Become a Fairy

Chapter 1822 Enemy Meets Again

"Senior also took a look at the junior's Sumeru ring, and there is also a prescription in it. I got it from the same Sumeru ring as Fuyong Daoist. Senior should be able to use it." Eyelids of the two-horned bull demon Jump, yelling at Fu Yong in my heart. The two originally had a friendship that was somewhat united, but now in front of Lu Xiaotian, they turned into mutual dismantling.

As for Lu Xiaozai, the so-called senior, he was naturally slanderous in his heart. However, the two-horned bull demon didn't have much to complain about. Another strong man in the Void Realm would have wiped out the two juniors with just a lift of his hand. Fortunately, the senior in the Divine Void Realm in front of him was just trying to make money, not necessarily kill him.

Lu Xiaotian was extremely happy with the harvest of Fangcai Danfang. Although it is a shame to take away the Xumi Ring of the junior, but the cave of Hunyuan Taoist is extremely dangerous, so Lu Xiaotian picked up other gods. Backward Sumeru Ring. If you can pick it up, others will naturally pick it up too.

There is no difference in cultivation level in picking things, it depends on luck. It's just a little bit of loss, but after tasting the sweetness, Lu Xiaotian didn't bother to care about so much, and besides, he even pulled them back from the gate of hell.

"I want this alchemy too." Lu Xiaotian took out another alchemy from the Sumi ring of the two-horned bull demon. Then he returned the Sumeru ring to the two-horned bull demon and Fu Yong. Although these two guys still have a lot of spiritual crystals, they still can't get into Lu Xiaotian's eyes.

"Thank you, senior." Seeing that Lu Xiaotian returned the Sumeru ring, Fu Yong and the two-horned bull demon were overjoyed. Especially Fu Yong, who knew that he had probably passed this test. As for the two-horned bull monster, he is not sure. Lu Xiaotian has no prejudice against the monster race, even the demon race, or the ghost race. He has seen this when he was in the secret realm of Lingxu.

"Let's go." Lu Xiaotian and the two were not too polite, and took out the blue cloak and put it on.

Seeing the cyan half-cape Lu Xiaotian was wearing, Fu Yong and the two-horned bull monster were relieved. In the early years, it was falsely rumored that a human monk wearing a blue cloak almost swept away the peak monsters who entered the cave. Whether it is the monster race or the human race with a bad relationship, they are afraid to avoid it. It's no wonder that the human cultivator in the blue cloak in front of him is clearly a strong man in the Void Realm, how can the Huashen Yaozu compete with the strong in the Void Realm. The two didn't expect Lu Xiaotian to break through to the realm of the gods here.

At this time, the original goal has been achieved, but Ziye Zhenwu finally became Lu Xiaotian's heart disease. Lu Xiaotian released the little white dog to search for the traces of Ziye Zhenwu, but this Ziye Zhenwu actually used the method of earth escape Freezing on the edge of the territory of another powerful fit. Lu Xiaotian stayed there for a while, Ziye Zhenwu was as cunning as a loach, Lu Xiaotian had no choice but to take the Ziye Zhenwu who was avoiding him wholeheartedly, so he had to take Fu Yong and the two-horned bull monster who stayed not far behind. back away.

"I didn't expect you to be able to come out of it, the collapse of the Earth Que Zheling Formation is your fault." Halfway through the journey, a gloomy and familiar voice sounded.

With a flash of spiritual light, a two-headed demon dog meandered towards the green forest in the distance.

"It's just good luck. Seeing the posture of the senior, he wants to block my way." Lu Xiaotian looked at the two-headed demon dog in front of him leisurely. Before, even the phantom clone of the other party was the existence he could only look up to. At this time, Lu Xiaotian had already I can face it calmly.

"Destroy the scroll that seals me in the Dao Palace for me. I will let you go." The two-headed demon dog said coldly, "Otherwise, you will only die."

"Really? It's a good time to see the methods of the seniors this time." Lu Xiaotian waved at Fu Yong and the two-horned bull monster. The man and the demon behind him retreated quickly.

When Lu Xiaotian finished speaking, his body was already turning into a streak of blood, flying towards the two-headed demon dog.

"You have actually broken through to the realm of body refinement and spiritual emptiness, and you are considered an outlier." The two-headed demon dog's eyes turned cold, "I heard that the defensive power of physical cultivation in the divine emptiness is extremely amazing. What's so special about it."

As soon as the voice fell, a layer of red, blue and black crystal armor intertwined with the body of the two-headed demon dog floated up, like a divine dog descending from the sky. With a flash of light, it rushed towards Lu Xiaotian. This time the two-headed demon dog phantom did not use the three-color mace.

boom! boom! boom!

In the eyes of Fuyong and the two-horned bull demon in the distance, there is a pale red figure dragging along, and a three-color intertwined shadow of a demon dog fighting each other into a ball, pure flesh colliding. The man and the monster sometimes fought fiercely into the air, and then rolled to the ground and collapsed several hills.

The bang bang bang bang sound made Fu Yong and the two-horned bull demon feel that the other's body is not a physical body, like a thick mountain, but stronger than the mountain, and the fierce fight between the two has already knocked down several buildings mountain.

boom! A figure flew upside down, Fuyong and the two-horned bull demon twitched their eyes. It seemed that Lu Xiaotian was at a disadvantage. Lu Xiaotian had no intention of killing the two of them, and he wanted to take them out of the cave. If Lu Xiaotian loses, how can he care about the two of them. Switching to a two-headed demon dog may not easily let the two of them leave.

"Physical cultivation in the spiritual realm is nothing more than that." The two-headed demon dog glanced at its paws, and looked at Lu Xiaotian who knocked down more than a dozen thick spirit trees in succession before stopping his figure with disdain.

Lu Xiaotian patted his chest, the blood gang battle armor had already been smashed to pieces by the paw of the two-headed demon dog. This double-headed demon dog is extremely powerful, plus the three-color crystal armor on its body surface is made of something unknown, and its defense power is even stronger than his own Blood Gang armor.

Lu Xiaotian didn't say much, and rushed forward again. The figure is like electricity.

The two-headed demon dog also flew forward without hesitation.

"Bang!" There was a violent explosion. This time it was the two-headed demon dog that was thrown out, and the tall trees behind it also suffered disasters and collapsed one after another.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was standing in the air, and the wild monster energy in his body was surging. Before the two-headed demon dog could react, Lu Xiaotian followed closely.

"Clang!" The two-color mace flew in the air, but the two-headed demon dog realized that it could not fight Lu Xiaotian who had used his weird magical powers with his body alone, so he had to use the three-color mace to repel Lu Xiaotian. Even though Lu Xiaotian's cultivation base has greatly improved at this time, he still dare not directly carry this extremely sharp two-color mace with his body, so he naturally sacrificed Fang Tian's painting halberd.

Clang clang clang. Two completely different auras collided in mid-air one after another.

In this fierce confrontation, the phantom of the two-headed demon dog gradually faded. After all, it was just a phantom clone, subject to many restrictions, and some supernatural powers could not be fully displayed. After fighting with Lu Xiaotian for a long time, the demon power was consumed too much, so naturally it couldn't hold on anymore.

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