Become a Fairy

Chapter 156 Dogtooth Fish

In front of you is a miasma-filled swamp, the ground is covered with lush green grass, through the dense miasma, you can see hundreds of feet away, among a few messy rocks, there are more than 20 plants of purple ginseng hundreds of years old Scattered among several chaotic rocks. The miasma seemed peaceful, but the occasional white bones looming in the green grass told everyone present that it would be no easy task to get these purple ginseng.

"Brother Lu, Junior Sister Su, and Junior Brother Luo, you guys are here just in time. These purple ginseng are really nerve-wracking." Yuan Hao shrank his pupils when he saw a group of nearly thirty people in Lingxiao Palace, and then greeted him enthusiastically. road.

This Yuan Hao, it seems, is not simple, Yuan Hao's fleeting expression was successfully captured by Lu Xiaotian. But this is not surprising. Although Yuan Hao is strong, he can't handle their numbers. In addition to Yuan Hao, there are two other elite disciples, who were sword formation monks in the Jedi before. However, compared to the large number of people in Lingxiao Palace, they are a little weaker after all. After all, Yuan Hao also knew that the combination of him and Su Qing was enough to suppress him.

"Brother Yuan has tried it a few times. Is there any danger in this grassland? In addition, Brother Luo has a spirit bird, which can't be approached from the air?" Lu Xiaotian asked in surprise.

"Brother Lu, Junior Sister Su, you don't know something. The grass seems to be calm, but in fact there is a swamp under the grass. I don't know how many monster snakes, monster spiders, and mud crocodiles are hidden underneath. Brother Chen of my sect is also an elite disciple. , was besieged by dozens of third-tier mud crocodiles, and unfortunately fell. If it weren't for my strength, I would almost be unable to escape. Fighting in the mud is no better than ordinary ground. If you can display 100% of your strength, 60% to 70% is not bad. Yes. I also tried to collect purple ginseng directly across the swamp with a spirit bird, but I was scared away by a group of carrion monster birds emerging from the swamp."

Yuan Hao smiled wryly, thinking about it, he was also a little scared. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, once the spirit bird under his seat was killed by the carrion monster bird, he would not be able to return from the air, and it would fall too far from the shore, and would be killed by a large number of monster beasts. Surrounded, even he has to be planted inside.

"There are seventeen people in your Ancient Sword Sect, and we have twenty-eight people in Lingxiao Palace. If we rushed through together, are we afraid of some mud crocodiles?" Hu Jianming asked with a frown.

"No, there are countless monsters in this swamp. If there are too many monsters, more monsters will be attracted. If a large number of monsters are attracted, the situation will become more difficult, and the entire army may be wiped out. , I went out of Jedi with Brother Luo from your faction before, and then I met a green armored skeleton. After a big battle, I was defeated, and each fled separately. By chance, I came here. I happened to see dozens of barbarian beasts and Mo Yang Zong's monks teamed up to break into the mud, but because the noise was too loud, all the monsters from more than ten miles away were provoked, hundreds of them followed, and there were more than 30 people, only two escaped by chance." Yuan Hao shook his head hastily. road.

"It's impossible to walk over, it's impossible to fly through the air, and it's even more impossible when there are too many people. In this way, isn't there no way?"

Luo Qian scratched his head and said anxiously. Others also had disappointed looks on their faces. It was such a disappointment to those present that there were twenty or so purple ginseng plants that could not be harvested.

"That's not the case. I took a few elite disciples in the sect to wander around once before. Although Junior Brother Chen fell, he also figured out the general trick. The number of people should not be too large, otherwise the human flavor will be too strong. It is easy to provoke a large number of monsters to come. I guess four or five people are enough. Of course, these four or five people must have extremely strong strength. Only elite disciples like Su Shimei and Lu Shidi who have two magical weapons Okay, but counting me, there are only three people, and there are still some shortcomings."

Yuan Hao stared at Lu Xiaotian and Su Qing with burning eyes and said, "If it really doesn't work, how about the three of us working together to break through again? Of course, breaking through will require a lot of middle-grade spirit stones, mana replenishment, and healing pills." Medicine. How about spending it with other fellow monks and distributing it to each other after getting purple ginseng?"

Lu Xiaotian thought for a while, and frankly speaking, the spiritual objects in his hand can already be exchanged for a few Foundation Establishment Pills, and after returning to Lingxiao Palace, he can use the spiritual objects in the barrier to refine a few batches of pills. There is no need to venture further into this menacing quagmire. It's just that if he directly refuses, it will inevitably make people suspicious of him, after all, no one will dislike too many Jidan. Especially purple ginseng, the main medicine for refining foundation building pills, has a much higher rate of exchange for foundation building pills than other spirit herbs. Even Wu Yan had a look of wanting to try more and more in her eyes. But she couldn't make up her mind, she habitually looked at Lu Xiaotian.

"I was injured before I came here, and I need to rest for a day, and the matter is very important, and now I can't make up my mind, I need to discuss it with Junior Sister Su." After thinking for a while, Lu Xiaotian said.

"Alright, in fact, there should be no problem with four people teaming up to make a run together. Even if there are three people, they may not be able to pick purple ginseng, but if they retreat, it should not be a big problem, otherwise I won't take my own. Just kidding."

Yuan Hao was worried that Lu Xiaotian would refuse, so he added that although the spiritual objects he had collected were enough to exchange for a few Foundation Establishment Pills, with his aptitude, even without the Foundation Establishment Pill, he could build a foundation smoothly. Of course, with the Foundation Establishment Pill, several years of penance can be saved.

Moreover, the foundation building pill is not difficult for him, but it is a rare treasure for other monks in the sect. Yuan, when the time comes, refine the Lieyang Sword in your hand and turn it into a magic weapon of Danyuan. The Danyuan Magical Artifact is much more powerful than ordinary Magical Artifacts. Among the monks of the same level, he can still be proud of the crowd, leaving ordinary foundation-building monks far behind. Therefore, Yuan Hao has a lot of expectations for this collaboration.

"Brother Lu, how are you thinking?" A day later, Yuan Hao looked at Lu Xiaotian expectantly and said, he had seen Lu Xiaotian's wit, and he had always been Lu Xiaotian's master in the Jedi before, so Yuan Hao naturally asked Lu Xiaotian first.

"Ask Martial Sister Su, she has the final say on this matter." Lu Xiaotian rubbed his nose and stepped aside. This time it was he, Su Qing, and Wu Yan who made the move. Originally, he was a little reluctant, but Su Qing directly He took out a blazing crystal. Just asking Lu Xiaotian to make a move, the purple ginseng obtained will still not be missing his share. Lu Xiaotian weighed it for a moment and then directly agreed.

Magical artifacts are also good or bad. Chi Yanjing can not only refine high-grade magical artifacts directly, but also can become top-grade magical artifacts after adding alchemy. Although he didn't know where to find the legendary Danyuan, he still had some thoughts. Moreover, the Magical Artifacts refined by Blazing Crystal are somewhat more powerful than ordinary Magical Artifacts. Of course, he also confessed in advance that if the danger is too great, he will give up immediately to protect himself.

"Brother Yuan, you said before that four to five people are best?" Su Qing asked across Lu Xiaotian, with a strand of black hair bent in her finger.

"That's right, it's best to have four to five people. Of course, the strength must exceed that of ordinary elite disciples." Yuan Hao nodded.

"We can have three people here, me, Senior Brother Lu, and Junior Sister Wu. However, Senior Brother Yuan and your Ancient Sword Sect only have one member. After collecting these purple ginseng, you and I are the two factions. Senior Brother Luo thinks how to distribute it ?” Su Qing said.

Yuan Hao's expression was startled. If Wu Yan also had two magic weapons, the strength of Lingxiao Palace would completely overwhelm him now, but he still bears the great name of Gu Jianzong, and he refused to show weakness, so he asked , "According to Junior Sister Su, how should we distribute them? Before you came, my Ancient Sword Sect already had a few disciples to explore the way. Could it be divided by head, you three and me one?"

Su Qing said slowly, "That's not the case. You and I have a good relationship, and we are people who don't know how to advance or retreat. But anyway, we should contribute more and share more. But considering the importance of purple ginseng How about this, if Senior Brother Yuan can take out two Zhuyan Fruits, these purple ginseng will be divided into five shares, and Senior Brother Yuan will have two of them exclusively."

"Two shares, and I have to offer two Zhuyan fruits. Is Martial Sister Su's calculation too good?" Yuan Hao's face flashed an angry look. Among the Qi refining cultivators, no one dared to bargain with him like this Pass.

"The reason why I made such a condition is naturally because Senior Brother Lu, Junior Sister Wu and I have such strength. Moreover, Senior Brother Yuan's appetite was a bit too big when we were divided into Yanguo before."

Su Qing said without giving in, according to her thinking, Lu Xiaotian can kill Duguhan, which is not inferior to Yuan Hao, and it is for the sake of Gu Jianzong that he can give Yuan Hao this ratio.

Lu Xiaotian felt ashamed for a while, it seems that for a beautiful female cultivator, her appearance may not be less important than her cultivation base. Su Qing and Wu Yan fought against the great danger to extract two Zhuyan Fruits from Yuan Hao's hands. After all, they only have one Zhuyan Fruit in their hands, and no alchemist can guarantee that they will be produced in one batch. Dan. It would be much safer if there were two more. Su Qing and Wu Yan had already discussed it, and they must force Yuan Hao to hand it over. The two of them will be divided according to the ratio. Of course, Su Qing will take the lead.

"Okay, that's how it is allocated, but you have such big thoughts, you have to show the corresponding strength later, otherwise I won't follow."

After a bit of haggling, Su Qing and Wu Yan didn't give in at all. Yuan Hao thought about it for a moment. He only distributed one of the previous Zhuyanguo to his fellow students. Even if he took out two more, he still had more two. Among the chaotic rocks in the distance, there are at least twenty purple ginseng plants. If you take out two Zhuyan fruits, even if you only get two-fifths, it is still a good deal. At this time, the strength of Lingxiao Palace is absolutely strong, and it is understandable to want to take the lead. If one or two of Su Qing and the others die, the distribution ratio will have to be changed at that time. At that time, I can't blame him for being strong. Yuan Hao smiled deeply in his heart.

"I won't let Senior Brother Yuan down." Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief after finally reaching an agreement, she and Wu Yan looked at each other and smiled.

"In this case, let's start. If you delay any longer, I'm afraid there will be monks from other sects rushing over to share the food. Be careful when stepping down. This swamp is a bit weird, and there is a force of attraction, which is our immortal cultivators. , If you step on the ground, you will sink in, and you will feel the softness under your feet, so you can retract it in time. Generally, places with denser grass usually have stronger load bearing." Although he was upset, before picking purple ginseng, Yuan Hao naturally didn't want any troubles with Su Qing and the others.

After finishing speaking, Yuan Hao had already jumped to a place overgrown with green grass. Almost at the same time Yuan Hao jumped down, a big fat yellow croaker with sharp teeth and more than one meter jumped up from the mud. He opened his mouth extremely swiftly and bit Yuan Hao.

A dogtooth fish at the peak of the second stage, which is quite in the middle stage of Qi refining! Yuan Hao snorted coldly, and the astonishing heat watering can came out, Lie Yangjian cut the dog tooth fish in half and fell into the mud in the blink of an eye.

There was a burst of air bubbles in the mud, and several larger dogtooth fish quickly devoured the same kind, but the vicious dogtooth fish did not stop, and the same kind who had not eaten food turned their attention to Lu Xiaotian and the others who entered the mud again.

Farther away, between the sewage and mud of different shades, more than a dozen straight lines stretched towards Yuan Hao and the others.

The reaction of these monsters is really fast. Lu Xiaotian was secretly surprised. Needless to say, this phenomenon occurred because of other monsters swimming quickly under the mud.

Click! A machete killed a dog tooth fish. However, the strength of the rebound from the scimitar made Lu Xiaotian a little startled, and it was several times stronger than ordinary second-order monsters. But after thinking about it, it's normal. These monsters have to swim in the mud and swamps for a long time, and the difficulty is much worse than that of water monsters living on land or in clear water. It takes more effort to move normally. Years and months, generations have passed down, and these monsters in the mud are naturally extremely powerful.

Even in places where the grass is dense, the feet are extremely soft. Several people have light body amulets on their bodies, and in addition to the Wind Control Technique, they can pass through the mud smoothly. For an ordinary secular martial artist, I am afraid that the whole person will fall into it just by laying a foot.

Su Qing first sacrificed the silver hatchet, while Wu Yan used a fiery red spear. Yuan Hao's heart shuddered, this fire-type magic spear originally belonged to the ancient sword sect Meng Kai. During the duel in the Jedi teleportation formation, he died in the hands of Lu Xiaotian. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaotian gave it to Wu Yan, and he was generous.

The long spear used by Wu Yan is still reasonable, but what makes Yuan Hao afraid is that he clearly remembered that Su Qing used a golden whip and a golden flying sword in the Jedi, but he did not expect to have a sharp sword in his hand. silver axe. In other words, Su Qing has more than two magic weapons in her hands. When did the disciples of Lingxiao Palace become so rich, or did the disciples of other sects bump into each other's hands. Yuan Hao cursed secretly in his heart.

The four of them fought all the way, and from time to time, third-order dogtooth fish jumped out of the swamp. As they approached the piles of rocks where the purple ginseng was located, more and more monsters appeared, and the pressure on the few suddenly increased a lot. .

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