Become a Fairy

Chapter 1640 Crystal Stone Figurines

"What is your intention in lurking into our Fire Tiger Clan?" Yue Yuhan said in a cold voice.

"At that time, I was exhausted. I didn't want to conflict with your people, so I was caught by you. You said I could have any intentions. Now that both parties are clear, let's part ways." Lu Xiaotian shook his head. He led He Hu and Du Ming to leave.

"Wait a minute, what happened before was a misunderstanding. Since we are all trapped in this big formation and facing danger, we should work together to tide over the current crisis. If I remember correctly, Xie Wu should be heading in the right direction It's on your side, he must have fallen into your hands." Lang Du looked at Lu Xiaotian with a half-smile.

Yue Yu's eyes are also full of vigilance, the words of the two-headed demon dog should not be groundless, Xie Wu has clearly escaped from the predicament by using the technique of cutting off the tail, but he has not been seen until now, and when he thinks about the two-headed demon dog, I am afraid that there are nine out of ten It was killed by Lu Xiaotian.

"The god-transformers of the scorpion race have all fallen. We are not related to Xie Wu. Naturally, we will not have the idea of ​​avenging him, but since the things on Xie Wu have fallen into the hands of fellow daoist Lu, fellow daoist Lu has also obtained With enough benefits, there is no need to peek at the red blood peaches on me and Yue Yu." Lang Du had a smile on his face.

"Forget it, as long as you don't have any crooked ideas, we will be fine together." Lu Xiaotian nodded, this wolf's single-mindedness is really not simple, and he pulled Yue Yu over with a few words. After all, the two belong to the same monster clan, and although there were festivals in the past, it is old knowledge after all. On the contrary, I, an outsider, whose identity is unknown, obviously has more ulterior motives.

Lang Du was already injured, and was the weakest among the three, so he needed to join hands with Yue Yu to resist the threat from himself. But judging from the effect, Langdu has already achieved his desired goal.

"It's so good. Given the successive dangers in this cave, the three of us are still suspicious of each other, and I'm afraid we won't be able to get out alive." At this time, both Lang Du and Yue Yu regretted being tempted by the moment. It's better to break into this cave rashly, or in other words, after getting the red blood flat peach before, it should be retreated, which is better than the current situation.

Lu Xiaotian knew that Langdu and Yueyu still wanted to use his knowledge of formations, and when one of them was slightly injured and the other was seriously injured, they also needed a strong helping hand, so he felt more at ease. In fact, in this dangerous situation, Lu Xiaotian doesn't want to fight alone, especially now that he has to take care of Hehu.

Once entering the big formation, the formation behind him is not completely closed, but there is the black spirit slave, plus there is an even more unpredictable two-headed demon dog, whether it is Lu Xiaotian, Langdu, Yueyu, etc. , do not want to go back.

It was too dangerous for He Hu to stay outside in the wind and sand, Lu Xiaotian's consciousness moved, Ziye Zhenwu shot a yellow light, wrapped He Hu in, and He Hu's obese body sank. Du Ming saw it, and quickly begged, "Senior, senior, help me."

Lu Xiaotian frowned, Du Ming still had some effect on him. It is not bad to save him if there is still energy left for the time being, but if the situation worsens later, he can only be used as an abandoned child.

No matter how sharp the wind and sand are, they cannot reach the ground. I hope that there will be no more moths in the ground, otherwise even Hehu will be in danger.

Lang Du and Yue Yu also want to hide underground, but they don't have the means. They are not earth monks, so it's okay to hide underground for a short time, but not for a long time.

Lu Xiaotian didn't greet the two of them, and began to sink into the boundless wind and sand. A glittering and translucent stone figurine-like puppet quickly swept towards it as the wind subsided.

And behind him, there are two crystal stone figurines with exactly the same shape, which are in the shape of a triangle, pressing towards Lu Xiaotian.

"Crystal stone figurines!" After Lu Xiaotian saw these stone figurines, his body shook. Lingyin Mountain is undoubtedly the Lingyin Mountain here. This place is definitely the cave where Taoist Hunyuan has cultivated before!

Back then in Hunyuan Dao Zang, Lu Xiaotian fought among those light golden stone figurines. After killing the stone figurines, he used the light golden spar in the stone figurines to continuously recover, and gradually broke through from a low-level physical cultivation to a sixth order.

Unexpectedly, after entering this large formation at this time, they encountered a similar situation again.

The crystal stone figurines move extremely swiftly. Without any mana fluctuations, he directly punched Lu Xiaotian on the head. The other two also rushed towards Lang Du and Yue Yu respectively.

Lu Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, and without using any other means, he punched him. Bang! Lu Xiaotian and the crystal stone figurines flew back six or seven feet away.

"What a majestic force!" It was not only Lu Xiaotian who was surprised, but also Yue Yu. I don't know if they are talking about Lu Xiaotian or the crystal stone figurines.

"You two, it's best to get started, and don't fight this crystal figurine head-on, otherwise it will be very easy to suffer!" Lu Xiaotian reminded the two of them, and then fought with this crystal figurine again. Li Qiqiang, casual means will not work at all. Three crystal stone figurines appeared at once, if Lu Xiaotian dealt with it alone, he would be under great pressure. Can't stand it at all. This crystal stone figurine is not afraid of life and death. With the combination of the three, he is the one with such powerful defensive and offensive capabilities. With his current strength, if he comes a few more times, one of them may fall here if he is not good. Who knows how many of these crystal stone figurines are in the sky full of dust.

"Blood Gang Battle Armor!" Lu Xiaotian shouted, and under the shock of the blood gang power, a set of red crystal armor directly appeared on the body surface. Some wild domineering.

boom! The fist of the crystal stone figurine landed on Lu Xiaotian's body, Lu Xiaotian shook his body, but quickly put his hand on the arm of the crystal stone figurine. The crystal figurine subconsciously wanted to break free.

Lu Xiaotian almost couldn't hold it. It's just that soon, there was another wild force transmitted over, it was using the "Soul Melting Dafa" to devour the primordial soul of a wolf demon who turned into a god. Under the superimposition of the two forces, Lu Xiaotian's strength at this time has already surpassed the strength of a strong man in the early stage of transformation. While holding down the crystal stone figurine with one hand, his right hand stretched out under the palm, turned into a bloody wolf claw, and directly grabbed the crystal stone figurine's head brutally.

The crystal stone figurine struggled desperately, punching the blood gang armor several times in succession. The halo on the blood gang battle armor surged for a while. It's just that Lu Xiaotian's body is still motionless. With a long roar, Crystal Shizhi's head was directly taken off by him abruptly. The body that was stronger than gold and stone suddenly lost its power. Lu Xiaotian inserted his left hand into the chest of the crystal figurine like lightning. A diamond crystal was drawn from its chest. The inexplicable pure spiritual power inside.

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