Become a Fairy

Chapter 1555 Discuss Conditions

At first, I thought the speed was acceptable, but who knew that I had to spend a lot of effort to get one seal, and the silver-haired monk in front of me had already obtained two seals by himself, and he came out earlier than the two of them.

"Patriarch, this silver-haired monk is here now, and we have no chance of winning if we do it now." Fuyong and Yixin still remembered to go to Yinshi Fucheng's entrustment, and secretly sent a message to Fucheng.

"Let's wait and see." Fucheng responded. Although they had already obtained two seals, the silver-haired monk in front of him also had two seals. In each seal, there is the instinctive fighting spirit left by Emperor Qinling, as long as you use your spiritual sense to activate the control seal, you don't need to control how to fight, and the power of one person controlling two seals alone will not be reduced, but There is also the old monster of the Snowy Demon Deer entrenched in front of him. Previously drawn up plans can only be revised.

Hum, He Qiong from the wooden portal also came out in a flash, and several Qin people suddenly became imposing, but Fu Zi had just come out, and Xiang Qingcheng from the water channel also staggered out from the channel, with a lot of stains on his body. Bloodstains, obviously it is not easy to get the watermark item Allure this time.

After Xiang Qingcheng came out, the first thing he did was to sweep his eyes across the square. After seeing the familiar figure with silver hair, his heart fell back into his stomach. He couldn't hide his smile. Seeing that the ice-type and wind-type households had disappeared, the smiling face became a little more proud. The man in front of her was also her favorite person, and he always acted unexpectedly.

As soon as Xiang Qingcheng came out of the portal of the water system, Lu Xiaotian flickered, grabbed his slender waist, took Xiang Qingcheng over, frowned and said, "Your injury is not serious."

"It's okay, just rest and recuperate for a while." Xiang Qingcheng leaned in Lu Xiaotian's arms, resting his head on his shoulder, as if there was no one else around. It was indeed very dangerous to be in the water system portal just now, if it weren't for the blood cauldron refining magic array given by Lu Xiaotian, he would almost not be able to come back. It's just that when he is with Lu Xiaotian again at this time, all the dangers are gone.

"Hurry up and heal." Lu Xiaotian was slightly relieved seeing that Xiang Qingcheng was fine.

Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng each seized the time to recover, but the brows of the couple in Fucheng frowned tightly. The remaining one, Fu Zi, has not been released for a long time. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation becomes.

"Patriarch, what should we do, Fu Zi hasn't come out yet, I'm afraid it's going to be bad luck." Fu Yong couldn't hold back his voice.

"Of all of us, only Fuzi is from the gold department. Since Fuzi has not come out yet, it is probably due to an accident. This gold department has to give up." The seven Qin clan members have now obtained three seals, exchanging opinions with each other .

"Senior Yaolu, now one of our side has fallen, and the balance of strength between the two sides has been broken. If the silver-haired monk and the Taoist couple get five seals and their strength increases greatly, my side may not be able to check and balance. Besides, according to the ancient According to the records, the Eighteen Golden Men, the Five Elements can form an array, and the three elements of Bingfenglei also have the possibility of forming an array. We plan to exchange the gold-type portal with the silver-haired monk's thunder-type portal, what do senior Yaolu think? "

After the seven descendants of the Qin clan exchanged for a while, they quickly unified their opinions, and Fucheng sent a voice transmission to the snowy demon deer.

"The 18 Jin people still have to talk about formations. Why didn't they talk about it before?" The Snowy Demon Deer seemed to be lying on the spot calmly, but asked dissatisfiedly during the sound transmission. "Besides, this silver-haired boy is not a golden man who has received ice and wind elements one after another. It seems that even the thunder element is no problem. Why are you being constrained so much?"

"Before, I saw that Senior Yaolu was quite familiar with the silver-haired monk. I thought that Senior Yaolu would definitely agree to the silver-haired monk's request, so I didn't make much bargaining. It was only through getting along later that I found that it was not the case. That's why Discuss with senior Yaolu."

Fucheng explained. "The requirements for collecting these eight strange seals are extremely harsh, and you must have the corresponding attributes in order to have any hope of success. The reason why the silver-haired monk can succeed may be because his strength has far surpassed that of ordinary true meaning level monks. Ten sessions of force reduction. And the skills he cultivates may not have strict requirements on attributes, but are extremely inclusive. A Nascent Soul cultivator whose strength can reach the level of a silver-haired cultivator is an odd number after all."

"Forget it, talk to this silver-haired kid, and I'll help out later." Snowy Demon Deer thought for a while before agreeing to Fucheng's request. He knew that Fucheng had only brought it up now, and there must have been other plans before, but neither of the two parties present had a small mind, so they didn't bother to point it out.

"The relationship between this old demon and this silver-haired monk is really not solid. It is only a temporary alliance of interests. In this way, there is room for movement." To seize the treasure left by the ancestors of the Qin family by force, and now to use this treasure to negotiate terms is undoubtedly an embarrassment to the ancestors, but in the current situation, there is no better way.

"Exchange? Why should I change?" Lu Xiaotian sneered after hearing Fucheng's request.

"Little friend, after all, the Eight Wonders Palace was left by the ancestors of the Qin family. You have already divided it into half. It shouldn't hurt if you agree to this little request from the other party." Xueyu Yaolu narrowed his eyes slightly, and directly opened the mouth.

"The people of the Qin clan have fallen by themselves. If they didn't get the golden seal, that's their own business. If they think it's unfair, it's okay to have a fight." Lu Xiaotian glanced at the demon deer in the snowy area and several Qin clan members. Sweeping around, it seems that the Snowy Demon Deer wants to play a balance between them again. It's just that he's not so easy to talk to. Right now, the power of the three parties is in a delicate balance, and they are all worried that one party will suddenly grow too much and lose control.

Snowy Demon Deer looked annoyed, he didn't expect Lu Xiaotian to be so shameless, and immediately said, "If you feel that your wings are hard, you can make a move. This gentleman and the people of the Qin clan also want to see what you can do."

"I have to be a golden person of the thunder element. If you want to force an exchange, you can give it a go." With a move of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, swish, two burly figures burst out of the air, and one body was surrounded by ice and snow. , one screaming at Zhou Fengsheng, each holding a long knife, the body shrunk to Zhang Xu tall. One on the left and one on the right, standing in front of Lu Xiaotian holding a knife, looking coldly at the snowy demon deer and the Qin people with their eyes.

Xiang Qingcheng frowned, and naturally sacrificed three water armor giants.

Fuyong, Tianxin, and Heqiong also sacrificed nine giants of fire, earth, and wood.

Several songs with different attributes of domineering aura surged in the square. In comparison, although the Qin clan had the upper hand in numbers, the aura of the Bing and Feng families was stronger than that of ordinary Jin people.

The Snowy Demon Deer frowned, and the seven Qin people didn't know what to do. Once they fought, although they seemed to have a slight advantage compared with Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng, could they really fight? no. Cranes and clams fight each other, and the fisherman is the one left.

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