Become a Fairy

Chapter 1590 I want to become a ghost

Previously, the human race was in its heyday, and the signs of continuous camps everywhere disappeared without a trace, replaced by annihilated vitality and ghost aura emerging everywhere.

"I haven't seen any signs of human activity for tens of thousands of miles, and I don't know how Qiao Lan, Yu Ya and the others are doing now." Lu Wushuang looked worried, and anyone who saw the situation after the disaster in front of him would inevitably feel confused. A little more heavy.

"Even with the power of the purple crocodile ghost king, it is not possible to wipe out all the coalition forces of the great immortal dynasties at once. And last time he was injured, he would not come back so soon." Xiang Huaxin glanced around. , the face also does not see the relaxed color.

Hiss, a black smoke rises from the green hills in the distance. In the black smoke, a person wrapped in black clothes quickly approached, the person's aura was extremely decayed, like a candle flickering in the strong wind, Xiang Qingcheng's eyelids moved, and he raised his hand to kill the person coming.

"Qingcheng, stop!" Seeing that figure, Lu Xiaotian vaguely felt a little familiar, and quickly stopped Xiang Qingcheng's actions.

As soon as Xiang Qingcheng stopped, two green-faced and fangsed ghosts, about mid-stage ghost kings, frantically chased the man in black in front. The ghost king pursued closely.

"Senior Brother Lu!" The man in black just opened his mouth, Lu Xiaotian's body moved, and he floated behind the man in black with incomparable speed, stretched out his palm and patted forward, two or two Vatican True Fire flew out lightly, In the middle of the two ghost kings with green faces and fangs, these two ghost kings who were only in the middle stage had no time to resist, and they were burned to death by the real fire of Vatican.

"Junior Brother Luo, it's you!" Lu Xiaotian turned to look at the man in black after killing the two green-faced, fang-toothed ghosts, with a bit of surprise on his face, he could clearly see the ghostly aura in his eyes.

"How did you do this?"

The man in black smiled and pulled off the black scarf covering his face. I saw that the originally resolute and handsome face was now full of rolling ghouls. Spread towards other areas where there is still flesh and blood.

"I'll help you get rid of these ghoul spirits from your body." Lu Xiaotian frowned, Luo Qian still had some vitality in his body, and there might be some hope of making a move at this time, besides, he couldn't solve it by himself. Huaxin, the old monster who transforms spirits.

"No need, Brother Lu, maybe becoming a ghost clan is my best destination." Luo Qian shook his head and rejected Lu Xiaotian, with a smile of relief and relief on his face, "Only by becoming a ghost clan can I always guard Senior Sister Su and Senior Brother Lu, there is no way to repay the kindness of regeneration."

"After so many years, I have already regarded you as a brother and foot, so I don't need to mention these, but you have thought about it? You were originally a Leixiu, and the chance of becoming a ghost is infinitely lower than that of ordinary people." Lu Xiaotian frowned. , I didn't expect Luo Qian to make such a choice, but because of Luo Qian's personality, he would make such a decision, and he was not at all curious.

"Thank you, senior brother, for your success." Luo Qian showed a relieved smile on his face, "Before I transform into a ghost, I have one more piece of news to bring to Senior Brother Lu. The purple crocodile ghost has already gone to get the news about the demon deer in the snowy area. Go out and go look for the snowy demon deer."

"Snowy Demon Deer, Purple Crocodile Ghost Lord is running towards Long Yuan!" Lu Xiaotian opened his eyes, Xiang Huaxin and the others also exclaimed at the same time.

"The purple crocodile ghost has already obtained a portion of the dragon element, and has completely refined it, otherwise the strength would not be so terrifying. If he gets another portion of the dragon element, I am afraid that no one will be able to control it!" Xiang Xiang Hua Xin couldn't help saying, "The demon deer in the snowy land at this time is definitely not the opponent of the purple crocodile ghost!"

"Purple Crocodile Ghost Lord has also refined Long Yuan?" Lu Xiaotian was surprised at first, and then felt that it made sense. He had already swallowed one of the seven dragon yuan, and the other four were frozen by the power of the black ice, forcing him to put them into the green fruit barrier. One from the Snowy Demon Deer, and one from the Purple Crocodile Ghost Lord, adding up to exactly seven.

"That's true, and I used the keel with the Ice Soul old monster, and it couldn't affect it much." Xiang Huaxin nodded.

"Where is the snowy demon deer?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"The snowy demon deer has returned to the ice cave. Brother Lu, maybe we can find it," Luo Qian said.

"Ningxue Bingyu!" Lu Xiaotian's pupils shrank, thinking of Zhao Tianyang's introduction to the snowy demon deer. In the old lair of the snowy demon deer, there is Ningxuebingyu. It can help them practice and recover from injuries in their bodies.

After the Snowy Demon Deer left the territory of the Qin Clan, if they wanted to recover from their injuries as soon as possible, they probably had the only way to rely on Ningxue Bingyu.

"Senior, it seems that we have to go to the ice cave again." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Xiang Hua and said in his heart.

"It's not too late, let's go." Xiang Huaxin nodded.

"Wushuang, you and Fuyong, Tianxin and I will go back together, I still have Qingcheng, I will go to the ice cave ahead."

"Be careful." Lu Wushuang nodded.

"Junior Brother Luo, have you really thought about it? Does Junior Sister Su know?" Lu Xiaotian looked at Luo Qian again.

"Junior Sister Su already knows. If it wasn't for this, I would never be able to get close to my sister and bring the news out. If it is done, I will go to find her. If it doesn't work, everything will return to ashes and dust to ashes, and Junior Sister Su will be handed over to my senior brother." It's gone." A relieved smile appeared on Luo Qian's face, "I want to become a ghost!"

"Forget it," Lu Xiaotian sighed, and Xiang Huaxin and Xiang Qingcheng left through the air.

"Senior brother, take care!" No longer suppressing the eruption of ghost energy in his body, Luo Qian took out a ghost pill and swallowed it directly, and a ghost energy rose from his forehead to the sky.

Xiang Qingcheng looked back and saw Lu Wushuang's sad face.

"Ghost Lord Purple Crocodile is there someone from you?" On the way to the ice cave, Xiang Huaxin swept Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng back and forth in surprise.

"Probably." Lu Xiaotian nodded, not denying it much, but he didn't mean to expose Su Qing's identity in front of Xiang Huaxin either. Now that Su Qing has also made great progress in strength, but it is extremely dangerous to be around the purple crocodile ghost. Once the purple crocodile ghost notices the clues, the consequences will be disastrous. He has met Su Qing face to face before, if Xiang Hua's heart is revealed inadvertently later, Lu Xiaotian will regret it.

Even though Xiang Huaxin is a cultivator of Huashen, Lu Xiaotian didn't intend to talk about it with him. Xiang Huaxin couldn't help looking at Xiang Qingcheng. It's just that Xiang Qingcheng looked at him as if he didn't see him, and just stayed by Lu Xiaotian's side.

Xiang Huaxin was suddenly very angry. As an ancestor of Huashen, he had never been so humble in front of the junior Yuanying. Lu Xiaotian is nothing more than an outsider, but even Xiang Qingcheng, a junior in the royal family, is so unreasonable. She is dedicated to Lu Xiaotian, and the girl is extroverted. It seems that this sentence is not wrong at all.

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