Become a Fairy

Chapter 2014 Transformation into Fire Ape Demon

It's just that this kind of method can only prevent the eyes and ears of ordinary monks, and the ape body pill has a limited time to work, only about an hour, and there are some similar demon pills in Lu Xiaotian's hands. Its practicability does not match very well, so not many people use it. The panacea in Lu Xiaotian's hands is also some accumulated from alchemy on weekdays and has not been sold.

This is exactly the situation where it comes in handy. After turning into a fire demon ape, Lu Xiaotian carelessly flew towards the altar that blocked ghost energy. At this time, the altar was a bit more dilapidated than when Lu Xiaotian came in last time, and there was obviously more ghost energy overflowing outside. This must be the reason why the outside world discovered this entrance.

"Damn it, the ghostly aura of this place is really annoying. The mangy bear, when I break through, I will make him look good. I won't let me go in for treasure hunting, but let me guard the door here." The burly bear demon looked cursing. The ghostly aura from this opening kept coming out, so guarding at this opening, naturally endured more than other places. As a fire demon bear, and his other subordinates, they were extremely displeased with this ghostly aura.

"Hu Lao Er, if you are impatient to stay here, you can go and rest for a while, brother, I will guard here for you." Along with this team of demon bears, a team of ghost gnats is stationed here. These two teams are the subordinates of Dongyi Xionghuang and Shen Shenmu respectively.

The ghost locust and the fire demon bear clan discovered this place at the same time, so naturally they sent people to station here at the same time. The purpose of sending people to station here is naturally to pluck the geese. The major forces of the chaotic demon gradually grow stronger, and naturally cannot do without resources, just like the tomb of the chaotic demon. For export, a transit fee is charged. Moreover, the proportion of benefits drawn from the Chaos Demon Tomb has reached an astonishing half. The monks risked their lives to enter it exhaustedly, but they had to contribute half of the benefits to the forces guarding outside. This kind of behavior naturally provoked anger and resentment, but behind the major forces there are all powerful forces sitting in charge.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. This kind of statement is only suitable for ordinary kingdoms in the secular world. In the world of cultivating immortals, there is only absolute power. No matter how unwilling low-level monks are, they will not be able to challenge the authority of the combined power. Otherwise, it is the way to take death.

At this time, the ghost domain was just opened, and many treasures appeared in it. In order to prevent those rare treasures from being taken away by low-level monks, these combined powers would naturally try to find ways, and they didn't care so much about whether they were ugly or not. Therefore, every time a treasure land is discovered, some treasure hunting monks will try their best to avoid the influence of the combined boss. After all, if there are benefits, you will keep them in your pocket, and who would like to take half of them for nothing.

"Stop!" At this time, the fire bear demon named Hu Lao Er was extremely impatient, but his eyes lit up when he saw the fire ape demon transformed by Lu Xiaotian. This entrance and exit was discovered only recently. There are not as many monks of various ethnic groups coming in and out as there are in Shen Yiling, so the oil and water are naturally not so rich. Seeing Lu Xiaotian coming over at this time, Hu Lao Er immediately shouted loudly.

"This place has already been occupied by my Dongyi Xionghuang and Ming Shen's mother. If you want to pass here, you must pay half of the harvest."

"Why so fast, there was no one when I came in from here." Lu Xiaotian said with a bitter face when he heard the words.

"It's you guys who broke the rules of the chaotic demon realm and always thought of stealing and playing tricks. Otherwise, why would we work so hard to guard this kind of ghost place? You must know that the Skynet is not leaking. The ancestors of Dongyi Xionghuang and the others Why have you been worrying about the chaotic demon realm for so many years? Isn’t it because you guys have no sense of propriety, hurry up and show the Sumeru ring.” Huo Xiongyao, who was called Hu’s second son, was in a bad mood at first, and his mouth was crackling at this time He reprimanded Lu Xiaotian for a while.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaotian's anger went straight to his forehead. This kind of blatant robbery completely reversed black and white in the mouth of the fire bear demon. It's true that he was hunting for treasures inside, but he was almost tossed to death by the old monsters of Dongyi Xionghuang, and he had to pay half of the benefits when he came out. Where would he reason.

Lu Xiaotian looked sullen. He handed over a Xumi ring, which contained only a few thousand low-grade spirit crystals, and some pills used for physical training. As for the rest, Lu Xiaotian used illusion to transform into the thick black hair on the body surface. Back then, there was no such trouble when coming out of the Dark Demon Mound. Lu Xiaotian directly used the dense fog at the exit as a cover to sneak out. That's because the exit is quite large, and the guards can't guard it all. But right now, the altar is such a small place, and the two teams are enough to defend without any dead ends. Lu Xiaotian didn't want to cause too much disturbance, so he could only use illusion to pass the level as the next best thing.

For these guys in front of him, Lu Xiaotian still has great confidence in his illusion.

"Why are there so few things?" Hu Laoer looked at Lu Xiaotian with unkind eyes and said, "You are hiding some treasure, right? You have worked so hard to enter this treasure hunting place, and you have the nerve to go out with just such a little thing?"

"The five or six teammates who came in with me have all died. I am thankful that I can escape with my life now. How can I dare to ask for more? I can only contact a few fellows later and then come in for treasure hunting." Lu Xiaotian said With a bitter expression on his face, he scolded Hu Lao Er in his heart, if he was short of things, he couldn’t go out, his life was the most important thing, so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, don’t push yourself too hard, or you’ll slap this bear mother to death of.

"You have too few of these things." Xiong Yaohu's second child looked at Lu Xiaotian carefully and made sure that there was no other treasure hidden on Lu Xiaotian's body. Except for the part, the rest of these things will be left in my hands for safekeeping, and I will return them to you when you come in."

The leader of the ghost locust who led the team next to him stared round his eyes. Nimei, he still has this kind of operation. In terms of fighting skills, the Fire Bear Clan may not be better than their Ghost Clan, and in terms of shamelessness, they have thrown their Ghost Clan a few blocks away.

"This, it's not suitable. I've lost a lot of money this time when I entered this ghost domain. At least let me save some." Lu Xiaotian said with a bitter face. Can't hold it back anymore, Lu Xiaotian still doesn't like this kind of financial misfortune, but if he agrees too happily, it will inevitably make the other party feel strange.

"This demon is not an unreasonable one, so how about it, I will give you a hundred spirit crystals as a package, you go early and return early." Xiong Yaohu's second waved his hand, and a hundred low-grade spirit crystals came out of the Sumeru ring. Fly to Lu Xiaotian.

At the same time, Xiong Yaohu's second child looked at Lu Xiaotian and his face darkened.

"Here, okay." Lu Xiaotian seemed to be frightened by Xiong Yaohu's second son's face, and after taking a hundred low-grade spirit crystals, he left the passage in despair.

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