Become a Fairy

Chapter 1592

"It's these golden men again. Last time it was just a ghost talisman. I want to see how capable these mere dead things are!" The Yuyaolu was thrown aside without hesitation. With his left palm, a ghost lamp made of five skulls flew out of the air.

It was the Zhuoyan Ghost Lamp, and at close range, one could feel the vicissitudes and evil aura of this Zhuoyan Ghost Lamp.

Under the infusion of the purple crocodile ghost king's mana, the condensed purple light is like an indestructible sharp sword, slashing at the three golden men of the ice, wind and thunder respectively.

There was a violent impact, but no sound was heard, but the long knives of the golden men of the three series of ice, wind and thunder were blocked by those purple lights respectively. It's hard to get any further.

"But that's it!" Purple Crocodile Ghost Lord sneered coldly, and was about to make a move. At this time, golden, green, blue, red, and earthy lights flashed. To be precise, there should be fifteen golden men. They are gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and there are three giants in each department. The originally scattered giants are now as one. Three people form a small unit, leaning on each other with their backs. Spin and go. Like five flying three-petal flowers, they fell directly above the burning ghost lamp.

"This is the complete eighteen golden men!" The eighteen golden men left behind by Emperor Qinling in front of him are integrated into one body, and they have played the attack to the extreme.

Originally, the purple light emitted by the ferocious burning ghost lamp was more than enough to withstand the three-line golden men of ice, wind and thunder, but now, under the joint strangulation of the five-line golden men of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the solid purple light was instantly broken. It was smashed to pieces by the light of the knife.

Zi Crocodile Ghost Lord saw the sudden increase in momentum when the eighteen golden men gathered together, and he couldn't help but change his face. He also couldn't understand how they could be so perfectly combined under completely different auras.

Whoosh, whoosh, shadows swaying, eighteen golden men, with ice, wind and thunder on top, stacked one after another, like arhats stacked on top of each other. The eighteen long knives were neatly aligned, and at the same time as the eighteen golden men fell down, the long knives in their hands also slashed at the burning ghost lamp.

Eighteen Dao Guang, three thick, fifteen thin. Like eighteen iron plows. It plowed directly on the burning ghost lamp surrounded by five skulls. The five skulls suddenly let out a miserable cry. The surface of the skull, which was harder than gold and iron, unexpectedly showed slight cracks.

Taking advantage of the traces of these golden men attacking the purple crocodile ghost king, Lu Xiaotian frowned, and the Yuanshen who swept the demon deer in the snowy area escaped. Before that, Lu Xiaotian didn't have the strength to kill Huashen monsters. At this time, the Eighteenth Golden Man has this strength, but it is not so easy to find the God Transformation Monster, and the old monster Bichan has already fallen into the hands of Zi Crocodile Ghost Lord. If the Yuanshen of the deer deer in the snowy land in front of him also escapes, in this world, it is unknown whether there will be a chance to meet the deity-transforming monster in the future. How could Lu Xiaotian miss it, the soul arresting net popped up immediately, and directly surrounded the primordial spirit of the snowy demon deer.

"Damn it!" Purple Crocodile Ghost Lord didn't expect the power of eighteen golden men to reach such a level. He gritted his teeth, stretched out his arms, and ghostly energy surged behind him. In the blink of an eye, a huge portal was formed. Inside the portal, there was a beast that was tens of feet long and had a hideous appearance. There were spikes on its back and long tail, and its whole body was purple. The ghost crocodile rushed out of the ghost gate shaking its head and wagging its tail.

The ghost crocodile grinned, opened its mouth and spit out a ball of extremely strange black and purple light, which hit the ghost lamp.

"Lamp Keeper Ghost Beast!" Xiang Huaxin saw the burning ghost lamp in front of him at the moment when the ghost crocodile appeared, and the black energy in the five skulls turned into a tiny ghost crocodile and crawled in and out.

The huge body of the ghost crocodile was wrapped around the burning ghost lamp, and the cracks cut by the golden man eighteen on the five five-armed skulls healed instantly.

"What is the origin of the lamp-keeper ghost beast?" As long as the eighteenth golden man is sacrificed and the enemy is identified, he will automatically fight against the enemy, and there is no need for the person with the palm print to control it. In fact, with Lu Xiaotian's cultivation base at this time strength.

"It is said that there are some ancient methods that have been passed down for a long time. You can refine weapons with unique techniques. The guardian spirit beast is the beginning of refining weapon spirits. It is even a method that can only be accessed after reaching the god transformation stage. This purple crocodile ghost How can there be such means?"

Xiang Huaxin had an unbelievable expression on his face. He was a cultivator of Huashen. Seeing this terrifying side that defies common sense, Xiang Huaxin was extremely afraid of the purple crocodile ghost. Some even couldn't hold back the urge to run away forcibly.

"You old man has some sense. If I don't have some means, how can I let Xiong dominate this world." Purple Crocodile Ghost Lord laughed arrogantly.

It's just that the purple crocodile ghost's smile quickly froze on his face again, and he saw that the movements of the eighteen golden men in front of him suddenly became extremely fierce, and each golden man moved quickly in different directions. Swing a knife. Every movement of swinging the knife leaves an afterimage, full of mysterious beauty of power.

The saber qi cut out by this seemingly scattered saber movement is even more chaotic, but when these chaotic saber aura are flying in the air, they form a huge and simple seal strangely. "Huh!" The eighteen gold men shouted in unison.

The seal composed of eight different saber qis is so dazzling, it directly seals the burning ghost lamp and the ghost crocodile guarding the ghost lamp in an extremely eye-catching way.

The ghost crocodile with its back full of spikes raised its head and screamed, its thick tail swiftly twitched towards the sky, and the huge "seal" character fell in the middle.

The seal formed by the eight series of saber qi was not defeated by the attack of the suppressing crocodile, but was directly stained on the ghost crocodile and the burning ghost lamp like kerosene.

The ghost crocodile shook its head and tail, its body was full of ghost energy, purple light burst out, but it couldn't get rid of the entanglement of this letter.

"Drink!" The eighteen-gold man swung his knife again, but the original posture of the knife still left an afterimage in the air, which did not disappear because of the subsequent movement of the knife.

With the stiff and low voice of the eighteen golden men again, the eighteen saber qi converged again in the air, forming a word "heaven".

"Ha!" The third knife "Crack!"

"Hey!" The fourth knife said, "Land!"

"Huh!" The fifth knife, "Chop!"

At this time, each golden man has left four afterimages in the air, and each afterimage maintains a fixed movement of swinging a knife, which is concise, clear and direct, pointing directly at the enemy's heart. Every knife is perfect.

After the fifth sword chop appeared, the seventy-two afterimages suddenly collapsed, gathered together like a stream, turned into a long knife, and shot towards the ghost crocodile. In an instant, the entire ice cave changed color, as if there was only this knife in the world. Other than that, nothing else.

Such an artistic conception of having a sword without me, and having me invincible! After putting away the primordial spirit of the demon deer in the snowy land, Lu Xiaotian seemed to see the invincible mood of Emperor Qinling fighting in all directions from the knife in front of his eyes. Even if it is only refined into eighteen golden men, it has such power. How far did the Qinling Emperor reach in those days?

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