesitate to kill people like this." Lu Hui gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"Go in, look at the faces of these people, disobeying orders, I'm afraid there will be no good end." Lu Feng's face was dark, and he was driven into the spider colony at this time. Facing the desperate counterattack of hundreds of cold midge spiders, he entered first. It is almost impossible for dozens of monks to survive. But Jin is dead, and disobeying orders will only die faster. Like everyone else, they were also driven to the shelves, but there was nothing they could do. Fortunately, I still have the Yuanhui Pill in my hand. If the mana is exhausted and I can take it for a longer period of time, the chance of survival is much higher than other people.

Without much hesitation, a group of people entered the cold midge spider's nest with fear and apprehension. As soon as he stepped inside, a gust of cold hit his face, even though it was already in the late stage of Qi refining, he was shivering from the cold, dozens of cold midge spiders rushing forward screaming, desperate.

This place is strange, even if it is cold, with his foundation-building cultivation, he can see the bottom of the nest with spiritual eyesight, and the further you go in, the colder the colder, these cold midge spiders are so talented, they don't even think about it. Afraid of this extreme cold. Half of the dozen or so monks who came in before them were dead, and almost all the rest were injured. When they saw Lu Xiaotian and his team coming in, they hurriedly crowded together again, hoping to form a group to meet the enemy. Under the desperate counterattack of the spider swarm, several people died in the blink of an eye, but in this situation, they still had to push forward to make room for the monks behind to come in.

In the eyes of others, Lu Xiaotian seemed to have struggled with the monster spider for a period of time. Almost everyone was a little bit unsustainable in this cold. It was okay to fight outside the lair, with more people and more strength. After entering the lair, they have to use their potential to resist the severe cold that constantly invades, and the cold midge spiders are used to this kind of cold. With one addition and one subtraction, the battle between the Qi refining monk and the spider swarm is quite difficult. Fortunately, after some trials, a few foundation-building monks finally came in. With the addition of the foundation-building monks, the anxious battle between the two sides turned into a one-sided massacre again. The impact of the cold on the foundation-building monks was relatively small Some.

The remaining hundreds of cold midge spiders did not last long under the leadership of the foundation-building monk, and most of them were killed. The remaining thirty or so screamed a few times and fled deeper into the nest .

"Search from place to place, and if you find anything suspicious, report it immediately. If the family is looking for something, you will be rewarded!" Lu Jinrong waved his hand, and the monks behind poured in continuously. Unable to bear it, he withdrew from the spider nest.

"It's really cold in this damn place." Several people searched hundreds of feet along the way. Lu Hui and Lu Feng, the two monks who have perfected their energy, were also struggling. They looked at Lu Xiaotian in surprise and said, "Fellow Daoist Lu , you don't seem to be afraid of this extreme cold?"

"Before entering the cave, I swallowed a fire-type elixir, so I can hold it. But don't look at me, I don't have much left." Lu Xiaotian spread his hands. In fact, this is naturally not the case. Not to mention his foundation building cultivation, the fire dragon scale armor on his body alone has a good resistance to the cold.

"So that's how it is." The two knew that Lu Xiaotian was a high-level alchemist who had swallowed the fire-type elixir for resisting cold, so it made sense.

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