Become a Fairy

Chapter 179

However, the millions of living souls are not useless at all. Although the thunder and lightning killed the living souls at an astonishing speed, they are also being consumed at a speed that can be discerned by the naked eye. It's just that the speed at which the living soul is consumed is far greater than that of thunder and lightning.

The thick thunder pillar easily pierced through the huge cloud caused by the gathering of living souls. Hitting the Green Armored Skull's chest, the Green Skull pulled Zhu Yuchun in front of him in fear. Zhu Yuchun's body, which could almost compete with the bronze puppet before, was smashed to pieces in the blink of an eye.

The green armor on the green-armored skeleton had survived hundreds of Qi-refining Dzogchen monks in the blood-colored forbidden area, and the green armor bombarded by dozens of magic weapons was also covered with cracks like spider webs. The green armored skeleton howled miserably and was knocked off the entire lower body of the skeleton from the chest down by the lightning. Only the upper half of the body was left, and Zhu Yuchun was even worse, with only a head and a trace of dizzy consciousness left.

As the person who shot the thunder beads, Lu Xiaotian definitely had a hard time at this time. At the moment the thunder beads exploded, he also felt a destructive aura coming from behind. Frightened, he directly sacrificed the Five Elements Spirit Armor Talisman that he had been reluctant to use.

The thunderball exploded in the water was even more powerful. In order to prevent the green armored skeleton from escaping from the water, when he threw the thunderball, he did not escape very far. Although it was not at the center of the explosion, it was also affected. His physical defense and self-protection skills are far inferior to the green armored skeleton. Even if he is on the edge, he still feels an almost irresistible destructive force .

That damned Lei Wantian, why didn't he explain the power of the thunder beads clearly at the beginning, seeing the spirit armor issued by the Five Elements Spirit Armor Talisman shatter in an instant under the impact of the explosion, Lu Xiaotian sacrificed the star lamp again, and at the same time summoned the copper The puppet stood in front of him.

The bronze puppet was blown to pieces in the explosion. The light curtain emitted by the star lamp was unstable for a while, but after such a buffer, Lu Xiaotian was also swept hundreds of feet away in the air like fallen leaves under a strong wind. Although he escaped by luck, his physical body still vomited blood even under the impact of the aftermath, and his inner body was shaken a lot, and his injuries were serious, but fortunately, there was no danger of his life.

Looking back, Lu Xiaotian felt heartbroken when he saw the bronze puppet that had turned into pieces of broken copper and iron. He originally hoped that he would use this copper puppet as a powerful help after he improved his puppet control technique. , Unexpectedly, it was destroyed in this explosion. Also put on the Five Elements Spirit Armor Talisman. The green armored skull really hurt him a lot!

Lu Xiaotian looked at the ground under the sky with lingering fears. Under this blow, a small lake with an area of ​​several miles was blown out on the ground. The river stopped flowing due to the explosion, and now it flowed back from both ends. The shrubs and woods on both sides of the river became scorched black after being affected by the lightning, and those trees that were closer turned directly into black charcoal.

This damned skeleton should be completely dead now after such a terrifying explosion. Lu Xiaotian relieved his anger a little while he hated it, but the next scene quickly left him dumbfounded.

The blood shadow flashed, only the upper body was left, most of the green armor had fallen off, and there were not a few good bones in the upper body, and the skeleton fled out in panic.

The Green Armored Skull was terrified in his heart. Since he stepped into the ghost way, he has survived many storms and waves. At this time, he finally got out of the Scarlet Forbidden Land. Unexpectedly, he almost fell into the hands of a human foundation-building cultivator. With a thunder bead, he put the newly refined bone shield and the bone spear he used before on the green magic armor that Zhu Yuchun was wearing, which was quite useful for the time being. There were even those millions of living souls, but they were lucky enough to pick up a life from under this thunder bead. Especially for those millions of living souls, they must have encountered the dead zone before, and if they want to collect so many living souls, it is simply not something that can be done in three to five years. That's not enough, at this time his body was severely injured again, and even the Blood Hidden Banner was shattered by the tyrannical thunder and lightning.

"It's not dead yet!" After Lu Xiaotian was surprised, his face quickly became gloomy. He didn't care about the injuries on his body, and ran back with his sword again. Seeing that the green armored skeleton and the signature green armor were blown away, most of the remaining The lower upper body looks rather funny, it is covered with fine cracks, looking at its tragic state, even if it is not dead, it must be a serious injury, if it is not eradicated at this time, it will be later.

"Boy, the green mountains are always there, and the green waters are always flowing. One day, you will be able to pay back your capital with interest."

The purple fire in the black hole's eye sockets of the green-armored skeleton has weakened a lot. Looking at this young man who seriously injured him again, the green-armored skeleton can't help but hate it. What's more, besides, the kid's methods in front of him really can't be guessed by ordinary human foundation-building monks, and he can't bear a more severe blow. He can only make plans after he recovers his strength.

The green-armored skeleton waved the hidden blood banner, and the upper half of its body turned into a stream of light and walked away in the air under the influence of the hidden blood banner.

Lu Xiaotian looked at the opponent in surprise, his speed was even faster than when he was chasing him. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky, and I'm afraid it would be impossible to chase after it. Unexpectedly, the green-armored skeleton could still have such a speed when it was seriously injured. Lu Xiaotian naturally didn't know that the speed of the green-armored skeleton was slowed down because of the large number of living souls that had not been refined in the hidden blood streamer. In order to save his life just now, the other party released all the living souls in the hidden blood banner, barely canceling most of the power of the thunder beads. Although the hidden blood banner was damaged at this time, the speed did not drop but increased.

If it wasn't for the Thunder Bead in hand this time, I'm afraid I'd be a little bit overwhelmed. The power of the Thunder Bead is equivalent to a full-strength attack by a monk at the early stage of Jindan, and it is the most powerful treasure in his hand. Even a single thunderball can't kill the opponent, even the Seven Star Formation may not be able to do anything to get this skeleton.

Pfft, after the green armored skeleton left, Lu Xiaotian vomited a few mouthfuls of blood again. His complexion changed, unexpectedly, the destruction of the power of lightning in his body was still continuing. The injury is still deteriorating, and it is necessary to find a safe place to heal. Lu Xiaotian swallowed a few pills, and quickly left in the opposite direction to the green armored skull.

More than half a year later, the Xiao family in Chixia County of Wei State had a horse farm in the north of the county, and thousands of strong horses were galloping on the grass.

A row of more than a dozen strong men with excellent equestrian skills galloped on horseback to their heart's content, driving the group of horses to a place with more fertile water and grass.

On a small mound near the racecourse, there was a lot of screaming. A beautiful girl of thirteen or fourteen was dancing gracefully with a short sword in her hand. At this age, her momentum of attacking had already surpassed that of a first-class warrior. , approaching peerless warriors. The speed at which he drew his sword was even more astonishing.

In the country of Wei, which has a population of hundreds of millions and an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, it is also an extremely rare genius warrior.

"Master, how is my sword dancing?" The girl was dripping with sweat when she drew the sword, she wiped the moisture from her forehead, and hurriedly ran to a young man in black who was sitting cross-legged not far away to ask for credit.

"So-so, keep practicing." The young man opened his eyes and said with no expression on his face.

"Oh." After the girl heard about it, she went back to continue slashing with her sword, one movement after another.

This girl is called Chi Lin, and he has an older brother named Chi Kun who has also practiced martial arts with his sister for more than half a year. Many people went to the county town to catch up with the racecourse today, so they went out. The two siblings have an elderly grandfather who is a veterinarian at Xiao's racecourse. Life is not as good as that of a rich family, but being able to take care of the horse farm for the Xiao family can be regarded as a small rich family, with no worries about food and clothing.

The young man is naturally Lu Xiaotian, and it's really hard to say when he came to this racecourse. Wei State is already tens of thousands of miles away from Wangyue City. After his battle with the green-armored skeleton, he was also affected by the thunder beads. In fact, he still underestimated the lethality of the thunder beads. On, but also on the destructive power of lightning. It is equivalent to the strike of a monk at the early stage of Jindan, the lightning technique performed by a monk of Jindan, is powerful and destructive. It has been continuously hurting Lu Xiaotian's body.

It was in this situation that Lu Xiaotian and Yue Song bumped into each other very unluckily. Yue Song was overjoyed when he saw Lu Xiaotian, who was seriously injured, and immediately attacked without saying a word, intending to take the opportunity to take Lu Xiaotian's life. Lu Xiaotian's state at this time was no longer enough to compete with Yue Song, so he sacrificed the Seven Star Formation.

Sure enough, the seven-star formation lived up to its high expectations. Yue Song didn't even last a stick of incense in the seven-star formation, so he was killed in the formation, and even Yuanshen failed to escape. Lu Xiaotian got Yue Song's storage bag and the giant centipede puppet. But the price he paid for using the seven-star formation was not small. He used the sub-primordial spirit to control the seven-star formation. The sub-primordial spirit was not as powerful as the main primordial spirit. After killing Yue Song, the sub-primordial spirit fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's body was still being destroyed by the power of lightning, and the situation was extremely bad. Lu Xiaotian, who was seriously injured, tried his best to eliminate the remaining power of lightning in his body. He recuperated for several days in a thatched hut on a post road in a barren mountain. Healing horse medicine obtained a section of withered beiqing grass.

This kind of spiritual grass is extremely effective in healing physical injuries, and it is the most important herbal medicine that Huo Yuming gave him in the body training method "Horizontal Training of the Golden Body". Back then, when he came out of the Scarlet Forbidden Land, he exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill for Huo Yuming's body training technique. After the foundation was established, he read it carefully several times. At that time, because there was no Bei Qingcao, although there were several other substitutes in the enchantment, the effect was much worse. It might take a long time to practice, but the effect was not great. Before going out to practice in the mountains, he refined a large amount of Peiyuan Dan, so he put this matter on hold for the time being.

Now that I think about it carefully, Huo Yuming gave him this body training method, and also gave him some subsidiary spiritual objects. I am afraid that the most important Bei Qingcao has been used up. The more you practice in "Horizontal Golden Body", The requirements for the year of Bei Qingcao are also higher.

Chi Lin is a kind-hearted girl. Seeing the pale Lu Xiaotian, she asked Lu Xiaotian to go with the horse team. Lu Xiaotian pushed the boat along the way and followed their horse team directly to the horse farm in Chixia County. Originally, Chi Changyong, the grandfather of the Chi Lin brothers and sisters, was a little wary of Lu Xiaotian, but after Lu Xiaotian accidentally showed his hand, he stopped talking. The Chi Lin brothers and sisters were even more astonished as heavenly beings, and they wanted to worship Lu Xiaotian as their teacher.

According to Chi Changyong's guidance, Lu Xiaotian successfully found a small clump of Bei Qingcao that was only a few years old near the racecourse. So a few plants were transplanted into the enchantment and ripened with spirit stones. At this time, his body was still deteriorating under the damage of the power of lightning, which was equivalent to the purity of the power of lightning from a strike of a Jindan cultivator. Compared with it, the mana cultivated by Lu Xiaotian was like grass and jade dew. Different.

After getting Bei Qingcao, Lu Xiaotian's physical injuries were stabilized for the time being. Out of the need to heal his injuries, Lu Xiaotian stayed at the racecourse. Because of the opportunity brought by Chi Lin and others, Lu Xiaotian made an exception and accepted two people for registration. Disciple, it's just that the two of them don't have spiritual roots and can't set foot on the road of cultivating immortals, so Lu Xiaotian refined some low-level psychic liquid and let the two brothers and sisters wash their hair and cut their marrow. I taught the two some simple swordsmanship. Although the two brothers and sisters have not practiced any martial arts mentality, Lu Xiaotian actually doesn't understand these, but the physique of the two is stronger than some peerless warriors under Lu Xiaotian's training. Strong and tenacious. The strength of recovery is not comparable to that of secular warriors. In a month or two, even peerless warriors may not necessarily be opponents of these two brothers and sisters.

And in the past few months, Lu Xiaotian used Bei Qingcao and a kind of spiritual grass he already owned to refine several kinds of medicines for body training. Although the power of thunder and lightning has not been completely eliminated, the speed of self-healing of the body is already stronger than the destructive ability of lightning by using these kinds of elixirs. The rest is for Lu Xiaotian to use his own magic power in his dantian to continuously wear down the power of thunder and lightning that still remains in his body. Lu Xiaotian has made certain calculations, and it takes almost a hundred times of his mana to consume a portion of the power of thunder and lightning.

The time was spent in this kind of tedious recuperation, relying on his own magic power alone, due to the weakening of the body, he could only produce the attack power equivalent to the middle stage of Qi refining. Even if it is the skill that comes with the magic orb, because the body is temporarily unable to bear the load generated by the use of a large amount of mana, it cannot be used for a while.

However, Lu Xiaotian's stay at the racecourse for more than half a year is by no means as simple as just recuperating his injuries. Although the power of lightning in his body makes his body weak to a certain extent at this time, but while using his own mana to continuously eliminate the power of lightning in his body, his mana is being tempered almost day and night due to the cruelty. Become more pure, and while practicing the body training technique, the physical body is gradually becoming stronger. Lu Xiaotian realized that the reason why the thunder and lightning power that was equivalent to the Jindan cultivator could cause so much damage to his body was because the physical strength was relatively weak and could not withstand a stronger blow.

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