Become a Fairy

Chapter 1526 Desperate Situation

(I sent the wrong chapter, sorry. Chapter 1526 has been sent to the front.)

"Old monster Ice Soul, it seems that it is impossible for the two of us to share the dragon yuan equally. Instead of procrastinating like this, it is better to accept the reality and divide the dragon yuan into four. At worst, the two of us will get a little more. What do you think? ?” Xiang Huaxin said via voice transmission.

"Split your fart. I have a dragon bone in my hand. I will let these two guys take it later. You protect me and use the dragon bone to absorb the dragon yuan. When the time comes to take the dragon yuan, the two of us will retreat immediately. They can't do anything to us." The ice soul old monster replied angrily.

"You old boy, didn't you say you didn't have any before?" Xiang Huaxin stared.

"You think that I will give the keel to restrain the demon deer in the snowy area to those Nascent Soul juniors, so naturally I have to keep a hand." The old monster Ice Soul said in a rather smug tone.

"Actually, I still have a piece in my hand." Immediately afterwards, the ice soul old monster heard a sentence that made him feel so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

"Damn it, take out the keel earlier, clean up the deer in the snowy area, and it will save trouble. The two of us calculated it like this, and calculated it. Instead, it caused so many accidents." Rao is the ice soul old monster My heart has been like water for many years, so I couldn't help but swear at this time.

Xiang Huaxin was in a similar mood at this time.

"Then it's settled. Let's use the keel to collect half of the dragon yuan each, and leave after taking the dragon yuan."

Xiang Huaxin hadn't finished speaking when the snowy deer suddenly raised its head, and several beams of icy light burst out from the two antlers, hitting the thick layer of ice above its head.

Whoosh, whoosh, hundreds of ice-colored long thorns burst out from the ice layer on the top of the head, shooting towards Xiang Huaxin and the old monster Ice Soul.

Humming Ice Treasure Wheel and Qingfeng Sword slashed indiscriminately, many ice thorns were cut off, but a few of them turned into ferocious ice centipedes and ice soul monsters His turbid ice treasure wheel and Xiang Huaxin's Qingfeng sword were strangled together. The ice centipede transformed by the ice thorns was cut off continuously and fell to the ground and turned into ice slag. However, it held back Xiang Huaxin and the ice soul old monster.

The Snowy Demon Deer is not an idiot either, more and more God Transformation powerhouses have entered the ice cave, and it is clear that they are coming for the Longyuan on him. No matter how strong he was, he still couldn't deal with four Huashen powerhouses at the same time, not to mention that the opponent might still have a keel that could restrain him. Although he has gone through the previous battle, the effect of the keel on him is not as good as before. But in a battle between masters, even the slightest impact can be fatal.

However, this ice cave is his old lair. After so many years, the snow demon deer has also placed a lot of restrictions in the ice cave, which is just in handy at this time. The enemy is strong and we are weak, and last time he was sucked away by Lu Xiaotian After Longyuan, the dragon yuan below has not been fully refined, and its strength has not been restored, and the snowy demon deer is not in the mood to entangle with the few Huashen powerhouses in front of it. Immediately, a restriction was activated according to local conditions, and the two were thrown away by the opportunity, and escaped to a deeper place in the ice cave.

"Evil animal, don't run away!" Ice Soul old monster and Xiang Huaxin broke each other's restraints, and only the shadow of the snowy demon deer was left in front of them. Immediately, angrily and angrily, he chased after the demon deer in the snowy area. I saw the deer in the snowy area fleeing farther and farther. Xiang Hua gritted his teeth, sacrificed the keel at the same time as the Ice Soul old monster, and poured mana into the keel.

A sound of dragon chant vibrated in the keel, and when the dragon yuan in the snowy demon deer was restrained, the speed suddenly slowed down a little, and he was about to throw off the people behind him. Big hate.

Escaping but not getting away, the demon deer in the snow region was extremely corrupted, while restraining Long Yuan, who was starting to agitate in his body, and Xiang Huaxin fought again with the ice soul old monster who was chasing up.

In the fury of the Snowy Demon Deer, it kept mobilizing the prohibition that had been set up all the way to offset the adverse effect of the decline in combat power due to Long Yuan being restrained.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the destructive power was even greater than before.

Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang were naturally running non-stop all the way, going where there was a way, so they didn't care much at this time.

I don't know how far he escaped, but the snowy demon deer behind him screamed in pain again and again, obviously he had been injured one after another. The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the Snowy Demon Deer.

"Boy Dongfang, give me some more strong monkey wine." At this time, it was too deep into the ice hole. Xiang Kuang, who had already put away the Qingding, could not help shivering from the cold.

Lu Xiaotian, on the other hand, has Brahma True Fire Body Protection in his body, and is a twelfth-level physical cultivation. His defense ability is far from Xiang Kuang's comparison, but his situation is much better than Xiang Kuang's. While Lu Xiaotian poured a few sips of strong monkey wine into his mouth, he threw several pots of strong monkey wine to Xiang Kuang. Then he ran forward again without looking back. I also don't care how cold it will be in the depths of the ice cave. In short, if you stay, once you are involved in the battle of these god-turning powerhouses, it is undoubtedly a dead word. Maybe you will not escape the end of being frozen to death sooner or later, but how many If you escape for a while, you can always survive for a while.

It's just that the more he fled in, Lu Xiaotian found that the large-scale collapse of the ice cave caused by the fighting skills of these god-turning powerhouses became less and less. It seems that the hardness of the ice layer in front of him can roughly withstand the impact caused by the fighting skills of the Huashen powerhouse!

"Golden Rock and Jade Ice!" Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang had expressions of horror on their faces. In the depths of the ice cave, where the eye can see is actually golden rock and jade ice, which is the top spiritual material for making ice-type monks' battle armor. Even in Chiyuan Continent, the armor used by ice-type monks will only be selectively added to it. It is because this spiritual object is extremely precious and extremely rare, and everywhere that comes into view, it is actually this precious spiritual object.

After fleeing for dozens of miles, the eyes suddenly opened up, and there was a huge ice floe in sight, and there was darkness beyond the horizon. It seemed that the ice floe was floating in the darkness. The endless darkness, even with the eyesight of Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang, at a glance, you can't see your fingers.

Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang arrived on the huge ice floe with a radius of tens of miles, and there was no way to escape except for the darkness in front of their eyes.

In an instant, a white figure flashed, and the snow demon deer, whose body was already covered with dozens of wounds, also fled to the ice floe. Xiang Huaxin, the old monster Ice Soul, the old monster Bichan, and the one-eyed three-armed demon came one after another.

"I didn't expect such a situation in the depths of the ice cave." Xiang Huaxin looked around, looked at the snowy demon deer, and said, "Now you have nowhere to escape, and we don't have to take your life. One point, if you hand over the dragon yuan yourself, you may be saved from death!"

Xiang Huaxin and the Ice Soul old monster were inexplicably surprised, even the group of Nascent Soul juniors controlled the keel, they were able to absorb the dragon's yuan, and the two of them, the two god-turning powerhouses, shot it in person, and the other party has carried it to this day.

"Joke, Long Yuan is the foundation of my Dao. I have cultivated for countless years to achieve today's state. My Dao is all obtained by Long Yuan. Giving Long Yuan to you will not destroy Dao Ji. What’s the difference between death and death?” Xueyu Yaolu gasped and said disdainfully.

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