Become a Fairy

Chapter 1816 Unexpected Harvest

Lu Xiaotian opened the Sumeru ring that he obtained next to the bone in the ground before entering the source of formation. The number of spiritual crystals in it was more than that of the old man just now. Judging from the spiritual objects inside , this fallen person should also be a strong man in the Void Realm. It's just that this person is not as lucky as the round-faced old man. Before hiding in the source of the formation, he failed to hold on and fell outside.

"Wood-type spiritual orchid?" Lu Xiaotian was surprised, and found Mulan in the five-element spiritual orchid in a pile of jade boxes containing spiritual objects.

I didn't look for Wuxing Linglan, I didn't expect this treasure to come to my door by myself. Compared with the low-grade spirit crystals that add up to more than 60,000, the fire and wood-type spirit orchids are naturally much more valuable.

Other than that, there isn't much else of value. After flipping the contents inside, Lu Xiaotian was holding a small black card that looked like a cow horn, with intricate patterns on it. It was placed very well in the Xumi ring, but Lu Xiaotian also saw it. For no reason, after looking at it for a while, it was thrown aside again.

Having seen the power of those two giant stone men, Lu Xiaotian didn't think it was any surprise that these two powerhouses in the Void Realm fell there. It's just that my current situation is really embarrassing. Is it necessary to be trapped here forever? Even the strong ones in the Void Realm were trapped to death here, even if he used the soul-swallowing method, he could only compete against the strong ones in the Void Realm in a short period of time, and he hadn't really reached that point yet.

Going out right now is tantamount to death, Lu Xiaotian thought about it, but couldn't think of a good way.

"It seems that only by breaking through to the realm of the void inside, can there be hope of going out later." In the end, Lu Xiaotian came to such a conclusion. Fortunately, Lue Lingxi has already been obtained at this time, and there are very few outsiders breaking into the current source.

Of course, although the chance of outsiders breaking in is smaller, it is not impossible. For example, I am an outsider to the round-faced white-bearded old man who was killed before.

"It's better to repair this Qingxu Earth Palace Formation first." Lu Xiaotian made up his mind, took out the damaged formation flag, and some spiritual materials, earth-type spirit stones. With a palm outstretched, Gui Xinshi, the skull of the earth demon bear and several other spiritual materials floated in front of him. A cloud of mana wrapped these several kinds of spiritual materials.

The mana continued to erode into these kinds of spiritual materials, slowly softening them, and finally turning them into juice and fusing them together. It wasn't until the aura of the spiritual liquid mixed with these several kinds of spiritual things became exactly the same as that slightly damaged formation flag, that Lu Xiaocai controlled the spiritual liquid to repair the slightly damaged formation flag.

The small opening in the flag was like a human wound, healing at an extremely slow speed.

"The work of repairing the formation is really long." Until more than half a year later, Lu Xiaotian shook his head looking at the restored formation flag in his hand.

According to what the round-faced white-bearded old man did before, after Lu Xiaotian refined this set of array flags, he stretched out his hand and waved the array flags, flying down and hiding in the narrow passage that was only a few feet wide. As long as someone wants to get close to him, he must pass through this pure and empty underground palace formation. The round-faced, white-bearded old man had clearly laid out the formation before, but he was eager to lure himself into the formation, probably because he was seriously injured and unable to consume himself for a long time.

I just need to separate out a sub-primordial spirit to guard the magnetic formation at all times.

"Although I was trapped at the source of this formation, but with this formation guarding it, it is an excellent retreat." Lu Xiaotian touched his chin. There was a flash of inspiration in Lu Xiaotian's hand, it was the spiritual seed that Ziye Zhenwu shrank into after being injured, and the fluctuation inside was stronger than the outside at this time, Lu Xiaotian could feel the spiritual power of Ziye Zhenwu to this place. Unusual desire. Especially the khaki crystal at the core of the array source.

However, if Ziye Zhenwu is allowed to absorb the spiritual power here, it may cause unpredictable damage to the formation here. Without this hiding place, he can't last long under the hands of those two giant stone men. Let's put it aside for now.

In the channel of the formation source, a piece of yellow brilliance flows, and the earth element spiritual power inside is as thick as a substance, like a yellow underground river. Lu Xiaotian sat cross-legged at the end of the dark river, his heart turned to the sky. The breath is concentrated, with Lu Xiaotian's body as the center, the seven demon-suppressing towers are connected end to end, and the breath is integrated.

It's just that in the silver-gray brilliance emanating from the Zhenyao Tower, there are faint traces of red blood. These bloodlines exude a murderous intent.

"Starting from Yuanling City to entering this cave, I killed many monsters and devoured their primordial spirits along the way. I really saved a lot of killings." Lu Xiaotian calmed down, his mana circulated in the meridians, and penetrated In the Zhenyao Pagoda, there was a burst of Buddhist singing in the Zhenyao Pagoda, and the ancient and vicissitudes of Buddhist scriptures flashed inside. Constantly shining on this thread of blood. These bloodlines are like ice that has accumulated for many years, and it is difficult to melt. It's just that Lu Xiaotian already has experience. Just turn the mana slowly and maintain this process.

As time went by, these blood lines became weaker and weaker, and Yang finally disappeared into nothingness.

Within this narrow passage, the days are repetitive and monotonous.

Lu Xiaotian lifted his left hand, and a jade box appeared in his hand. The green calyx Lingxi inside seemed to be tired from tossing, and he was still unable to break open the jade box to escape. At this time, he was lying quietly in the jade box, as if sleeping.

Only when Lu Xiaotian opened the jade box, the green calyx Lingxi suddenly regained its vitality, and shot away towards the outside of the passage.

"Want to escape?" Lu Xiaotian twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched out his finger and flicked, and a large net formed by mana directly covered Lue Lingxi. He opened his mouth and inhaled, and was sucked into Lu Xiaotian's body together with the big net and the green calyx spirit.

Once entering the body, layers of magic power will wrap the green calyx consonance. Lu Xiaotian closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged in his original position. like a statue.

In the channel of the formation source, there is a continuous flow of earth-type spiritual power to the outside. On the ground, every few days, there will be a big or small fight.

One day, a group of human monks broke into the Que Zhe Ling Formation rashly, just as the giant stone man hadn't woken up, but a group of people still suffered heavy casualties in the dense group of stone demons. Only two people have a good relationship, one of them is an array mage, and luckily, he found the source of the array vaguely, and broke into the entrance of the channel of the array source before the boulder stone man was completely awakened.

"Brother, there seems to be someone over there." As the two continued to go deeper, the distance between them and Lu Xiaotian became closer and closer, and one of the women in blue tugged at the sleeve of the tall young man next to him.

"Really. It looks like this person was probably injured just like us." The tall young man clutched his still aching chest.

"What shall we do?" the blue shirt woman said.

"Let's find out about this person first. We two, he is alone, so there is nothing to be afraid of." The tall young man was very courageous.

"Brother, how are you?" The tall young man tentatively said to Lu Xiaotian as he approached with his junior sister.

"It's not good, if you don't want to die, leave this passage, where did you come from, where do you go back." A faint voice replied, in the eyes of the two, Lu Xiaotian didn't even lift his eyelids. He wanted to scare them away.

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