Become a Fairy

Chapter 1982 Arrangement of Bailifei

Ye Ziyu's aura also became more distant and elegant, a faint sword aura lingered around her all the time, and the faint sword aura also formed a vortex around the surroundings with the amazing spiritual power in the spiritual spring, curling up spiritually The water in the spring rises higher and higher, looking like a dragon spitting water. This vortex water column rolls higher and higher in the Tai Chi pattern. At this time, Ye Ziyu, who was sitting cross-legged in the vortex, suddenly opened her eyes, a cunning flashed in her bright eyes, and she stretched out her hand to swipe in the air. At the position where she was originally sitting cross-legged, the liquid surged, forming a gap with her. There is a liquid human disk with a similar shape.

And Ye Ziyu moved, and when he appeared outside the water column, he was fully dressed. Enter the dense forest beside the Lingquan. The spiritual power of the wood system on the island is extremely strong, and this environment makes Ye Ziyu extremely comfortable. The only thing that makes Ye Ziyu feel a little uneasy is that after such a long time, he has not been able to inquire about Lu Xiaotian's news.

This place is densely restricted, but as the owner of the land, Ye Ziyu can come and go freely. Not long after, they arrived near Bailifei's training place, and Ye Ziyu was extremely careful when entering here.

Not far away is a simple pavilion built with spirit wood, which is also the core of the entire island's prohibition. Through this place, most of the restrictions on the island can be controlled, and it can play a vigilant role to the greatest extent.

"Baili, what's the situation outside recently?" Fu Yu asked in a low voice beside Bailifei.

"Wu Changlian has already entered the Chaotic Demon Realm, but he has no foundation in the Chaotic Demon Realm, so it is not easy to make a difference in a short period of time." Bailifei said.

"Then there is news about Lu Xiaotian, the lady has already urged me several times, and I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it after a long time." Fu Yu said with a sad face, "The city lord has a clever plan, even if he has passed away, the arrangement left is enough to support the present Crisis, but the entanglement between the young lady and Lu Xiaotian was the only thing I didn't expect. I'm afraid it will get worse in the future."

"Since Lu Xiaotian went to help the people in Yuantang to refine the elixir, he heard that he was sent to the dark demon mound. But after entering the demon mound, there was no news. Until recently, there was an extra force looking for it. He and the young lady are two people. Behind them is the combined power of the Crying Blood Mosquito Demon, and I suspect that Wu Changlian is also involved. It is rumored that Lu Xiaotian appeared in the cave area of ​​Yanhui Mountain, but it is not known whether it is true or not. Apart from this rumor, There are no rumors about Lu Xiaotian." Bailifei shook his head.

"That's not what you said when you asked me to come here."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the dense forest. Bailifei and Fu Yu were taken aback, and then came back to their senses. On this island, Ye Ziyu was the only one who could approach this place quietly. And about Lu Xiaotian and Wu Changlian, Ye Ziyu will know sooner or later, it's just a little earlier now.

"Miss." Bailifei and Fu Yu hurriedly got up and bowed.

"I want to leave this island, and here, you decide for yourself." Ye Ziyu's face was cold, and she stepped out.

"No way, Miss, Wu Changlian has come to the Chaotic Demon Realm, Miss, if we go here, if we meet Wu Changlian, wouldn't all our stealth and hard work for so many years be in vain." Bailifei quickly dissuaded him.

"You guys knew that Wu Changlian came to Chaos Demon Realm and brought me here, but you left Big Brother Lu outside and ignored it. If it wasn't for Big Brother Lu, I would have died to go back when I went to the Valley of Sorrow."

Ye Ziyu said angrily, "Now you let me avoid living on this island, for fear that I will meet Wu Changlian outside, but brother Lu has been wandering outside alone for so long, even if he didn't meet Wu Changlian, entering the Gloomy Demon Tomb would be a narrow escape. You guys You can use him, I can't."

Thinking of the danger that Lu Xiaotian might encounter, Ye Ziyu's heart palpitated inexplicably.

"Miss, Baili and I have mobilized our strength to find Mr. Lu, but we haven't heard from him after so long. Even if the lady goes out now, it won't help. We might as well break through to the body-fitting state as soon as possible. It was Wu Changlian who found us. It’s not time to be so passive.”

Fu Yu persuaded earnestly, "Mr. Lu is not only powerful, but also extremely witty. Without the power of fusion in the chaotic demon realm, Mr. Lu will never encounter any danger, even as long as Mr. Lu does not come out of the demon mound Even Wu Changlian can't do anything about him. If we do meet outside, looking for it with Miss's current strength will not help. Only by breaking through to the state of integration can we protect ourselves and help Mr. Lu."

"Could it be that we just watch like this now and can't do anything?" Ye Ziyu said sullenly for a while.

"Miss, don't worry, we have to hold our ground first. The chaotic monster domain is too big, and it is dozens of times farther away from the spirit city. Not to mention the vast territory, and the chaos everywhere, the atmosphere is full of chaos. It is Wu Changlian, relying on himself It is not easy for Zhili to find Mr. Lu. You can only rely on other people. I have sent some people to sneak into various places, all of whom are sword cultivators in the Void Realm, pretending to be Mr. Lu and Miss Lu. Confusing the other party's sight. Even Wu Changlian, If you want to go to verify, you have to run back and forth, or wait for news. In this way, the delay will be too much."

Bailifei said, "Miss has obtained the inheritance of the city lord. The longer we win, the more sure you will be able to break through to the fit state, miss. Then we will be able to attack and defend, and we don't have to rack our brains like we are now." It's just trying to protect itself."

"Miss, what Baili said is right. We have sent many people to pretend to be Miss and Mr. Lu. It is enough to cover Mr. Lu. If Mr. Lu is still in the Dark Demon Grave, there is no need to worry. If he comes out , I should have heard of it. With Mr. Lu's shrewdness, he can definitely think that the young lady is planning behind the scenes. We will be more careful at that time. What we have to do now is to secretly pay attention to Mr. Lu's movements on the one hand, and more importantly, to delay Time, whether it is for Miss or Mr. Lu, is the same."

Fu Yu explained the advantages and disadvantages of it again. Regarding Ye Ziyu's feelings for Lu Xiaotian, Fu Yu also had a bit of a headache. It really annoyed Ye Ziyu. I am afraid that Ye Ziyu will sneak out of the island at any time. Moreover, since Ye Ziyu escaped from Yuanling City, his cultivation in the way of swordsmanship has improved rapidly, and now only two hundred or so years have passed, and he has already surpassed her and Bailifei, so he can no longer be fooled by treating her like a junior.

"Okay, when you hear about Brother Lu, please inform me as soon as possible. Don't make up your own mind. I trust Uncle Baili and Aunt Fu, but you must not hide anything, otherwise it will be difficult for everyone to meet each other in the future." Ye Zi Yu's tone was calm, but Bailifei and Fu Yu's heart shuddered when they heard it. They had no doubt about Ye Ziyu's determination. Once Lu Xiaotian made a mistake, Ye Ziyu might really leave them.

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