Become a Fairy

Chapter 195 Dark Shadow

Song Hu and Tian Jing also shot at the same time, each choosing their target. The Eagle Feather Sect monk who was caught off guard was killed several people one after another. Only the strongest monk turned into a black light and pierced through the air. The black robe vibrated like a huge black eagle flapping its wings. The speed was really fast. It's not much worse than Xun Xiu's spaceship magic weapon, but Xun Xiu obviously has no intention of chasing it further, instead letting the other party escape.

"This guy, he escaped really fast." Su Qing beheaded a man and stomped her feet angrily. The group of people spoke rudely just now, which made her very annoyed.

"It's really dangerous. If it weren't for Senior Brother Xun and Senior Brother Lu who showed up in time, even if we could escape, we would probably suffer some injuries." Wu Yan also gritted her teeth angrily.

"Brother Xun, you also received the sound transmission talisman from the palace master and rushed to Xiyuan Kingdom?" Luo Qian selectively ignored Lu Xiaotian and asked Xun Xiu.

"That's right. It seems that the situation in Xiyuan Kingdom is more complicated than expected." Xun Xiu nodded.

After a group of people joined together, they naturally became more courageous because of the large number of people. Together, they were eight Foundation Establishment monks, which could be regarded as a very strong force. Originally it was only a secular country, and there were only a very few places with relatively abundant aura, where the Xiuxian family was distributed. At this time, there was a tense and secretive atmosphere.

Since they have all entered the foundation building period, some need to improve their cultivation, and some need to practice combat skills. There are also some who have to use time to recover at night after fighting during the day. Eight people suddenly met in a bamboo forest at night.

Lu Xiaotian and Song Hu were arranged to watch the night to avoid sneak attacks by other Southern Wilderness cultivators.

At night, the moon emerges from the clouds, adding a bit of tranquility to the bamboo forest. Song Hu, like Luo Qian, may have been extremely jealous of Lu Xiaotian during the Qi refining period, but after the foundation building period, the starting line between the two sides drew closer again, and he didn't pay much attention to Lu Xiaotian, so he went to the other side to patrol the night.

Lu Xiaotian didn't care about this, although some people like Luo Qian and Su Qing rested and some recovered their mana. But the Foundation Establishment monks are extremely sensitive to the outside world, and any fight will immediately alarm everyone.

It’s just that Lu Xiaotian intuitively felt that something was wrong. The group of them followed the traces of the foreign monks along the village where they were killed. Although they joined up with Su Qing’s group in time and killed several disciples of the Eagle Feather Sect, they still managed to get back together with these people. However, the disciples of the Eagle Feather Sect did not seem to be the ones who attacked those secular villagers. There must be someone else, but who is the other party and what is their purpose?

In the breeze, the bamboo leaves rustled. Lu Xiaotian was only responsible for patrolling the distance within a few miles around the camp. Although the team camp in the bamboo forest could no longer be seen with the naked eye, the distance of several miles was far enough for the Foundation Establishment cultivators who were driving all over the vehicle. , It's just a matter of breathing, as long as you don't get seriously injured by the enemy's sneak attack, or kill with one hit, there won't be any major problems in terms of safety.

Under the moonlight, a faint black shadow was not very conspicuous among the swaying bushes, and it was slowly approaching Lu Xiaotian. After observing around Lu Xiaotian for a while, he saw Lu Xiaotian holding his chin, looking like he was thinking. Thinking about the problem, is it a chance? At this moment, Heiying's eyes flashed with snake-like viciousness, Heiying swept forward, and in a blink of an eye, he was tens of feet away, and he was about to approach Lu Xiaotian, when a golden light suddenly shot from Lu Xiaotian fly out of the body.

Clang, the ground splitter is with a pitch-black iron claw. The five fingers of the iron claw were like hooks, and they wanted to catch the extremely sharp ground-splitting knife all at once.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaotian yelled angrily, the ground-splitting knife radiated golden light, and the ground-splitting knife held by the black claws shook violently, and the two competed with each other, but what surprised him was that he was even a little weaker in strength.

A look of surprise flashed in the dark and cold eyes of the burly and strange man in black robe. Originally, Lu Xiaotian's thoughtful look could never be hidden from his eyes, but he didn't expect that the sneak attack would still be noticed by the other party under such circumstances. It was unbelievable, the weird black-robed man got into the bamboo forest with a flash of his eyes, and the speed was so fast that Lu Xiaotian couldn't catch up.

"This sinister and strange aura is somewhat similar." Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to recall the ground-splitting knife that broke free from the opponent's shackles. Although it was just the first time to fight, the opponent's cultivation base is not simple, although he did not try his best. After all, so far However, what he showed was still only the strength of a first-tier monk, and even Xun Xiu couldn't see his depth.

But the opponent's strength is clearly already extremely strong, if he is not worried about alarming people like Su Qing and Luo Qian, he may not be able to fool them if he wants to continue to use the strength of the first floor of the foundation. As for the opponent's speed, Lu Xiaotian's pupils flashed, at least a bit faster than him. Even if he wanted to chase, he might not be able to catch up. Unless the other party intends to let him catch up, this situation is obviously not what Lu Xiaotian wants. If it were another person, the speed of the black-robed monster might have been a sneak attack, but even while Lu Xiaotian was contemplating, the other soul was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, so the black-robed weirdo saw him thinking deeply and preparing to attack. During the sneak attack, in fact Lu Xiaotian had already spotted the opponent.

"Lu Xiaotian, what's going on?" Just as the sound of fighting sounded, Su Qing, Luo Qian, Xun Xiu and others rushed over. Although Lu Xiaotian was only able to fight against the black-robed weirdo in one move, but under Lu Xiaotian's deliberate actions, everyone was still alarmed.

"I was attacked by a man in black robe, and the other party has already fled." Lu Xiaotian's eyes swept over these people present, and there was nothing similar to them in terms of body shape or aura. Those sinister snake-like eyes, even No matter how well it is concealed, there may be a hint of disdain.

"Oops, Song Hu!" Seeing that one person was missing from the crowd, Lu Xiaotian's face suddenly changed, and he sprinted towards Song Hu's patrolling direction.

The complexions of all the people present also changed drastically, and they followed suit. After a while, Song Hu's body fell into the bamboo forest, the blood was still wet, and a hole was broken in his chest. His face was full of pain, fear, and horror.

Even Yuanshen didn't escape, and the attacker was far stronger than Song Hu. A frightening thought flashed through the minds of everyone present, if it was not Song Hu who appeared here, but them, what would happen to the ending? Song Hu was already at the first level of foundation building, and he didn't even have the slightest power to resist, and was killed without even making a sound. With so many people present, although there are many people who think they are stronger than Song Hu, they will not be arrogant To be able to kill Song Hu silently in such a short period of time.

Luo Qian looked at Lu Xiaotian's eyes suddenly tightened. Song Hu was killed silently, which shows the strength of the enemy, but he was blocked by Lu Xiaotian. There may be more than one enemy, but if there is one, doesn't it mean that he still seriously underestimated it? Lost Lu Xiaotian's strength?

"It seems that the people in charge of the night watch at the back must be vigilant together, otherwise the same thing may happen again." Xun Xiu shouted in a deep voice.

"We should send a letter to the Immortal Palace as soon as possible to report our bizarre experience here. First, we killed several disciples of the Eagle Feather Sect. Now we have lost Song Hu before we even know the number and strength of the enemy. It can be seen The situation in Xiyuan Kingdom is indeed very critical, and it may not be something we can control." Lu Xiaotian said.

"There are hundreds of secular countries controlled by Immortal Palace, and Xiyuan Kingdom already has eight of us. Unless we find a large number of enemies, it may be difficult for more people to come to support us in a short time." Xun Xiu shook his head and said.

Lu Xiaotian frowned, although he felt that what Xun Xiu said was not very accurate, but Xun Xiu is the person with the highest cultivation level and the oldest qualifications here, so it is useless for him to say too much without being fully sure. That being the case, just be careful later.

"Wait, something's wrong." Just as everyone was about to return to the temporary camp, they felt a strange atmosphere around them.

Lu Xiaotian used his spiritual eyes to look around, and saw a black mist continuously coming from all directions in the distance of the bamboo forest. In the black mist, there was a faint rustling sound. If you get closer, you can already see a dense fist-sized, cockroach-like black beetle crawling from a distance on the ground, almost without exhaustion.

"Mang lice!" Lu Xiaotian's pupils shrank, this is probably the real culprit that caused the death of the ordinary villager, but how can such a number of mang lice be easily controlled by a worm cultivator?

Whoosh Lu Xiaotian waved his hand and smashed out dozens of small fireballs. The strength of these mang lice is only equivalent to the early to middle stage of Qi refining, and some mature mang lice have wings and can fly into the air. From this point of view, they Even at this time, it may not be safe for Yujian to take off into the sky.

Dozens of small fireballs exploded, and with Lu Xiaotian's strength at this time, even low-level small fireball techniques could not be easily resisted by mang lice. It was just unexpected that after the small fireball exploded, although a piece of lice seemed to be killed, the number of corpses rolled to the ground was not much.

"Jie Jie, what a fast spell, it's the first time I've seen such a cultivation in spells." A strange and evil voice sounded, and soon, the other party uttered another sentence that made the hair stand on end, "However, today you are all going to die!"

"Pretend to be a ghost, who will die and who will live may not be sure." Luo Qian snorted coldly, the thunder gun shook in his hand, and a flash of lightning shot out from the tip of the gun, and shot in the direction of the sound.

Chi la, where the lightning passed, the lice twitched and stopped moving, and the bamboo forest shrouded in black mist in the distance exploded in the lightning.

"Jie Jie, it's useless, you are already the turtles in the urn, obediently donate your flesh and blood to these lice of mine." At the same time as the lightning exploded, the voice appeared erratically in the completely opposite direction.

In the bamboo forest, there was a rustling sound, and dozens of figures jumped out, six or seven of them had black feathers pierced on their heads, and they were monks from the Eagle Feather Sect. One of them was the one who escaped from them, and the other five were dressed in blue Taoist uniforms embroidered with patterns of only purple golden silkworms. These twelve people surrounded Lu Xiaotian and his group in the middle.

"Didn't you talk about the crowd before? What else can you say now?" One of the fierce-looking Eagle Feather Sect disciples was the one who escaped from Su Qing and others before.

Su Qing, Wu Yan and the others approached one after another, and the number of the other party was almost double that of them. In addition, there was more and more black fog around the bamboo forest, so it was impossible to know what was going on further away.

"The situation in the bamboo forest is too weird, let's leave first." Luo Qian suggested to Xun Xiu, Su Qing and others with an uncertain expression on his face.

Lu Xiaotian had a faint bad feeling. Since the other party chose to set up an ambush here, they must have presupposed the way they escaped, and they would not let them escape so easily. It's just that the other party has too many people on the ground at this time, and it is obvious to stay here. Not a good choice either. After thinking about it for a while, he also controlled the ground splitter and flew into the air, but the speed was inevitably a beat slower than the others.


There was a huge screaming sound, and countless black giant arrows were shot in all directions from afar. There is a huge spiritual pressure fluctuation on the giant arrow. Even the Foundation Establishment cultivator can feel the powerful threat from above.

"Hurry up, go back to the bamboo forest!" Xun Xiu was startled when he saw this, and he didn't dare to pick it up with his bare hands. He shouted quickly, took out a long spear, and deflected away a huge arrow in front of him, but the long spear fell on the ground. When it was on the top, the imposing giant arrow was broken into pieces.

Seeing the dozens of huge arrows shot one after another, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was just a bluff. Is it just really a bluff? Another female disciple who was a little closer to Luo Qian also split a giant arrow with her spirit sword, but she couldn't dodge, but was shot directly at the waist by another one, and her whole body was cut in two by the giant arrow in the air. Very miserable.

Another person was lost, and the faces of the people in Lingxiao Palace who fell to the ground in a hurry were ugly for a while, but the current situation has no time for them to be upset. The twelve Nanhuang monks had already surrounded and killed them from all sides when they landed.

You two are on the first floor of the foundation building and a monk on the second floor of the foundation building, you are out of luck. Murderous intent flashed in Lu Xiaotian's eyes. He usually only tries to preserve his strength when his side has the upper hand. In this dangerous situation, if Luo Qian and Wu Yan are all killed by the opponent, he will be alone in the end. Even with three heads and six arms, I am afraid it will be difficult to support. Now in this situation, to preserve strength too much is the way to death. Besides, Bingpo Xuanyin would only be effective for monks whose cultivation level was significantly different from his own. For monks of the same level or even higher level, it would not be able to talk about hiding, it would be of no use at all.

Of course, for the two foundation building floors in front of me, the effect is immediate. The Eagle Feather Sect monk on the second floor of the foundation building made a slight shift, and Lu Xiaotian had already bypassed the Eagle Feather Sect monk on the second floor of the foundation building. The necks of the two Eagle Feather Sect disciples on the first floor of the foundation building circled around.

The disciple of Yingyumen on the second floor of the foundation building felt bad when he lost his mind for a moment, and shot violently from his body with a magic weapon. At this time, one of his juniors and a junior sister had already fallen to the ground. Before he could react further, a big black ice seal crashed down from the top of his head

The Cold Desolation Seal is an instant spell, and it uses the mana stored in the magic orb, so there is no need to use the mana in Lu Xiaotian's dantian for the time being, until the mana in the magic orb is exhausted, the Cold Desolation Seal will dissipate. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to taking over with a law monk like Lu Xiaotian.

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