Become a Fairy

Chapter 1711: The End

"Bastard, Niu Jinshan, what are you running for?" Originally, Niu Jinshan and Shang Wuque had teamed up to suppress Cui Liu, Zhou Yu, and Guo Jingyu completely suppressed them, and severely injured Cui Liu in one fell swoop. The game has been broken now, as long as a little trick is used, Cui Liu can be killed. Once the balance of power between the two sides is broken, it will be a one-sided massacre. But who would have thought that Niu Jinshan gave up his easy-to-get victory without the slightest warning, and chose to run away.

"What other reason could there be? It's nothing more than that the black-robed man was killed by Brother Lu. Shang Wuque, you're dead today!" Zhou Yu laughed loudly when he heard the words, and waved the red-flame mace in his hand like a maggot attached to the bone. The ground bites Shang Wuque tightly, not letting Shang Wuque get away.

"Brother Lu!" Sure enough, Guo Jingyu and Cui Yu, who was seriously injured, looked happy. The opposite Lu Xiaotian is coming quickly.

Shang Wuque's dead souls were all at once, and Niu Jinshan could escape without a fight, which showed that Niu Jinshan's senior brother was definitely stronger than him. Under the great battle just now, Shang Wuque had already seen the strength of Niu Jinshan, and he was by no means invincible. He also spanks.

"Want to escape? No way!" Guo Jingyu scolded coldly, controlling her magic weapon and cooperating with Zhou Yu to intercept it with all her strength, blocking Huai Niu Jinshan, but Shang Wuque was not completely stopped, but they just blocked him, the two of them still had to do owned.

Whoosh! A sword flashed. Shang Wuque, who had blocked Zhou Tong's blow just now, was stunned for a moment, his head jumped three feet high. The sword embryo hit Shang Wuque in one fell swoop and fell into Lu Xiaotian's body.

At this moment, only the tall female archer and the disheveled man remained in the formation. The other one has been killed in the formation.

"Captain, you can use the formation to kill the remaining two people. These people are rich enough to make up for the spiritual crystals consumed by the formation." Before Yu Zimo could speak, Lu Xiaotian had already crossed his knees and hit Seat breath adjustment. Cui Liu had already taken the healing elixir. And Guo Jingyu and Zhou Yu also spent a lot of time in the fighting skills just now, and the two also sat down and took the elixir to help restore mana.

"Alright, hurry up and recover, and leave the remaining two to me." Yu Zimo saw that Lu Xiaotian's complexion was pale, his aura was extremely unstable, and murderous aura of varying strengths erupted from his body from time to time. Since getting to know Lu Xiaotian, this is the first time Yu Zimo has seen such a situation where he can't even control his breath. I thought it was the backlash caused by Lu Xiaotian killing the black-robed man and using forbidden techniques. Also no longer too forceful.

At this moment, the overall situation was settled, and the two people who were incomplete in the formation were at the end of their strength and could not escape her grasp.

About half an hour later, the water hidden dragon formation slowly stopped, and the original three people inside had turned into three bloody corpses. Yu Zimo was also panting from exhaustion, for a person like her who didn't know much about formations, it was really difficult to control this formation to kill three people in a row.

But fortunately, in a great battle, although some people were injured, there was no attrition in the end. The five-member team is still intact.

"Running away from Niu Jinshan is a lot of trouble. If we know that Shang Wuque died in our hands, causing the merchant to retaliate, I'm afraid we will not be able to bear the merchant's anger." Zhou Yu said with a worried expression.

"You don't need to worry about this. Niu Jinshan probably doesn't dare to go back to Yuanling City. He was recruited by Shang Wuque, and Shang Wuque died. How dare he go back? Besides, I have already recorded it with the photo stone. Even if the businessmen really searched for us with some clues, I could make them swallow their teeth." Yu Zimo snorted coldly.

"That's right, I, Yuefeng Danfang, are not easy to mess with. Although the merchants are quite powerful, they are not too likely to offend the Yu family and my Yuefeng Danfang at the same time for such unreasonable matters." Guo Jingyu thought that he was almost turned over by Shang Wuque. I was a little scared, and I didn't have a good impression of the merchant when I mentioned it at this time.

"Oh? It turns out that the captain still has this kind of calculation, so it's great." Zhou Yu was delighted when he heard this.

"How is Brother Lu?" Seeing Lu Xiaotian's eyes open, Yu Zimo asked quickly.

Zhou Yu, Guo Jingyu, and even Cui Liu, whose injuries have improved a little, looked at Lu Xiaotian at the same time. Although everyone played their due role in this battle just now, Yu Zimo's formation even killed three people, but there is no Who doubts that Lu Xiaotian is the core of the team's combat power. If it wasn't for Lu Xiaotian's tricks, the three of them would never have entered the formation so easily.

Niu Jinshan was even scared away by Lu Xiaotian, if Lu Xiaotian rushed back a little later, they would have suffered heavy casualties at this time, and it is really hard to say how many survived. And Niu Jinshan's more powerful black-robed senior brother was also killed by Lu Xiaotian. It can be said that Lu Xiaotian played a leading role in the two battles before and after. If Lu Xiaotian's combat strength is too damaged, the strength of the entire team behind will undoubtedly be hit hard. It is undoubtedly a fantasy to imagine killing other teams by moving and killing them like before.

"It's okay, but it's not easy for me to suppress the injuries in my body, so it's not advisable to fight too much with others." Lu Xiaotian let out a foul breath. His situation is too complicated to be shared with outsiders. That is to say, most people probably don't understand it. After all, this Laoshizi sword formula is really incredible.

"Fortunately, Brother Lu, you don't know. If something goes wrong on your side, I will have to think twice about fighting with someone later." Yu Zimo was slightly relieved when he heard this. Although Lu Xiaotian's situation is not optimistic, as long as he still has the strength to fight, the situation is not too bad.

"Captain, I have counted all the people who were killed just now. These guys are really rich. It seems that they should have killed other teams, and there may be more than one."

Zhou Yu and Guo Jingyu collected the seized Sumeru rings respectively. Although they escaped from Niu Jinshan, and with the Sumeru ring contributed by Lu Xiaotian, the number of Kun Yao Blood Pills reached more than two hundred. There are also 40,000 crystals, especially in Shang Wuque's engagement ring. Wealth far surpasses the others. There are also some other precious spiritual materials, which are also valuable.

"Based on the strength of Shang Wuque's team, if they hadn't met us, other teams would have been very lucky if they encountered them. Shang Wuque is one of the direct descendants of the merchant. In addition to their capture, they can have this wealth. It is reasonable. Although this battle is dangerous, the rewards are also great."

Yu Zimo was satisfied and authentic, and didn't care about recovering the consumed consciousness immediately. He just took a elixir to help restore the consciousness, and then said, "This place has just had a war, and the fluctuations are quite large. I don't know if There will be other teams, or monsters on the island coming, let's find a safe place to rest."

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