Become a Fairy

Chapter 1875 Strange Monster

"Fellow Daoist Lu just noticed something was wrong. I always feel that Mr. Heipengsha's behavior is all sorts of weird." Now that he has picked his head, it will be easy to talk to him later, Taoist Sanhua asked directly.

"Didn't you say that you are very familiar with this place and have been here for many years? Why are you still asking us now?" Ye Ziyu said angrily.

"Here, I mean the Yehuo Field outside this ghost place." Taoist Sanhua said awkwardly. Naturally, he didn't dare to talk back to Ye Ziyu, beating a dog depends on the owner, not to mention that Ye Ziyu and Lu Xiaotian seem to have a difficult relationship. Of course, even without Lu Xiaotian, Taoist Sanhua would never want to provoke Ye Ziyu, who is so powerful in swordsmanship.

"Okay, don't interrupt, be careful, and the four of you together, don't get too close to us, otherwise there will be accidents, and we will be taken over by one pot." Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt the extremely unusual soul again.

Taoist Sanhua heard the words, and kept a certain distance from Lu Xiaotian and the others.

It disappeared again. Lu Xiaotian couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. Suddenly, a sudden change occurred. Among the crystal stones of five colors and six colors all around, some of them suddenly shot towards him extremely swiftly and violently. The seemingly magnificent spar suddenly exploded and turned into a ghost with a human head or a ferocious animal head exuding a sinister aura. The four extremely sharp fangs in the mouth looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

These human heads, or animal heads, ghosts, and ghosts have changeable faces. Sometimes human and animal heads change into animal heads, and sometimes animal heads change into human heads. The breath is also very strange. But it changes back and forth, and it will repeat itself after rolling it a few times. Although it is weird, it is not completely untraceable.

Lu Xiaotian's body swayed and turned into the shape of a sword embryo. The whole person was wrapped in a transparent giant sword. The long sword was horizontal in the air, and the body of the sword trembled slightly. A monster with an ever-changing face.

"嗤" and "嗤" the monster with constantly changing monster face, or human face, and glowing around the whole body let out several shrill cries respectively. Three green or blue cold lights greeted Lu Xiaotian's sword light. The two sides were deadlocked. Even Lu Xiaotian could clearly see these glowing demon heads, the human-headed monsters were constantly biting the sword light. The two sides fought fiercely in the void.

These monsters are tricky. The means of fighting these monsters with Jianmang is not very clever, but in the process of fighting, Lu Xiaotian felt that a very secret force spread to Lu Xiaotian's body in the process of fighting. If it weren't for Lu Xiaotian's strong primordial spirit, and as a body cultivator, his understanding of the body and his sense of foreign objects would be far beyond ordinary people. Especially in the process of this kind of fighting method, it is extremely easy to ignore. But once it enters the body, it is like a powder keg that may explode at any time. Especially when fighting these monsters, once a mistake occurs, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

The methods of these monsters are indeed weird. If they are not aware of it, they are very likely to be plotted by the other party. But now that he was aware of it, the threat was naturally resolved.

"Be careful, these monsters seem to be mediocre, but at the same time of fighting, there will be a strange force invading into the body, silently, and you must not be plotted by them."

Lu Xiaotian secretly reminded Ye Ziyu, Bailifei, and Fu Yu. He glanced at Taoist Sanhua and Sheng Suoduo, the bear demon. There was still a distance between the two sides before. At this time, once the fight started, these few kept approaching Lu Xiaotian's side, obviously they had no idea when they encountered these monsters they had never encountered before. If you are not sure, natural selection should be as close as possible to Lu Xiaotian and the others.

It saved me some effort. Seeing Taoist Sanhua's actions, Lu Xiaotian smiled secretly.

"Really. These monsters are really weird." Under Lu Xiaotian's reminder, while Bailifei and Fu Yu were fighting these monsters, they found an extremely imperceptible force slowly moving towards the monster. Internal invasion. If you don't search deliberately, you really can't find it. Thinking that something was going wrong in their bodies, Bailifei and Fu Yu couldn't help but sweat a little on their foreheads.

As for Ye Ziyu, before he could understand it carefully, a faint light green light suddenly flashed on his upper body. Block out the power of evil.

"That soft armor is extraordinary." Lu Xiaotian's eyes showed a little strangeness when he saw this, but he soon returned to normal. After all, as the daughter of City Lord Ye, he naturally possesses some treasures that ordinary monks do not have. Speaking of the treasures he possessed, among those present, there was probably none that could compare with Ye Ziyu.

Whoosh, whoosh, sword lights fought fiercely with these glowing human heads and demon head monsters in the void.

"Ah!" All of a sudden, the two fire corpses that consumed a lot of strength exclaimed, even with a distance of hundreds of feet, Lu Xiaotian could feel a cloud of cold power bursting out of each of the two fire corpses. Then a shallow ice-like net was formed to enclose the two fire corpses respectively. The five or six monsters who fought against the two fire corpses bit the fire corpse ferociously.

"Oops!" Taoist Sanhua's complexion changed drastically at this time, and a blue light flickered inside his body. Taoist Sanhua tried his best to resist this change in his body by using his mana, but at this time, several monsters who were fighting fiercely with him also rushed towards him one after another. Taoist Sanhua looked terrified. Although his state was much better than the two fire corpses, if these monsters really got their hands, it would be the difference between a good death and an ugly death.

At this time, don't say that Taoist Sanhua is in a slightly better situation than the two fire corpses. Even Sheng Suoduo, the bear demon who has not yet attained enlightenment, has no expression on his face. At this time, there are more than a dozen monsters attacking the four of them together. If Sanhua Daoist fell one after another, he, a demon cultivator, would not be able to survive a round or two against these dozens of monsters at the same time. Come.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, fellow Daoist Ye, please help." They were in a bad situation, so naturally they immediately put their hopes on Lu Xiaotian and the other human races.

"Here we come." Hearing the panicked calls for help from Taoist Sanhua, Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched. These guys are not his own, and they don't have deep friendship. Lu Xiaotian naturally didn't remind them in advance. You have to let them suffer so much that you can understand the role of your own people. Providing help on your own initiative is naturally not as effective as their begging.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and waved, a few human heads on the opposite side, the monsters of the beasts had already supported to the limit. A beam of sword light pierced through the space-time from the heads of these monsters one after another, and suddenly these monsters exploded into a group of crystal-clear and shining stones suspended in the void. It's roughly the same as when it broke out before.

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