Become a Fairy

Chapter 1588 Demon Perish

The one-eyed demon held the magic gourd in his left hand, and blocked the falling long knife. With a bang, the long knife failed to break the magic gourd. The one-eyed demon's right hand bypassed the magic gourd at a very strange angle, and slapped the Qingfeng giant's chest with his palm. The Qingfeng giant held the knife horizontally to block the one-eyed demon's blow, and was immediately sent flying tens of feet away by the one-eyed demon's palm.

It's just that after such a delay, the thunder stormed from behind, the ice and snow raged, and the two diametrically opposite saber auras, one left and one right, came in conjunction with the seamless killing.

And the Qingfeng giant who was forced back by the palm of the one-eyed demon just paused in the air, and then swooped in the opposite direction.

Bang bang, the one-eyed demon stretched out his hand and waved, a burst of devilish energy gushed out, killing the sword energy from the Ice Giant and the Thunder Giant in one blow. At this time, the giants of the three series of ice, wind and thunder danced with long knives in their hands, rolling like a dragon. Flying at the sky, the three saber qi with completely different strengths united again, turned into a giant blade, and fell vertically from the sky.

The one-eyed demon screamed, holding up the magic gourd with both hands, and the gourd's mouth was facing the intertwined three-color long knife. The extremely pure magic energy turned into a ferocious devil tiger full of fangs, raised its head and roared, and flew up to the three-color long knife not to be outdone.

The three-color long knife slashed down, but was stopped by the giant tiger transformed by the devilish energy. It paused for a while, but it was only a pause, and a light blade split it in two.

With a snort, Xiang Huaxin, who had stepped aside to watch the battle, couldn't help but feel a chill in his body. He saw the one-eyed demon who had fought against him before, from the one-eyed on his head to the back, Divided into two, one knife in two halves.

The separated corpses were scattered on the ground, and Wuzi twitched unwillingly. The one-eyed, three-armed demon had fought against him just now. Although his strength was greatly reduced compared to his heyday, he was still considered an old demon who turned into a god. Killed neatly. Even Yuanshen couldn't escape, so he was directly killed. Xiang Huaxin, who is also a strong man of Huashen, couldn't help but feel it personally.

Others, including Lu Xiaotian, couldn't help being stunned when they saw this scene. The golden men of the three series of Bingfenglei, each equivalent to three top true-level powerhouses joined forces. However, the power of these three lines of cooperation is far beyond Lu Xiaotian's expectations. Although the strength of the one-eyed demon is not as good as before, he is still a transformation god. Under the joint efforts of these three lines of gold, he died directly fell.

Even when these three series of golden men are fighting against the one-eyed demon, they almost have an instinctive fighting spirit. The cooperation between the three does not require Lu Xiaotian to control them, and they can display a wonderful battle formation. It seems that they can only lock the enemy You can.

It is really unbelievable that the Eighteenth Golden Man created by Emperor Qinling was so mysterious.

Lu Xiaotian reached out and put away the one-eyed demon's body and the Sumeru ring. The value of the complete skeleton of the head of the God Transformation Demon cannot be measured by spirit stones.

"I didn't expect that just bringing together the three series of Bingfenglei Jinmen can exert such power. If the eighteen Jinmen unite, maybe they can really stop the purple crocodile ghost." Xiang Qingcheng was relieved after the battle stopped tone way.

"Is Senior Xiang's injury okay?" Lu Xiaotian nodded, then looked at Xiang Hua and asked in his heart.

"It's okay." Xiang Huaxin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, after all, the first time the two met was not very happy, it was only thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, and it was always no more than Lu Xiaotian was there. It took more than three years to comprehend the true meaning of ice in the canyon. Even if Xiang Huaxin looked at it now, it was nothing to forcibly inspect the Sumeru ring of a junior Nascent Soul when he was an ancestor of Huashen.

But now, although Lu Xiaotian is only in the Nascent Soul stage, the golden man of the three lines of Ice Wind and Thunder under his control can kill the one-eyed demon, and he can also kill himself who is now seriously injured. The strength of both sides has changed, so naturally everything done before is unreasonable.

"Let me deal with the matter in front of me first, and then I have to trouble the senior to tell what happened during this period of time." Lu Xiaotian smiled lightly, as if he didn't take the previous matter to heart.

"Alright." Xiang Huaxin nodded, not sure what Lu Xiaotian was referring to in front of him, the green armored skeleton and the slightly smaller skeleton ghost king had both fled far away, and the one-eyed demon had also been beheaded. Even the corpse was collected by Lu Xiaotian. Could it be that there is something more important?

Lu Wushuang was not much behind Xiang Qingcheng, but the fight between the two sides had far exceeded what Lu Wushuang could bear, and when he couldn't help, Lu Wushuang kept watching from a distance, not daring to get too close At this time, when the fighting stopped, Lu Wushuang rushed over. She also couldn't see what kind of medicine was sold in Lu Xiaotian's gourd.

"For the death of the aristocrats, Lu is deeply regretful, but if the eighteenth golden people are scattered, it may be easy for the purple crocodile ghost to defeat them one by one. Now the aristocrats only have the two elements of fire and earth left in their hands. It won't work either." Lu Xiaotian said calmly.

"He looks like a hero!" Xiang Huaxin's heart trembled when he saw it. The other party now has the capital to check and balance him. He can only watch this kind of thing from the sidelines, otherwise it is really hard to tell whether it is an enemy or a friend. It's tight, the other party may not let him go just because he is a relative of Xiang Qingcheng. In other words, Xiang Qingcheng would not stand by his side at all.

"You mean to take away the only gold men of the two lineages of earth and fire from my Qin people? Don't even think about it!" Tian Xin and Fu Yong's expressions changed drastically at the same time, three giants from each of the two lines of earth and fire Standing in front of the two of them, they looked like they were going to fight if they disagreed.

"With the power of your Qin people, great monks at the level of true meaning can't stand up to your methods at all, and you, monks who transform gods, can't do anything if you have more golden people of these two lines. Although this thing is powerful, but is it there? For you descendants of the Qin family As far as I am concerned, there is no essential difference. If this is the case, why do you have to force it in your hands."

Lu Xiaotian stood with his hands tied, his tone calmed down, "The Eighteenth Golden Man is from your Qin clan after all, so I don't want to take it directly. You have to hand over this thing, or you have to hand it over if you don't."

"You!" Tian Xin was extremely angry.

"Wushuang, you used to be a descendant of the Qin clan after all, this person is your friend, so there is no possibility of getting along with each other?" Comparing to Tianxin's furious anger, Fu Yong looked at Lu Wushuang pleadingly.

"It's fine if it's an ordinary matter. Although I am a descendant of the Qin clan, the grace of my blood has already been repaid when my body was completely destroyed. He gave me my life. I can't help you with this matter." " Lu Wushuang immediately shook his head and refused.

"Forget it, forget it, fellow Daoist Lu, I heard that you are always fair in dealing with things. Although you are forcing us to hand over the golden man, there are also your reasons. However, the eighteenth golden man is the hard work of my Qin clan. Please promise to follow me, fellow daoist Lu. Two requests from both of you." Fu Yong sighed, reluctantly accepting the truth.

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