Become a Fairy

Chapter 1644

"Okay, just follow what Fellow Daoist Lu said." Lang Du and Yue Yu nodded one after another. Everyone wanted to take advantage of the benefits, but in this situation, the three are already on the same boat. Since Lu Xiaotian has promised that the two of them will give priority to each other. There is nothing else to care about.

With the map provided by the two-headed demon dog, Lang Du and Yue Yu have a lot of confidence in their hearts. After all, with the strength of the two-headed demon dog, if they really want to be unfavorable to them, there is no need to spend so much trouble, as long as they don't suppress the power in their bodies. Forbidden, they can't pass the level of black spirit slaves.

Since the two-headed demon dog has something to ask for, at least temporarily they have common interests.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, since we entered this cave, we still don't know what went wrong. It's unknown that we were banned. Fellow Daoist Lu is a master of formations, what's your opinion?" When the marked location approached, the wolf said thoughtfully.

"The original owner of this cave can even imprison a strong man like a two-headed demon dog. The method is far beyond your imagination, and I didn't even notice what went wrong." Lu Xiaotian shook his head and said. That's why he wouldn't tell Langdu and Yueyu about the matter of Lingwu.

"That's right. Once we are defeated, we can go back. It seems that we may not be able to succeed in the eyes of the two-headed demon dog. I am afraid that the map in this jade slip was also collected by outsiders like us before." .” Lang Du nodded, agreeing with Lu Xiaotian’s statement.

"That is to say, the two-headed demon dog is confined in a fixed area and cannot move freely, and this map is also made of the blood of countless intruders." Yue Yu's face turned pale.

"I'm afraid that's probably the case, but even if we see part of the intention of the two-headed demon dog, we have no choice but to follow the path he has drawn, otherwise we will be destroyed in an instant."

Lu Xiaotian's face was not very good-looking, and he secretly thought that these two monster races were not simple, but no matter how they calculated, they could only be reduced to pawns of two-headed monster dogs if they were not strong enough.

"The scroll we want to destroy is probably the restriction that can free the two-headed demon dog. I hope we can survive until then."

"I hope that after we destroy that scroll, we will never encounter this two-headed demon dog again." Thinking of the terrifying strength of this two-headed demon dog, the three couldn't help but shudder at the same time.

A few people spoke to you and I spoke, and they came to a wooded valley.

Whoosh. A blue-brown shadow flitted across the forest.

Lang Du and Zai Yueyu became serious. According to the introduction on the map, the purple bamboo spirit grass is in this valley. The unknown variable is naturally the wind lion. After all, the map in this jade slip has been made for some time, and it is completely unknown whether there are other changes in this valley.

"The wind-type lion must be in the place where the wind aura is the strongest. Although the aura in the valley is extremely rich right now, the distribution of the strength of the spirit-type aura is not consistent. It must be that its lair is not here. But it is necessary to be wary of the wind-type lion going out to hunt. Food. Avoid disturbing the wind-type lion monsters too early. It seems that we have to stay here for a while." Yue Yu just said something, and there was a painful-sounding lion roar in the leisurely breeze.

Lang Du and Yue Yu looked happy when they heard that.

"What's the name of this lion's roar? But it's injured? But it doesn't look like it. If it was injured, it would probably find a place to lick the wound, and it would never be so unbearable that it would make a lot of noise." Lu Xiaotian frowned.

"You Daoist Lu belong to the human race, not my demon race. The roar of the lion grows louder and louder for a while, most of it is during childbirth. After childbirth, there will inevitably be a period of weakness in strength. Taking care of the young children will probably prevent the lion monster from fighting us with all our strength. We picked a good time." Yue Yu said with a happy face.

"It seems that luck is not bad." Lu Xiaotian nodded, but he didn't expect to encounter such a situation, but it was a good thing after all. They can roughly judge what the wind lion monster is doing just by the sound. The two monster races, Yue Yu and Lang Du, have a better understanding of some races than their own race. It seems that in addition to cultivation, they should also have knowledge dabbled in.

A few carefully searched in the valley.

"Purple Bamboo Spirit Grass!" In the distance, dozens of plants are several feet high, the stems are like bamboo poles, and the leaves are slender and slender, swaying in the wind in a pool of rocks. What made Lu Xiaotian and the others vigilant was that the aura of the wind element here was obviously much stronger than other places. According to the roar of the lion a few days ago, this place is not far from the lair of the wind lion demon.

"Look over there!" Lu Xiaotian's eyesight is extremely amazing, through the dense jungle, he can see a huge brown demon bear with a body length of more than two feet on the ridge beside the valley, hesitatingly heading this way Looking around, the location of looking around is also where the Purple Bamboo Spirit Grass is. There is longing in the eyes, but the eyes are quite jealous.

"A bear demon in the early stage of transforming into a god!"

"Roar!" A lion's roar resounded through the forest, as if he was very dissatisfied with the brown demon bear's intrusion into the vicinity of the territory, and the roar was full of violent killing intent. A blue shadow jumped out from a place with strange rocks in the distance. The wind lion turned into a gust of wind and chased after the black bear.

"Good opportunity. You two hide well, go to the place we agreed before, and prepare to ambush the chasing wind lion demon. I'll go get the purple bamboo spirit grass." Lang Du let out a low voice, unambiguously at the moment, and began to approach the purple bamboo spirit in a roundabout way Grass.

Lu Xiaotian and Yue Yu looked at each other and started to back away quietly. Arrive at the edge of the dense forest in the valley. Lu Xiaotian used Ziye Zhenwu to extract the life essence of the trees, completely covering up his aura.

Yue Yu sacrificed a long red whip, which burrowed into the ground like a living thing. With Lu Xiaotian in the shape of horns, one left and one right. quietly waiting.


A familiar wolf howl sounded. Lu Xiaotian raised his brows, this was an agreed signal, and a cry was a signal that he had succeeded. Of course, the wind lion demon has also appeared.

"He Fangxiao is young, how dare you steal our belongings!" A violent roar sounded.

"Big-eyed Lion, this Purple Bamboo Spirit Grass belongs to our two clans now, how can we call you a lion clan's thing." Another roar was completely different from the lion clan's voice.

"We were fooled. The Demon Bear Clan and the Demon Lion Clan are actually together. The previous scene was just to lure us to show up!" At this moment, the wolf alone said through a sound transmission with a bit of anger. "There are at least seven or eight god-turning powerhouses from the Yaoshi clan and the Yaoneng clan. There is a wind lion who has reached the middle stage of transforming gods!"

"Haha, I've been fooled. I've already noticed that something is wrong with the recent atmosphere. The damn intruders are good at hiding, but they were basically human races before. I didn't expect that the ones who were fooled this time were also monster races," Na Hua The wind lion demon in the middle stage of the gods was the fastest, and followed closely behind the wolf alone.

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