Become a Fairy

Chapter 1562 Terrible Xuanbing

"Tell this White Jade King Spider to take the sealed white horse first, and then double the elixir it will supply in the future. Then give it a stick of incense time to collect as much water as possible from the Guiquan Heavenly Erosion. This place is extremely dangerous, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time."

The White Jade King Spider Lu Xiaotian couldn't command, and could only convey orders through Yan Xiaoyu. Even an unrivaled powerhouse like the Snowy Demon Deer was tricked by other Huashen monsters, and was once reduced to the point where he wanted to use him, a Nascent Soul cultivator, to fight against the one-eyed, three-armed demon. Lu Xiaotian's strength is still at the top among Nascent Soul cultivators, but he is still extremely lacking in the power of Huashen. Naturally, this dragon yuan is safe, the sooner you get it, the better.

"Thank you, Senior Lu." Yan Xiaoyu nodded, and once again gave instructions to the White Jade King Spider who had drank the water from the Guiquan Heavenly Erosion.

The White Jade King Spider didn't have any more fun this time, and spun out the spider silk very obediently, and the spider silk spread down quickly. Soaked in the eroded water of Guiquan, there is no abnormality.

Even with Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng's dispositions, they couldn't help their hearts jumping when they saw the spider silk entangled with the sealed white horse. After all, the Longyuan is a treasure that all cultivators of the God Transformation are vying to snatch.

As the white jade king spider eats the spider silk back, the frozen white horse is constantly being pulled up. Back then, the three top powerhouses at the true meaning level, the Xuanyan Ghost King, the Blood Monkey Ghost King, and Xunhong, used the Xuanyang Xuanbone link to move the white horse in the ice, and they could still see the Xuanyang Xuanbone chain being eroded by the Guiquan sky continuously. corrosion. And the spider silk in front of him didn't show any signs of being corroded.

The spider silk of the White Jade King Spider is a strange thing, if there is space in the back, let the White Jade King Spider spit out more silk for him, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

"You two, stand farther away, the black ice outside the white horse is no small matter." Seeing that the white horse was about to be dragged to the surface of the water, Lu Xiaotian greeted Xiang Qingcheng and Yan Xiaoyu successively.

Yan Xiaoyu and Xiang Qingcheng hid behind Lu Xiaotian when they heard the words, but Lu Xiaotian was still uneasy, put his palms together, and took out the Brahma True Fire in Xiu, and divided it into four parts, one part flew to the White Jade King Spider. The other three parts surround Yan Xiaoyu and Xiang Qingcheng respectively.

Even Longyuan can be frozen for countless years, Lu Xiaotian can't be too careful.

In fact, it proved that Lu Xiaotian's caution was not wrong. When the white horse was dragged to the surface of the water, a chill that could almost freeze his thoughts rushed over the sky and covered the ground. Even the white jade king bead couldn't help hissing miserably, and in a blink of an eye, half of his body was sealed in ice. Fortunately, the firepower of Fanluo's real fire will block the white jade king spider in time, but the Fanluo's real fire in front of it is also frozen by the cold mist escaping from the black ice. In the blink of an eye, it was sealed inside by solidified cold mist. From the outside, one can only see a Vatican True Fire being frozen in it.

"What a powerful Xuan Bing!" All this happened very quickly in front of him, without any hesitation, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the magic power and the power of the blood gang in his body were mobilized at the same time.

One on the left and one on the right, two big hands formed by the condensed power of mana and blood gang at the same time held up the frozen white horse at the same time. It's just that the ice that seemed to be no more than a few feet was as heavy as a mountain at this time. Lu Xiaotian didn't blush because of the extreme force, but his face was black and blue. It's just that in this situation, the two big hands manifested by Lu Xiaotian exerting all his strength, only held up the ice cube for a while, and then fell back uncontrollably.

""The power of this ice is too terrifying, and I am afraid that only the little fire crow can compete with it if he controls the real fire of Fanluo with his own hands." It's still too far away on its own. "In just an instant, Lu Xiaotian knew that with his own ability, he would never be able to hold the ice. Even his physical body of the twelfth-level body was almost frozen because of the closeness. Most of them are directly numb, almost unconscious.

"East!" Under Lu Xiaotian's reminder, Xiang Qingcheng and Yan Xiaoyu retreated far away, but even though they were five or six hundred feet away, they could still feel the bone-biting cold. If it wasn't for the real fire of Vatican floating around them to resist a large amount of chill, the situation of the two of them would have been even worse. Even if they are so far away, let alone Lu Xiaotian who is on the edge of the cold pool right now.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian had nothing to do. Seeing that the ice block was about to slip into the water, after all, the White Jade King Spider could ignore the erosion of the Guiquan sky, but the White Jade King Spider itself was not too strong. , can not resist. Injured by Xuanbing's cold air this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to recover for a long time. That is to say, once the ice block that has frozen the dragon yuan falls into the pool again, it is unknown when it will come to fetch the dragon yuan later.

It's just that at this moment, even if it's me, I definitely can't last long. Even subconsciously, Lu Xiaotian wished that the ice would fall into the pool soon, otherwise even his own body would be seriously injured by the frost.

"Don't come here. Protect Yan Xiaoyu." Lu Xiaotian stopped Xiang Qingcheng's actions, and suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, and the square ice imprint flashed in his body. A tall ice and snow giant holding a long knife appeared out of thin air, and quickly fished out the mysterious ice block that was about to fall into the black pool.

Compared with Lu Xiaotian, who was almost frozen to death, a layer of floating ice quickly appeared on the surface of the ice giant, but this floating ice did not affect the moving speed of the ice giant at all. Under Lu Xiaotian's control, the swift-moving ice and snow giant directly reached out and grabbed the mysterious ice cube that was only a few feet square in the palm of his hand. With a move of consciousness, Lu Xiaotian forcibly put the mysterious ice cube into the green fruit barrier.

After doing all this, Lu Xiaotian's body was completely frozen in place.

"Dongfang!" At this time, Xiang Qingcheng's body turned into a white shadow, and with a light sweep, he came to Lu Xiaotian's side.

"That mysterious ice is really powerful. My body has been frozen, and the power of mana and blood in my body is flowing extremely slowly. I can't move for the time being. But there will be no serious problems for the time being. It just eliminates the ice in my body. I'm afraid it will take quite a while." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, signaling Xiang Qingcheng not to worry.

"You ask Yan Xiaoyu to instruct the White Jade King Spider to use the spider silk to collect some Guiquan Heavenly Erosion Water. I will save it for later use. Speed ​​up, let's leave this place as soon as possible."

Without waiting for Xiang Qingcheng's order, Yan Xiaoyu flew over directly and asked the White Jade King Spider to collect the water from Luo Guiquan.

The White Jade King Spider was also seriously injured at this time, but it was still life-threatening. Immediately spit out a lot of spider silk, and filled the spider silk with Guiquan Tianxie water. Yan Xiaoyu quickly tied the two ends together, and then put it directly into the Sumeru ring.

Yan Xiaoyu's speed was not slow, Lu Xiaotian saw that it was almost done, so he stopped. Xiang Qingcheng took Lu Xiaotian by his arm, and returned in the same direction as Yan Xiaoyu and Yan Xiaoyu. As for the ice and snow giant, Lu Xiaotian originally planned to put it away, but he found that the thin layer of ice that was originally on the ice and snow giant's body turned into cold mist and was continuously sucked into the ice and snow giant's body.

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