Become a Fairy

Chapter 1900 Purple Crystal Jade

After hearing Bailifei's offer, the demon cultivators who were watching the battle were stunned for a while. Lu Xiaotian nodded secretly, Bailifei was obviously much more sophisticated than Ye Ziyu in doing this kind of thing. The left and right have offended the other party to death, so it is natural to speak more harshly, and the hostility of the other party cannot be dispelled even if the asking price is low.

"Okay, 300,000 is 300,000, I'll give it to you." The master of Cold Sand Castle was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the time when the main players of the Huokui Palace's God-Void Realm were almost dead, but it turned out that Unexpectedly, he didn't eat the mutton, and instead made him feel ashamed. It's really a loss for my wife and a loss of soldiers. Although there are 300,000 low-grade spirit crystals, it's still reasonable to buy a cultivator who lives close to the Void Realm.

"Brother Wu, I don't have enough spiritual crystals in my hand now, and I'm still short of more than 100,000, so I have to trouble Brother Wu to help me out. After I go back, I will return it to Brother Wu as soon as possible." Arched.

Taoist Centipede's eyes flickered for a while, and finally he lent it to Castle Master Hansha. Facing Ye Ziyu and Bailifei, even if they had the upper hand in this line of work, if they really fought together, even if they could win, they would definitely die. In this case, naturally no one is willing to be this contributor.

A conflict ended here, and the owner of Cold Sand Castle had his son's body floating on the lake taken away, his face ashen and defeated. As for Taoist Centipede, he followed the main debt of Cold Sand Castle.

"This place has become a place of right and wrong, let's change to another place." After everyone had almost left, Lu Xiaotian walked out from a hidden location.

When Bailifei saw Lu Xiaotian, he was startled for a moment, and then realized that Ye Ziyu had answered the request of Mrs. Zishan at that time, and he might have something to do with Lu Xiaotian. Bailifei can also understand that Lu Xiaotian has been stealthy, if the centipede Taoists think they have figured out the strength of their party, they will find out how wrong they are when they look back.

The group left the original small island on the lake and came to a swamp by the lake. There was a lot of fire mist on the edge of the swamp, and it was easy to hide them. "Thank you for your life-saving grace. I can't repay you. Except for some personal belongings of me and the two juniors, all my belongings are in this Sumeru ring." In the mist of fire, a piece of fire left under the banyan tree, Mrs. Zi Shan Lu presented the Sumeru Ring to Baili Fei very tactfully.

Bailifei took the Sumeru ring unceremoniously, checked the contents inside, and found that there were only more than 20,000 low-grade spirit crystals in total, so he frowned. Throw the Sumeru Ring to Lu Xiaotian to see it again.

Lu Xiaotian scanned inside with his spiritual sense, and found a boxy purple crystal jade-like thing inside. Sweeping in with his spiritual sense, he found a purple stone gleaming inside, and the shape of that purple stone was exactly the same as his own magnetic stone.

"Mrs. Lu, where did this thing come from? What's the origin?" Lu Xiaotian asked directly.

"My husband gave it to me. He didn't say what it's useful for. It's just extremely important. Let me keep it safe." Madam Lu said.

"Did he tell you about the birthday present for Emperor Dongyi Xiong?" Lu Xiaotian asked again.

"It seems to be some kind of magnetic stone. It is especially useful for physical training, and the power of combining body is also very useful. I heard that it can also be used as medicine for alchemy. If it is not an accident, my husband will not die in the wilderness without bones."

Mrs. Lu sighed. When her husband was here, the Huokui Palace was considered a force. As the wife of the palace owner, she was also a cultivator in the Void Realm. She seldom watched people's faces. The children can't even protect them, if they hadn't met Ye Ziyu and his party by chance today, I'm afraid life would be worse than death.

"Based on your current situation, the situation will definitely not be too good. From now on, hide your name and find a place to live a peaceful life." Lu Xiaotian just took this piece of cyan crystal jade, and gave the rest to Bailifei, so that he could live with him. Pay the rain.

"Here, in the entire Chaotic Demon Territory, where is there any real safe place to live? My husband used to have some enemies. After learning that my husband was in trouble, he must look for them everywhere. They should be newcomers. Although I have strength He's humble, but he's familiar with the Chaotic Demon Realm, how about being a guide for you guys." Madam Lu had a pleading look on her face.

"Brother Lu, they are also people in distress, so please help them." Ye Ziyu said in support.

"Alright, then I'll take you for a while. If there is a suitable place to go, you can leave at any time. We come to Chaos Realm Demon, and we have even more powerful enemies. If we meet at that time, we will not care about you." Lu Xiaotian nodded, it doesn't matter whether he takes Mrs. Lu and her children with him or not, Taoist Centipede, Lord of Cold Sand Castle and those guys are not in his eyes. Mrs. Lu is also a cultivator in the Void Realm, which can be regarded as a help to some extent.

"Mrs. Lu took a pair of children to thank you again and again. Especially Mrs. Lu, it was only then that I realized that Lu Xiaotian was the one who really made up his mind in the group in front of him. Showing up, it seems that they didn't pay much attention to the Lord of the Cold Sand Castle and the others, and they knew how powerful they were. Naturally, Mrs. Lu would not easily give up the protective umbrella in front of her.

When the cloud corpse eggs were handed over to the two fire corpses, the fire corpses thanked them repeatedly, and the cloud corpse eggs were not cheap. And Lu Xiaotian also gave a lot. This posture is to use the shortest time to pull back their strength. After getting the cloud corpse eggs, the two immediately took the eggs to practice in a relatively hidden place in Huoli banyan tree.

Bailifei also took a corner to practice.

Lu Xiaotian found an open space, and laid several restrictions overlapping each other, not only can cut off people's sight, but also can block spiritual consciousness. Take out the alchemy furnace and start raising the furnace to make alchemy.

All kinds of spiritual objects were thrown into the alchemy furnace in an orderly manner, and the refreshing medicinal fragrance filled the air. When there was a burst of gudong sound like boiling water in the alchemy furnace, Lu Xiaotian held a plant about a foot high in his hand, which was covered with scales, and the fine scales were like the texture of ice crystals.

The key to the Ice Pattern Continuing Marrow Pill lies in the magical effect of the Ice Pattern Grass, which does not have any healing effect. But it is very important for refining Dan. It needs to melt the ice weed grass, guide the scale-like textures, and wrap the already scalding medicinal juice in the pill furnace.

Among them, the alchemy attainments of alchemists are extremely exquisite. At this time, the medicinal liquid in the alchemy furnace is not completely effective, and some of them are poisonous, but without these substances, it is impossible to proceed to this step. Part of it must be filtered, but the part that is really effective cannot be let go. Filter it out. Among them, there are extremely strict requirements on the skill of alchemists.

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