Become a Fairy

Chapter 2007 Combined Chaos

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm and slapped it, spit out a burst of energy, pressing the surrounding air to retreat. Unexpectedly, the Ghost Misty was unmoved, retreated very little, and came back in an instant.

"This method is difficult to deal with." Suddenly, a strong wind flew from behind, and it was a fierce saber qi slashed by Dongyi Xionghuang. It was broken up by the ghost thing. Instead, it shot towards Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian's sense of crisis is naturally much stronger than those of the gods who are not very outstanding, or even the dragon ghosts of the gods.

Faced with this out-of-control saber energy, Lu Xiaotian evaded it early, and when Longwen Guinong also realized the crisis, the saber glow had already touched Lu Xiaotian's waist, and chopped at the few who besieged Lu Xiaotian. Only on the body of the ghost with the dragon pattern. Even if most of the power of Dongyi Xionghuang's sword is lost, it is definitely not something that the idle gods can resist, not to mention that the sword came so suddenly that several dragon ghost ghosts in the gods were completely lost. How much reaction time. With a chirping sound, the incomparably fierce saber energy directly cut into the bodies of these dragon pattern ghosts, and a burst of green body fluid shot out immediately. Two of them died on the spot, and one had a small side cut off, but it was still alive tenaciously. Lu Xiaotian took the opportunity to mend it with Fang Tian's painting halberd, and gave this guy a ride.

As soon as a few relatively strong dragon pattern ghosts died, others rushed up from behind and continued to besiege. Lu Xiaotian fought and walked with these dragon pattern ghosts, but the fierce battle between these combined powers was completely unpredictable to Lu Xiaotian, it was urgent and sometimes slow, and extremely dangerous. Just now, he was still moving towards the direction where Lu Xiaotian was. If Lu Xiaotian hadn't dodged in time, he would have been involved in it and was almost seriously injured. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it flew away in the opposite direction and lost its trace. If it weren't for the fact that the lair was full of cyanine magnetite structures, it would have been unable to withstand the collapse at this time.

As soon as the combined monsters left, groups of dragon pattern ghosts came rushing like wolves and tigers. Lu Xiaotian ran away immediately, although he was extremely unwilling to see those ugly faces of Wu Changlian again. But at this time there is no other better place to go, Lu Xiaotian has no choice but to chase after the fiercely fighting Fusion Power.

After chasing for more than a hundred li all the way, the passage passes through twists and turns, some places are tens of miles wide, and some are only a few miles wide. There's just no path to anywhere else.

Oops! When he saw those fiercely combined old monsters, Lu Xiaotian suddenly found that the surroundings were no longer the abnormally strong and indestructible Cyanite Magnet, but the ordinary mountains with magnetic force outside, although they were more ordinary. The mountain rocks are much stronger, but for this group of indistinguishable combined bosses, it is probably only a little stronger than tofu.

The ghostly aura behind the Shenchen mother in the distance was overwhelming, like a raging river of Styx, rushing towards one of the more powerful dragon pattern ghosts. Dongyi Xionghuang's two thick-backed demon knives crossed and slashed, the power of the blood gang combined with the endless violent demon fire almost melted the entire space. Even tens of miles away, with Lu Xiaotian's physique, he felt a searing pain. As for the group of low-level dragon-marked ghosts that surged from behind, they screamed even more at this time. In contrast, the demon fire of Dongyi Xionghuang's restraint on these demons is much more serious than that of Lu Xiaotian . Even those ghosts with dragon patterns in the transformation stage who jumped closer were directly melted by the aftermath of the demon fire.

Lu Xiaotian didn't intend to beat the dog in the water at all. In this kind of place where there are not many places to hide, with the number of dragon pattern ghosts, it is impossible to kill them all. And for Lu Xiaotian, the biggest crisis always comes from Wu Changlian, killing a few more and less killing the low-level dragon pattern ghosts is of little use. For Lu Xiaotian, the only consideration is to use as little consumption as possible to support a longer period of time, so as to prepare for future changes at any time.

Nan Chendu's long snow-white eyebrows flew up, and the long khaki-colored box turned into a ball with spikes, shaped like a sea urchin, and slammed towards the dragon-patterned ghost trapped in the middle with incomparable dignity. . The seemingly light thorn ball, even if it is not close to each other, Lu Xiaotian feels as heavy as a mountain, and it is incomparable to avoid. If I had changed myself, apart from the teleportation magical power in the illusion mirror, I am afraid that it would be absolutely impossible to avoid this blow. Even if he used the Soul Melting Dafa, he might not be able to withstand this momentum.

In contrast, Wu Changlian did not use the Linghong sword fetus at this time, but only sacrificed the blue mirror that he had when he fought with Weishuo Yingwang. There was a cyan beam of light on it, and the power was not small, but Lu Xiaotian knew that this was not Wu Changlian's real strength.

At this time, the two adult dragon-patterned ghosts surrounded in the middle were not flustered, they groaned for a while, and the green light burst from the two rows of sickle-shaped tusks, and each of them spit out a monster and a ghost. A green light ball mixed with dead air. Hit several attacks on Shen Shen's mother respectively.

Hum, the six powerful attacks collided, and it was no longer the airspace of the Qinghai Magnet. The sky suddenly collapsed, and the huge boulder above the head fell like rain. The larger ones even weigh hundreds of thousands of catties, while the smaller ones range from hundreds to thousands of catties.

The berserk demon fire surged through the crevices of the stones, and those falling stones were directly melted by the demon fire of Dongyi Xionghuang, and were swept by the ghostly river of Styx congealed by the ghostly mother of Mingchen, and the fallen boulders also It was directly turned into nothingness by the ghost energy inside.

The boulders falling like rain had no effect on the combined monsters at all, but the fighting became more and more intense. It's just that Lu Xiaotian was relatively embarrassed, not to mention those dragon-marked ghosts who were in the Void Realm and below. It is difficult for the god-level dragon tattoo ghost to survive in such a dangerous environment.

Lu Xiaotian kept using Fang Tian's painting halberd to pick apart the falling boulders, and moved flexibly between the stone crevices. The fallen boulders were densely packed, but there were always some gaps, which was the same as when Lu Xiaotian was still in the Nascent Soul stage and entered the Piaomiao Palace. The situation in the space is quite similar, except that the strange space is flow flint. Almost endless, and now these stones are only caused by the fighting skills of these powerful people in the fit state.

Lu Xiaotian kept borrowing strength from the falling boulders, and he used Fang Tian's painting halberd to deflect the boulders he couldn't avoid. At this time, the battle of several combined bosses is still going on. Suddenly, a strong magnetic force came from below. Even though Lu Xiaotian refined a large amount of magnetic power, the influence of this magnetic field power on him was greatly reduced, but the magnetic force could not hold up too much, especially at this time. He couldn't stand in the void, and as for the passage under his feet, it had already been torn apart by the fighting skills of several combined old monsters.

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