Become a Fairy

Chapter 1779 Refining the demon Lei Yuan

"Okay." Lu Xiaotian nodded and smiled, "I will make it for you as soon as possible."

"Brother Lu is so kind." Ye Ziyu smiled so much that his eyes rolled.

"Yo yo yo, I can't listen anymore." While Mo Yuyan pursed her lips into a smile, Shu Tiance covered her ears and said.

"I want you to take care of it." Ye Ziyu said angrily to Shu Tiance.

Watching the three of them leave the valley through the teleportation place. The smile on Lu Xiaotian's face subsided. The body flickered on the verdant grassland, and it didn't take long for Lu Xiaotian to return to the simple cave.

"Give you a little time, I think you won't go too far." Sui Xiaotian twitched his mouth, and strengthened the restriction in the cave a few more layers, and then released the demon Lei Yuan who was in the mid-stage of fusion.

"Where is this place?" The demon Lei Yuan has been sealed up for so many years, and as a superpower of fusion, she has accumulated a lot of anger. With a cold glance, he looked at Lu Xiaotian and said.

"My cave." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Why did you set up so many restrictions?" Yao Leiyuan stared at Lu Xiaotian angrily, with lightning flashing in his eyes, "Why am I in your hands?"

"These restrictions are specially used to block your retreat. As for how you are in my hands, I bought them with some spirit crystals." Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, "I have practiced a special kind of exercise, which requires the help of Use your primordial spirit."

"Ants, dare you!" Yao Leiyuan was furious immediately, but in the anger, there was also a bit of fear.

It's just that Lu Xiaotian didn't continue talking to Yao Leiyuan at this time, flicking his fingers repeatedly, one after another soul-holding nets blocked the demon Leiyuan's primordial spirit in the air.

"However, the god-transforming ants can display such a powerful soul-capturing method." Yao Leiyuan's eyes were full of shock, and a few soul-capturing nets were covered with this dazed skill. How could Yao Leiyuan be so easily subdued, and with a flap of her wings, she pierced through these soul-holding nets.

Lu Xiaotian was not discouraged in the slightest. Although the primordial spirit of monsters and birds is not so easy to capture, it has been so many years since he was practicing "Soul Swallowing Dafa" and now "Soul Melting Dafa". Lu Xiaotian has devoured no less than a thousand spirits of all kinds of monster birds, and the number of this monster eagle is at least close to a hundred. To deal with this kind of demon eagle, Lu Xiaotian is naturally experienced.

A few soul arresting nets avoid the sharp places such as the beak and claws of the demon thunder eagle, from its neck and back. Wing roots and other places. As long as it is restrained where it is not easy to resist, then it will be easy to handle. After all, this demon Lei Yuan is only in the state of primordial spirit.

It's just that this demon Lei Yuan was a great power in the middle stage of fusion before, and the difference in realm was more than a star and a half. It took a lot of effort for Lu Xiaotian to barely include it in the Soul War Yuanzhu.

"For the time being, it can be regarded as refining the primordial spirit of the demon Leiying, but the power inside is too strong." Lu Xiaotian looked at the Soul War Orb in his hand, and finally refined the primordial spirit of the demon Leiyuan , but he dared not use it easily. There is a saying that the older you are, the less courageous you are. With the deepening of his cultivation, Lu Xiaotian also dislikes uncontrollable forces running around in his body. Even the extremely powerful Piaomiao sword embryo, Lu Xiaotian has been discarding it until now, even if he couldn't get rid of it from his body, he still forcibly put it aside.

The Soul Battle Yuanzhu is fleeting in the hand, and refining this demon Lei Yuan's Yuanshen consumes a lot of consciousness. Lu Xiaotian took a elixir for recovering consciousness and took a seat. After he recovered almost, he left the cave and hurried to the previous teleportation place.

A few miles away from the location of the teleportation, there were several flashes of spiritual light in the location of the teleportation.

This is someone coming in. After staying in this valley of sorrow for so many years, Lu Xiaotian has long been familiar with this situation. Apart from them, there will be other cultivators entering from time to time, and even often appear Casualties, some were unlucky, and fell into the siege of groups of monsters like the wooden cow demon. There have also been incidents of complete annihilation.

The spiritual light flashed in front of him one after another, and a group of five people appeared one after another. Lu Xiaotian was taken aback, he was very familiar with one of the visitors. Xiang Huaxin, the ancestor of Huashen from the former Xiang Kingdom, separated from them halfway after entering the Renyuan Gate. This guy has also reached the middle stage of transformation. Entry is also not slow.

Among the other four, there are three in the late stage of transformation and one in the middle stage. Including Xiang Huaxin, three men and two women.

"Why, Brother Xiang, do you know this person?" The man in the cyan Taoist robe at the head looked extremely young, but he called Xiang Huaxin his brother, with a smug mouth. There is nothing wrong with that.

"I know, but I don't have a deep friendship with him. This person used to be an extremely brilliant alchemist." Xiang Huaxin said.

"Smart alchemist? How smart is it? Alchemy king?" The man in the cyan Taoist robe and several other companions brightened their eyes.

"When I met me before, I was only a great master of alchemy, but this person is very talented in alchemy, and now he may be the king of alchemy." Although Xiang Huaxin didn't like Lu Xiaotian in the past, but because of his strength, he Even though I was a little unhappy, I didn't dare to show it too much. Naturally, there is no need to look at Lu Xiaotian's face now.

"Oh? Fellow Taoist, why are you alone?" An elderly middle-aged woman next to her glanced around and asked with a smile on her face, "Your friend has also followed us, and your realm has improved quite a bit. Hurry up. If fellow Taoists have reached the Alchemy King Realm, they are rare talents, why not join us? A Dan King, even if he is out of this place, it is extremely dangerous to go outside without help. Even if he has not yet reached the Alchemy King Realm, Our group is also willing to provide some spiritual materials for fellow daoists to refine alchemy and improve alchemy."

The middle-aged woman's words were extremely friendly, and Xiang Huaxin's expression was a bit unnatural. It was fine when he was suppressed by Lu Xiaotian when he was in the secret realm of Lingxu, but now that he has arrived in this realm, his strength has also improved a lot. But among this force, it still belongs to the middle and lower reaches. Their force is not limited to these few people in front of them. It's just that when Lu Xiaotian came, he received such preferential treatment because of his alchemy skills.

"Fellow Daoist Xiang, since you also know each other, please help persuade him. If you can be recruited into our team, it will be of great benefit to the future development of the power." The man in the blue Taoist robe transmitted voice to Xiang Huaxin. It is too difficult to cultivate an alchemy king, and it is difficult for scattered alchemists to grow to such a degree. Even some small and medium-sized forces do not have this ability. Pill Kings can only be cultivated by those Pill Workshops.

They can pick a ready-made one in front of them, why not do it, not to mention that they know that Xiang Huaxin came from an interface with low aura, which means that the alchemist in front of him has not been in any power for too long. At least not from childhood. It was hard to find such a person with a lantern, and now they have met one, which is really good luck.

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