Become a Fairy

Chapter 1986 Return to Yehuo Field

"What? The saint is leaving, but your people have treated the saint slowly?"

The oldest Libo exclaimed, and other Yeshi clansmen came one after another, their eyes full of sadness, and they bowed to the ground one after another, "Please don't abandon your people, the Holy One."

Abandoned by the curse for thousands of years, they finally have a sense of belonging, and the Shashi people don't want to experience that feeling of being abandoned anymore. And the Lu Xiaotian in front of them has become a spiritual totem pole that they cannot leap over by chance. But now that the totem pole is in danger of collapsing, how can the Yeshi people accept it so easily.

"It's your chance that I can come here. Under the threat of the curse, the Shashi tribe has survived for thousands of years, which also shows that you should not die. You need to go on the road ahead by yourself. I also have my own enemies. .Staying here will only bring you the fate of extermination." Lu Xiaotian shook his head.

"Is there anyone stronger than the saint?" The faces of the Yeshi people present were startled. In their eyes, Lu Xiaotian could heal the snake venom and insect venom they had been helpless. Can subdue the cursed spirit that has plagued them for thousands of years. With such a penetrating method, what else can threaten the saint?

"The world is so big, there are so many strong people, and I am just a drop in the ocean. When you reach a certain level of cultivation and walk out of this wilderness, you will understand. What you need is not a saint, but to make yourself strong as soon as possible Get up. Once you are strong enough, each of you will be a saint who can protect the Yeshi clan. There is always a banquet in the world, goodbye."

After finishing these words, Lu Xiaotian had turned into a shadow and disappeared into the sky with Jin Peng.

Hundreds of pages of Shizu people stayed in place in a daze. After a long while, he went to worship in the direction where Lu Xiaotian left again, that pious expression was like a pilgrimage. Although Lu Xiaotian left, he did not abandon them.

"The saints will always be the saints of the Yeshi tribe." The oldest old man pulled his head and touched the ground, "Bali swears here that the people of the Yeshi tribe will grow into the backbone of the world like a mountain, and they will also become saints in the future." A solid barrier for the Lord. The Saint did not abandon the people of the Yeshi tribe, and the people of the Yeshi tribe will never betray the Holy One. If you violate this oath, both humans and gods will abandon it!"

"If you violate this oath, both men and gods will abandon you!" Hundreds of pages of Shizu people repeated the words of force.

Yi Ri, Pa Li spread out a few animal skins, with some extremely crude patterns on them, recording the suffering past of the Yeshi tribe, the same tribe who have been dying under the curse for thousands of years. At this time, the oldest man took out a sharpened stone and carved a new picture on the animal skin. Only a few hundred people of the Yeshi clan were left alive, and a dozen people were poisoned. Give the elixir to save the people.

A group of young and strong fell to the ground, the elderly mourned, and the young children despaired. The red demon is rampant. The silver-haired man in Tsing Yi made another move, holding the seven pagodas in his hands, with orbs hanging from the top, and he looked like Zen, emptiness and light. Suppress the red demon.

The man in Tsing Yi held several exercises and handed them down to the oldest elders of the Ye clan. The man in Tsing Yi instructs the clansmen to practice.

After recording these, the old man cut out another complete piece of animal skin, and carved it on the animal skin very religiously. A moment later, a rough, but not rough looking, slightly thin man stepped on Jinpeng and leaped onto the animal skin.

The old man used a purple wooden pole to hang up the animal skin, and the animal skin was agitated, and the man on the Golden Roc inside became more vivid. The man's eyes were calm, watching the hundreds of stone tribesmen.

"The exercises bestowed by the saints will become the axes and spears in the hands of the Yeshi people, allowing the Yeshi people to cut off the past and open up a new chapter for the Yeshi people on the road of thorns. The saints and the Yeshi people are the same Here!" Li Po bowed his body and led his clansmen to worship again.

"You go to the stab to control the truth first." Lu Xiaotian gave Jin Peng an order. After entering the Yehuo Field, Lu Xiaotian became more and more careful. Along the way, he had already encountered several waves of human races or monster races who secretly inquired about him. It is not even known whether the wild boar demon has been targeted. Presumably the wild boar demon Zhuqi had heard some of it. Even though he knew that the possibility of Zhu Qi betraying him was relatively small, Lu Xiaotian still sent Jin Peng to wander around the wild boar demon to see if there was any abnormality in Zhu Qi's behavior.

When the golden eagle went out to inquire about the situation, Lu Xiaotian was still refining the magnetic gold liquid in an uninhabited wilderness tens of thousands of miles away. The golden eagle has been secretly observing the wild boar demon's kung fu for several months, but he didn't see anything, so Lu Xiaotian took the initiative to contact Zhu Qi. It's just that when Zhu Qi appeared, it was somewhat unexpected to Lu Xiaotian.

"Brother Lu, it's really not easy waiting for you to come." The wild boar demon joined Lu Xiaotian carelessly, and then said mysteriously, "Brother Lu, I heard that some people are spying on you recently. Brother Lu, you must have committed some crimes, you have heard that Yehuo Yuanye is coming."

"If I don't do something wrong, I won't be able to come to Chaos Demon Realm." Lu Xiaotian said indifferently.

"Hey, that's right. I inquired secretly. Among the people looking for you, there are some vicious blood mosquito monsters behind them. I heard that there are many rewards. Some time ago, there appeared in the Lanhuofenglin One is similar to you, brother Lu. As a result, a few blood mosquito monsters rushed into the air."

"Oh? Really?" Lu Xiaotian was stunned for a moment. The news brought by the wild boar monster surprised him. It seemed that someone was secretly helping him to confuse the other party's sight. It's just who the other party will be, in the entire Yehuo Field, among the people I know, Dong Feng and Mo Yuyan are the only ones who have some influence. Mo Yuyan was hard to understand her friends and foes, and she didn't have much contact with each other, and she didn't ask Dongfeng for such a favor.

The only thing I can think of is Ye Ziyu. Bailifei and Fu Yu are beside Ye Ziyu. Leaving this time is a bit strange, obviously there are other important things, but now it seems that they are just hiding in an unknown corner of the chaotic demon realm. City Lord Ye left some hidden forces for Ye Ziyu in other places. In the past two hundred and decades, it is unknown whether this force may have been transferred to the chaotic demon realm.

As for the people who are looking for him, some blood mosquito monsters, I am afraid that the crying blood mosquito monsters are not reconciled. As for whether there is a shadow of Wu Changlian behind him, Lu Xiaotian can't be sure. In short, there is not much difference. It's death, and it's just a word of death when you meet two. There is not much essential difference.

"Damn it, isn't it just the power of the Composite Realm? We are still weak to bully us now. Brother Lu, you will also advance to the Composite Realm in the future, and see how to deal with them!" Telling Lu Xiaotian about the recent situation, Zhu Qi cursed.

"Don't you want to advance to the Body Fit Realm?" Lu Xiaotian glanced at Zhu Qi with a half-smile.

Zhu Qi said with a shy smile, "Of course I also want to, but this trip is dangerous, mainly depends on you, brother Lu. If you can get a chance, brother Lu, I can take your boat, maybe I can also prove Great way."

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