Become a Fairy

Chapter 1530 Siege

The terracotta cavalry and arrow array brought by the ghost-faced men in black in front of them were not members of the Jushi family. Whether it was these guys or the one-eyed three-armed demon behind him who won, he couldn't please him in the end. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and slapped it, the power of the turbulent blood gang shook, dozens of arrows swooped in front of him swayed in the air with the shock, and their momentum plummeted. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding shot on the blood gang armor no longer has much momentum.

At this time, trapped in the enemy's formation, how much blood power and mana can be saved. For Lu Xiaotian, it is unnecessary to completely implement these arrows. Just reduce its lethality to the point where it's not much of a threat.

The magic knife roared, rolled like a dragon, and cut through the sky like a dragon, continuously cutting towards the cavalry of the pottery figurines. At this time, the one-eyed three-armed demon was furious. He was underestimated by Xiang Huaxin and the other god-turning powerhouses before. The faint blue magic knife in his hand turned into seven mixed with the roar of the demon owl. Break in.

well deserved.

The chariots driven by the terracotta figurine cavalry moved violently, and with the splitting magic blade, they also turned into seven torrents, surging upwards.

Where the magic blade criss-crossed, the terracotta figurines turned into powder one after another after riding them, and several of them were powerful ghost-faced men in black who had reached the Nascent Soul level and were cut in half by the magic blade. Clean and neat, without any sloppy.

It's just that the turbulent terracotta cavalry didn't have the slightest fear in their eyes. They were driving bronze chariots and waving long spears in their hands like a forest.

The vigor of the long slashes gathered together, going against the light of the magic blade.

The one-eyed, three-armed demon was about to break into the formation, when the rain of arrows roared in the air again.

"Roar!" The figure of the one-eyed three-armed demon flickered, one turned into ten, ten turned into a hundred, and his shadow was everywhere. The magic knife is vertical and horizontal. A burst of left and right chop. A large number of terracotta warriors were cut to pieces. The shattered fragments squirmed on the ground, and some of the less injured ones had already begun to reassemble, but under the influence of the devil energy, the speed of this agglomeration was extremely slow.

In contrast, one or two pottery figurines that Lu Xiaotian occasionally smashed have completely recovered. Lu Xiaotian passed through the rain of arrows and forced back several terracotta warriors with a punch. His eyes showed a bit of thought. It seems that these terracotta warriors cannot recover without limit. will be greatly affected.

The one-eyed, three-armed demon has dozens of incarnations. The terracotta warriors cavalry protecting the crossbow array poured down like a torrent. The terracotta warriors on the chariot swung their weapons like forests. Its momentum is like a mountain. And it doesn't matter which clone is real and which one is fake. It's just simple and mechanical entertaining extremely simple actions.

The magic blade rolled over, and a large number of terracotta warriors were chopped into pieces. But there are more shocks that are not afraid of death. The cavalry and chariots that had already rushed back to the two sides, circled a large circle, and returned to the starting point of the previous impact.

And in this process, the Liannu Daqin arrow array in the rear did not stop at all. Wave after wave. Many terracotta cavalry were defeated by the rain of arrows, and it was impossible to avoid accidental injuries in such a dense rain of arrows.

The formation of hundreds of thousands of people seemed to be integrated into one, and the technique of formation attack inherited from the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty has reached such a state of perfection. It seems that Emperor Qinling was also an extremely powerful formation master back then. The movements of these terracotta figurine cavalrymen did not froze at all in the rain of arrows. Still flowing like clouds and flowing water.

In this army formation, Lu Xiaotian saw the iron blood and ruthlessness of the Great Qin Immortal Army back then.

The terracotta figurine cavalry and arrow array led by this ghost-faced man in black are not to be trifled with, even though the one-eyed three-armed demon in the transformation stage was fierce, he couldn't rush out for a while.

The stronger the one-eyed three-armed demon behaved, the more attacks he attracted. On the contrary, it was Lu Xiaotian, who from time to time hit the power of the bleeding gang to greatly reduce the lethality of the arrow, but still shot at him with a ding ding ding. It seems that he has suffered a lot of attacks, but in fact Lu Xiaotian has already reached the periphery of the opponent's army formation at this time.

"Old monster, I'll take a step first, you stay and play with these puppets slowly." Lu Xiaotian took advantage of the situation and rushed out of the rain of arrows. Don't forget to tease the one-eyed three-armed demon.

"Boy, you're looking for death. I'll take your dog's life after I take care of these stone bumps." After the one-eyed, three-armed demon found that the monstrous magic place and majesty could not affect the terracotta cavalry at all, he also ended this kind of war. A meaningless move, directly controlling the magic blade to slash and slash. It was like a huge iron plow constantly plowing back and forth in the opponent's formation. However, he was always blocked by cavalry and arrow formations who didn't care about life and death at all, unable to stand out from the formation.

Hearing Lu Xiaotian's ridicule, the one-eyed three-armed demon who hadn't experienced such a useless attitude for a long time couldn't help but almost exploded.

"You have your life to rush out and talk about it." Ding Ding Ding Nearly a hundred arrows were bounced off by the blood gang armor one after another, Lu Xiaotian rushed out of the arrow rain in one breath, hundreds of cavalry riding pottery figurines saw Lu Xiaotian coming out of the battle, their eyes widened. Showing a bit of hesitation, he circled around like the sharp fangs of a beast, and turned to cover and kill the one-eyed three-armed demon.

Lu Xiaotian secretly said that it was dangerous, and with his eyesight, he could naturally tell that the other party intended to let him out.

If it weren't for these terracotta cavalrymen seeing that the one-eyed three-armed demon was too powerful, they might not have let themselves out. Grasp the big and let go of the small, maybe the other party thinks that after concentrating on cleaning up the one-eyed three-armed demon, it will be much easier to kill himself.

No matter what the reason is, let's leave here first. After a fierce battle just now, Lu Xiaotian himself was also exhausted, and immediately sacrificed Bat King Fayi to rush on the road with all his strength, and then recovered the exhaustion in his body as soon as possible.

From a distance, Lu Xiaotian caught a glimpse of the giant crossbows erected on two hilltops, and the arrows on them were carved with complicated runes. The dozen or so ghost-faced men in black wielding the giant crossbow, as well as more than a dozen giant stone tribe warriors, were all Nascent Soul-level powerhouses ranging from tenth to twelfth ranks without exception.

It seems that this one-eyed, three-armed demon has suffered. While Lu Xiaotian is rejoicing, he is also somewhat gloating. He wished that the powerful men of the Fu clan and the Jushi clan were more aggressive. In comparison, he was still more afraid of the one-eyed three-armed demon.

As Lu Xiaotian fled all the way, from time to time he could see the terracotta cavalry and giant stone warriors of the brigade rushing to the predetermined direction respectively. Some went to the one-eyed three-armed demon, and some rushed to another direction. These terracotta cavalry or giant stone warriors also saw Lu Xiaotian, but they all selectively and directly ignored Lu Xiaotian, an outsider.

Lu Xiaotian reckoned that it should be the demon deer in the snowy land, and one of Xiang Hua's hearts also fought with these natives. The battle was tight, and he had no time to take care of himself, a relatively weak enemy. Otherwise, according to the previous behavior of the other party, he would not allow himself to run away swaggeringly.

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