Become a Fairy

Chapter 1923 Direct Entry

It's just that when it comes to the degree of purity, the other party's flattery is extremely inferior. In addition to his own ability, the power of Yuan Magnetic makes him free from the shackles between heaven and earth, and he can no longer simply look at Lu Xiaotian from the realm of the God Void Realm.

Especially in such a short distance, the power of the blood gang behind Lu Xiaotian twisted for a while, and the monsters present did not feel the amazing power of the blood gang, but the violent monster energy rising into the sky. A violent ape with a back full of spikes stood up from the ground with a ferocious face, bowed left and right with both hands, and grabbed two iron black monster monkeys from left to right.

The hasty resistance of the two monster monkeys was wiped out by the violent ape. Amidst all the exclamations of these guys, the bloody violent ape had already picked up the two guys and bumped into each other. The iron-black monster monkey naturally tried its best to resist, but it clearly felt that the blood power of the other party was not much stronger than theirs, but it was so pure that the two could hardly believe it.

Before they had time to make much countermeasures, the two iron-black monster monkeys had already collided head-on, and these two guys were pretty good. One bump won't solve the problem. It's just that this bloody violent ape has no intention of ending. After several collisions, the iron-black demon monkey couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop!" Above the cloud city, a low voice came clearly to everyone's ears.

The fluffy and majestic bloody ape stretched out his hand and threw the badly injured monster monkey out like trash. As soon as the brilliance was restrained, it turned into a streak of blood and was absorbed into Lu Xiaotian's body again.

Everyone present was a little dazed looking at the astonishing scene in front of them. A group of cultivators wrestled with each other. Although no magic weapon was used, this kind of competition could show the strength of a body cultivator. The iron-black monkey monster is also a notorious existence in the body cultivation of the monster clan. Together, the two were completely destroyed by this unknown guy in front of him.

Even Dong Feng, who has been cooperating with Lu Xiaotian for a long time, his throat wriggled a few times uncomfortably at this time. He only said that Lu Xiaotian's supernatural powers are amazing, but he has never been clear about Lu Xiaotian's background. However, after seeing Lu Xiaotian make a move at this time, he found that looking at the other party was even more cloudy.

"Haha, I haven't seen you in hundreds of years, Brother Lu is still very sharp!" The wild boar Yaozhu Qiyi looked very warm with Lu Xiaotian.

"Fellow Daoist Lu brought by Director Dongfeng, please enter the guest hall, and wait for the rest of the stick of incense in the main hall after time." The voice above Yuncheng fell slightly, and white clouds rolled in the void, forming a white cloud plank road leading directly to Lu Xiaotian's feet.

"I'll go first." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Dongfeng and Zhu Qi.

"It seems that Director Bu's busy work is in vain this time. It must have taken a lot of effort to win over the three monster races. It's just that the quantity is enough, and the quality needs to be improved." The facial expression, Dongfeng felt very happy. According to the performance just now, Lu Xiaotian was directly invited to the guest hall, while the other body repairers entered the main hall. It is obvious that Lu Xiaotian's performance just now has passed the review of the other party. Others are still waiting to be selected.

Buying snorted coldly, it was useless to stay longer, but she just left without expression because of the jokes. Except for the blue-armed leopard monster, the two iron-black monkey monsters are still in the upper-middle class, but they are injured after being beaten up by Sui Xiaotian, so it is undoubtedly a dream to be selected.

With a flick of his sleeves, Buying left several times faster than when he got up.

"Director Bu, I just want to leave too, let's go together." Dong Feng laughed, not intending to let go of the opportunity to ridicule the other party, and followed closely.

"Brother Zhu Qi, who did Director Dongfeng invite? They are so powerful. I've never heard of such a powerful physical cultivator before." Up to a dozen. It's just that the relatively large number of monks with physical training is still an absolute minority, especially the high-level physical training. The circle is not too big. At least most of them have heard of some rumors even if they haven't met other people. Only Lu Xiaotian seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"You guys don't know that. Brother Lu and I don't know each other. Later, I got inspiration from Brother Lu. After I went back, I practiced and my strength improved by leaps and bounds. That's why I was invited here." Wild Boar Demon Pig Qi opened his mouth wide and spit flying all over the place. It frightened the other monster races present for a moment.

But from the looks of it, the wild boar demon Zhu Qi did have some friendship with that person just now, and being able to establish a relationship with such a person, Zhu Qi's weight in the hearts of the demons has naturally increased a lot.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian had already entered the guest hall of Yuncheng through the Baiyun plank road. The guest hall is not big, after Lu Xiaotian sat down, a one-eyed, white-haired old man with hostility in his two-cornered eyes came out slowly from a stone gate.

The one-eyed, white-haired old man was dressed in alchemy clothes, and once he entered, his one-eyed eye sized up Lu Xiaotian unscrupulously.

"Where do you come from, why haven't I heard of you before?" the one-eyed old man asked.

"It doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is that you need a strong physical training. Before you came, your people never said that you have to explain these things." Lu Xiaotian was unmoved, even though the opponent's strength is not weak, but it has not yet come. Fit, in front of this kind of person, Lu Xiaotian will not feel any pressure.

"There are many physical trainings in the spiritual realm. I can use you or not. You are not irreplaceable." The one-eyed old man snorted coldly.

"I can do what other physical training can do. They can't do what I can do." Lu Xiaotian said lightly.

"What an arrogant tone, but it suits my appetite. You will be in charge of the Diyang Furnace later." Regarding Lu Xiaotian's reply, the one-eyed white-haired old man who seemed a bit domineering was not only not angry, but showed a look of admiration.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, the one-eyed white-haired old man had already turned around and left through the stone gate just now.

Lu Xiaotian sat in his original position, closing his eyes and resting his mind. He didn't use Yuanshen to explore around, but after such a short moment, Lu Xiaotian sensed that a divine consciousness far surpassing the cultivator of the Void Realm appeared in the stone room.

Lu Xiaotian remained silent, this divine consciousness is indeed powerful, but when Lu Xiaotian advanced to the Divine Void Realm, the primordial spirit alone had already reached the initial level of the Composite Realm. In Liefeng Gorge, City Master Ye's Piaotian sword fetus was refined, and under the blessing of the Bodhi Star Spirit, he absorbed a large amount of Buddhist elixir. Lu Xiaotian has even reached the late stage of the Divine Void Realm. At this time, Lu Xiaotian is not sure that his soul can reach the late stage of fusion, but it will not be much worse.

At least the primordial spirit that swept onto him seemed tyrannical, but as soon as he appeared in the stone room, Lu Xiaotian found him. As for the so-called guest hall, there must be special restrictions. It is normal for Yuncheng to prepare such a big event as burning Buddha dust and bone-cleaning pills, and there are strong people in the fusion period sitting in the town, Lu Xiaotian let this divine sense sweep around. The primordial spirit didn't see what was going on, so he left.

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