Become a Fairy

Chapter 1988 Re-entering the Ghost Domain

The two fire corpses spent more time with him. In the past, when they went in and out of the Liefeng Gorge and Luanqingxu, they more or less fell into the eyes of some people, and the probability of being noticed was much higher. On the contrary, the chances of the golden eagle appearing in front of the world are pitifully low, and they were tamed by themselves outside the Hunyuan Taoist's cave. Outsiders want to check, but there is no one to check.

On the way, he avoided several waves of human races, or powerful monster races. It also includes a God Void Realm and a few blood mosquito monsters in the God Transformation stage.

"That old monster's tentacles have come here, and the method is really good." Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched. If the Crying Blood Mosquito Demon came here in person, the chances of finding himself are not small. With these disciples and grandchildren, What can I do.

Lu Xiaotian didn't go to take the lives of these blood mosquito demons either, he spent two days bypassing them, and rushed to the edge of the cold pool where the air was blowing. From time to time, a few ice-striped monster crabs crawled out of the cold pool to look for food. Perhaps sensing Lu Xiaotian's appearance, a few timid ice-striped monster crabs quickly dived back into the cold pool as if frightened. This cold pool covers an area of ​​about tens of mu. Under the sunshine, especially when such a cold pool appears in the wilderness of Yehuo, it really has a special flavor.

"Brother Lu arrived really fast." When Lu Xiaotian stayed on the edge of the cold pool for less than a stick of incense, in the dense forest in the distance, a strong wild boar demon stepped forward. Pig seven.

"It's just arrived not long ago, are you ready?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"It's done. Brother Lu, follow me into the cold pool. There is a pair of extremely powerful ghost-faced demon ice crab couples in this cold pool. Several cultivators in the Void Realm have already been killed by them, but most of the time it is sleeping. Lu Brother will follow behind me, be careful, and don't disturb the ghost-faced monster ice crab." Said the wild boar demon took out an ice shell covered with runes, stretched out his fingers and flicked it lightly, the ice shell I found bursts of soft rhythms, which made people drowsy.

Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness moved, and he dispelled this drowsiness. The wild boar monster seemed to have taken similar spiritual defenses for a long time. For Lu Xiaotian's immunity to sleepy monsters, it was obviously relying on the extremely powerful primordial spirit. Zhu Qi had long seen it up. Throwing the sleepy monster into the ice lake, after about half a stick of incense, Zhu Qi gave Lu Xiaotian a look, and got into the ice lake first. Lu Xiaotian followed closely behind.

The water under the ice lake is crystal clear, and the depth is only more than two hundred feet. There is indeed a pair of ghost-faced ice-patterned monster shells in the size. At this time, each fell into a deep sleep under the hypnosis of the sleepy monster shells. The wild boar demon made a gesture to Lu Xiaotian, and then Carefully pass through the edge of the ghost-faced demon ice crab, and enter a corridor exuding a ghostly aura.

The tunnel is actually a waterway, hidden in the mountain, the deeper it goes, the purer the ghostly aura. It makes the water cool and cool, which breeds the ghost-faced monster ice crab in the cold pool.

No wonder the wild boar monster found such a place. It turned out that it sneaked into it when it was cornered when it was being hunted down by others. The waterway hidden under the ground is quite long, and the two of them sneaked for more than four hours before they emerged. What they saw was a gloomy darkness. In the distance, there were a few crystal lights. Floating in the void. The gloomy ghost energy inside is constantly surging, but it is blocked by a piece of altar. This piece of altar contains ninety-nine and eighty-one numbers, and the array is neat and moving slowly. Even though the ghostly aura of the secluded wood washed away, the altar remained motionless. It's just that the altar has been damaged due to the age, and the ghostly aura outside escapes from those damaged gaps.

"This altar can only block the entrance and exit of ghost energy, but it can't stop people. Compared with the last time I came here, it is a little bit broken. If this continues, I am afraid that within a year or so, other forces will notice this sooner or later. Especially the group of strong ghost clans like Mingshen Mumu." Zhu Qi said with a regretful face.

"It's not that people can't stop people from coming in and out, it's that the restriction to prevent people from coming in and out here has been broken, or you would have confessed ten of them here." Lu Xiaotian looked around the altar for a while, and several powerful killing restrictions have been completely eliminated. Broken, no longer powerful. This altar has the effect of sealing. I don't have enough materials in my hands. It will take a long time to repair the seal of the altar. I can only let it go. There is no way for anyone who finds this place later.

Zhu Qi took a breath when he heard that, and then grinned, "It's an old pig, I don't deserve to die."

"Some of the glowing sun stones inside are ghosts. We can't stay in one place for too long. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if we are surrounded by these ghosts." Zhu Qi reminded, flying over the altar alone, in front lead the way.

Those glowing headstones had already been experienced by himself when he entered the ghost domain with Lord Heipengsha and the bear demon Sheng Duosuo. At this time, it can be regarded as revisiting the old place. Back then, Lu Xiaotian got the treasure of Buddhism and Taoism, such as Shiyong Qiyehua, in the ghost domain, because he knew that there must be other treasures in the ghost domain, but when he entered the ghost domain, he was just a genius. At the initial stage of the Void Realm, I still have a lot of spiritual objects in my hand, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Naturally, Lu Xiaotian, Ye Ziyu and his party will not stay in the ghost domain for too long.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian has already cultivated to the late stage of the Divine Void Realm, and this time is different from the past, even if he stays in this ghost domain for a longer time, as long as he can find the Yuan Magnetic Stone, it will be worth it. Even if Piao Miao's sword embryo breaks through ahead of time, Lu Xiaotian will definitely try to break through to the body cultivation later on. Even if Wu Changlian's strength is not as good as City Lord Ye's, it is by no means comparable to the monks at the beginning of the leisurely fusion. Just relying on Piaomiao's sword embryo may not be able to defeat Wu Changlian. What's more, there is a blood-crying mosquito demon behind him.

After re-entering this ghost domain, Lu Xiaotian began to pay attention to the piece of purple crystal jade in his hand. This purple crystal jade was obtained from the wife of Huo Kui Palace, and it can sense the position of the Yuan Magnetic Stone. In the dark demon tomb, this purple crystal jade came in handy. This is even more so now, otherwise, if you look for it by yourself, you don’t know when you will find it.

It's just that there is no change in the purple crystal jade, and it seems that it should be extremely far away from the location where the Yuan Magnetic Stone is located.

One person and one demon flew quickly in this dark space that was full of ghostly energy and mixed with some demonic energy. From time to time, the glowing strange rocks around would approach Lu Xiaotian and Zhu Qi. It's just that the speed couldn't keep up with Lu Xiaotian and the two, and they couldn't form an encirclement. These strange rocks are not without wisdom, and they usually will not take the initiative to attack when the number is not dominant. As long as Lu Xiaotian and Zhu Qi do not stay in the same place for a long time, they will not fall into the embarrassing situation of being besieged.

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