Become a Fairy

Chapter 1696 Ghost Crab

"Count me in." Guo Jingyu also glared at her.

"Can you guys beat me and Brother Lu?" Zhou Yu said hehe.

"I'm an alchemist, I'm not good at martial arts, I'm afraid you have found the wrong helper." Lu Xiaotian said flatly.

Guo Jingyu smiled, Cui Liu also giggled, Lu Xiaotian looked a little handsome, compared with those burly men, he even seemed a little weak, but once he made a move, it was completely different. Such a person claims to be an alchemy person, and the fusion of two completely different situations really makes people feel extremely weird.

Yu Zimo had seen Lu Xiaotian alchemy with his own eyes, but he knew that when Lu Xiaotian was alchemy, it was a completely different situation.

"Brother Lu, you really have no loyalty." Zhou Yu rolled his eyes.

After a while, it passed through Yao Kun's mouth, and officially arrived in Yao Kun's body, and immediately felt a surge of turbulent energy and blood. Although the light in front of him was wrongly dim, it was also somewhat reddish.

I walked and stopped all the way for several days, but I couldn't find a good place to start. After all, the place where it is easy to get blood is relatively quiet. Kun Zong is an extremely powerful monster, even if he is careful, it will be a disaster for a group of people like them who have only just transformed into gods. It is a matter of life and death, no one dares to take such a big risk. Of course, as long as there are not a few people attacking one place for a long time, the attack of an ordinary cultivator of transforming spirits is not much different from scratching an itch.

Lu Xiaozai and his team are looking for a monster plant called blood moss. According to the experience of the predecessors, the blood fetus is a monster that grows attached to the Yao Kun's body, like a parasite. The blood fetus is attached to Yao Kun's body, and the accumulated erosion can corrode a part of Yao Kun's body, so as to absorb the blood essence in Yao Kun's body. The purpose of the intruding human race is the same as that of Lu Xiaotian, but the means are different. It takes a very long time for the blood fetus to erode a place, but this kind of kung fu of grinding tofu with water is also the best way to avoid alarming the monster kun.

And Lu Xiaotian, Yu Zimo and his party wanted to find the blood moss, kill this kind of monster plant, and then take out the blood of the monster kun in the place where it has been almost opened up, and make alchemy on the spot.

"Shut up!" Lu Xiaotian suddenly said in a deep voice.

When they were in Yansha Ridge, they knew that Lu Xiaotian had an amazing sense. At the moment, Guo Jingyu is protected in the middle.

There was a rustling sound, and three half-human crab demons with hideous faces appeared in front of them. The incomparably strong pincers were still stained with red blood. Obviously, when they encountered Lu Xiaotian and the others, the three crab monsters had already killed other human monks who had entered the monster kun's body.

"Several undeserving human races broke in again." The slightly larger and dark blue crab demon in the lead grinned, "Since it's here, let's stay alive." The crab demon shook its body, Then he clamped down on Zhou Yu who was exploring the way ahead.

"Three crab monsters dare to speak so brazenly. Let's see how I will kill you." Zhou Yu would naturally not be intimidated by the crab monsters in front of him. Spreading his hands, a red flame mace rushed towards the crab monster with great speed.

Clang! Zhou Yu's body flew backwards by tens of feet, and the leader of the crab demon was only slightly stagnant, and rushed towards Zhou Yu at a faster speed.

Although Zhou Yu had legs, there was no trace of fear on his face. With a wave of his hand, a long red whip rolled out, smacking all over the ground, and the air was filled with the scorching cannon instruction of flames, and the long whip slammed on Jie Yao's body with a crisp sound. , and then directly wrapped around the crab demon's body,

The crab demon didn't panic because of this, a sneer flashed in those two dark eyes, and suddenly, a skeleton-like ghost snake burst out from the tail of the crab demon's hair, biting fiercely at the red rope.

"It turned out to be a ghost crab! Be careful, don't let the opponent's ghoul spirit get on you, even if the magic weapon is invaded by it, it will be extremely troublesome." Yu Zimo immediately blocked another ghost crab.

"It doesn't matter, my Yan Jinsuo is not so easy to deal with." Zhou Yu's body was surrounded by waves of flames, like a flame giant. The red flame mace fought fiercely with the huge double claws of the ghost crab, and the red cord entangled with a hind foot of the ghost crab and ghost snake.

"Clang!" Fang Tian's halberd shot out, hitting the giant claw of the remaining ghost crab and flying back. Lu Xiaotian jumped up and shot out. to hand.

At the same time, Cui Liu sacrificed a vase, and several ice crystal branches jumped out of it. When Lu Xiaotian repelled the ghost crab just now, several ice crystal branches entangled the opponent one after another.

"Brother Lu, hurry up!" Cui Liu yelled lightly, the ghost crab that she and Lu Xiaotian jointly attacked was actually the weakest of the three. I just want to concentrate my strength on killing this relatively weak one. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt its ten fingers.

Qiang Qiang Qiang. Taking advantage of the time when the ghost crab was trapped, Fang Tian's painted halberd hit the joints of the ghost crab like raindrops.

After being hit hard by Fang Tian's painting halberd, the ghost crab showed a look of fear in his eyes. An owl screamed, and the last hind foot near the back of its buttocks also turned into a skeleton snake-like thing, and it couldn't even take care of the ice crystal branches. Bite fiercely at Lu Xiaotian's throat. Lu Xiaotian cut with the halberd coldly. With a click, the skeleton snake transformed into the hind foot snapped off. It's just that the speed of the snake head increased again, and it was not affected by this heavy blow at all.

"Be careful." Guo Jingyu is relatively fresh at this time, and is only responsible for helping Yu Zimo restrain the ghost crab on the opposite side. At this time, she was shocked when she saw that the ghost crab had this strong man's wrist-severing move.

At this time, it was too late to block the ghost crab's deliberate move if he wanted to return the halberd to defend.

"Die!" The skeleton snake screamed, opening its mouth to reveal its sharp fangs.

"Really?" Lu Xiaotian didn't panic, grabbed the empty left hand with his bare hand, and the power of the blood gang turned into a big hand, and directly grabbed the skull and snake head in the palm of his hand. The head of the skeleton snake was struggling desperately, and a lot of evil breaths that looked like demons and ghosts came out of its mouth.

This guy has so much strength, Lu Xiaotian was secretly surprised that he couldn't catch it with the strength of the blood gang alone. It's just that Lu Xiaotian wasn't too surprised, he didn't just rely on the power of the blood gang.

"Soul Melting Dafa!" A fused monster spirit swallowed it.

Come, Yu Zimo's heart skipped a beat, and once again felt the wild, familiar, yet strange aura of Lu Xiaotian. It seems to be different from last time. But the skull snake head in the big bloody hand clicked, clicked, and was directly caught out of the cracks, and then screamed, it was caught into a ball of bone dregs, and as for the death, it didn't affect Lu Xiaotian at all.

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