Become a Fairy

Chapter 1506 Killing

At the beginning, Lu Xiaotian, Xiang Qingcheng, and Gugui were trapped in the ice and fire magic hood, and they couldn't break out easily. When Lu Xiaotian used Fanluo's real fire, he broke the yin and yang balance of the ice and fire magic hood, and was able to escape. .

At this time, Zhao Yuandu actually broke through Xun Hong's ice and fire veil in the blink of an eye.

"Take a fork from me!" After Xun Hong was startled, he was very furious. He stretched out his finger, and a huge pillar of ice and fire suddenly appeared out of thin air between the sky and the earth. From a distance, this magic pillar of ice and fire looked like a giant human being. The first magic badge, under the tumbling magic energy, countless magic badges formed by ice and fire were whipped by the tentacles.

Zhao Yuandu snorted coldly, the sapphire blue round mirror flashed, and a blue beam of light hit Zhao Yuandu's body, and the blue beam of light bloomed everywhere like fireworks. Every beam of light that is blooming reflects the shadow of Zhao Yuandu.

Countless tentacles made of condensed ice and fire whipped around, shaking the ground and even the entire airspace. Blu-ray fragmentation. And Zhao Yuandu's crystal blue beams of light hit the tentacles formed by ice and fire from time to time, and a large number of shattered ice and fire exploded in the entire airspace for a while.

"But that's it!" Sounds sounded from all directions, seemingly far away but not yet close.

But within the formation, Jiao Teng and Tiger Leaping, Xuan Yan, and Blood Monkey Ghost King have been completely submerged in it, and the roars of the two ghost kings can be heard from time to time.

At this time, Xuanyan, Blood Monkey Ghost King, and Xunhong were not at the mercy of the wind for the time being, but the more they fought, the more frightened they became. Xunhong had even been suppressed by Zhao Yuandu, and the tentacles formed of ice and fire had been completely submerged in a deep blue light. within. But within the formation, there is still Zhao Zhen who has been standing by and watching. Outside the formation, there was a tall, slightly slender body wearing a silver mask. The aura emanating from a small emerald green ring on his left wrist seemed a bit incompatible with the ghostly aura lingering on his body.

"Sunny Ghost King, he is also a ghost clan, why don't you help out a little bit, this Zhao clansman just intends to use you to obtain the dragon yuan, if he fails, he will die. Even if he succeeds in obtaining the dragon yuan, he can't escape being killed Why don't you fight to the death now?" Xuanmai Ghost King shouted loudly to Su Qing who was standing quietly on the vast snowfield in the distance while trying his best to resist the four white flood dragons.

If it was an ordinary time, the Xuanmai Ghost King would naturally not pay much attention to Su Qing, but in the current situation, there is nothing he can do about it.

"Fellow Daoist Qingtian's white jade spider is quite miraculous, so he should not be regarded as the same as you and others." Zhao Zhen laughed, standing aside and watching, not intending to join the melee at all.

"This Qingtian Ghost King is your and Luo Qian's junior sister?" Xiang Qingcheng saw that the aura was obviously different from other ghost kings, even with a ghost body, it made people feel graceful and graceful. He couldn't help but look at Lu Xiaotian and said.

"En." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and looked at Su Qing standing in the distance with her hands folded. She was not panicked by the current scene and situation, and she couldn't help but feel a little emotional. After so many years and too much experience, Su Qing also had a kind of The temperament of being indifferent to the world is no longer that unruly and somewhat willful junior sister. These years, Su Qing has worked hard.

"It's all here, why don't you meet your junior sister soon?" Xiang Qingcheng glanced at Lu Xiaotian and said. Just from Su Qing's demeanor, Xiang Qingcheng can also imagine that Lu Xiaotian, the Su junior sister back then, was also a charming woman. It's just that such a woman turned into a ghost clan, and Xiang Qingcheng is not a gossip girl, so she can't help wondering about the twists and turns.

Lu Xiaotian shook his head and didn't speak. Even the sound transmission depends on the location. At this time, the powerful Zhao clan deployed the yin-yang eight-queen dragon-tiger attack formation, arousing the vision of heaven and earth, and greatly affected the surrounding space. Even the sound transmission may be intermittent. There is no rush to meet Su Qing.

The combined attack of the four dragons and four tigers transformed by the power of the large formation became more and more skillful. In contrast, the state of Xuanyan, Blood Monkey Ghost King, and Xun Hong looked a little bit bad.

Amidst a painful groan, Zhao Yuanrang shot a beam of light from the azure mirror, which seemed light and harmless, but cut off a thick tentacle of Xunhong.


There were bursts of chants, and the long and powerful left arm of the giant blood monkey transformed by the blood monkey ghost king was bitten by a white flood dragon. The blood monkey ghost king turned pale with fright, and tried his best to break free, but the other three besieging white flood dragons didn't give him the slightest chance to escape.

The situation on the side of the Nightmare Ghost King is not too optimistic. He has been thrown down by the white tiger from the air several times. Although the Nightmare Ghost King quickly repelled the white tiger, as time went on, the Nightmare Ghost King was crushed by the force of the formation. The number of times the transformed white tiger fell down became more and more. The defeat has been revealed, and what makes Xuanyan Ghost King even more alarmed is that the Blood Monkey Ghost King and Xun Hong both fell to the disadvantage at the same time. Although this fight has not yet entered the final stage, the ending is already very clear.

"Chi" was filthy all over the sky, with a stench of blood. The blood monkey ghost king was finally bitten by four white dragons on both hands and feet, and tore off several times. Finally, he couldn't resist the force of these four dragons and was torn into five parts. The ghost baby fled for a while, and was also chased by the white flood dragon and sucked into the mouth and turned into nothing.

After the blood monkey ghost king was dealt with, the four white flood dragons split into two, and each rushed towards the ghost king Xuanmao ghost king and Xunhong, the twelfth-level old devil.

The death of the blood monkey ghost king immediately broke the balance that had been struggling to maintain. After a while, Xuanmao Ghost King and Xun Hong fell into the formation one after another under the increased pressure, both physically and mentally annihilated.

Two ghost kings in the late stage, and a devil at the peak of the twelfth level, are both strong men who have reached the level of true meaning. In the past, losing one would be a big deal.

Right now, three people died at once, and Lu Xiaotian shook his head as he watched. What surprised him even more was the power of the Yin-Yang Baque Dragon-Tiger Combined Formation. It was indeed the most powerful killing formation among the formations he had ever seen. .

"A few more have been killed, and a few more times. This time through the Unnamed Canyon and into the ice cave, all the powerful clans who entered the ice cave will fall in the hands of my Zhao clan." One of the strong hanged swords The man with eyebrows made a move with the white floodlights, and the white floodlights in the air exploded into a cloud of broken snow, and a white light with astonishing spiritual power fell into the white floodlights.

"It's not that easy. Among the powerhouses of various clans this time, Xiang Kuang from the Xiang Kingdom, Zhou Ruyun from the Tianwu Kingdom, and Long Qiangu from the Daqi Kingdom each have ancient techniques passed down from generation to generation. The fierceness of the combat power far exceeds that of the true meaning level." Strong one, in the current situation where the Yin-Yang Baque Dragon-Tiger Combination Formation is not yet complete, even with the two of us working together, we may not be able to win these few."

Zhao Zhen, who had been sweeping the formation just now, shook his head, not as optimistic as the eight men and four women who presided over the formation.

"The two elders are strong men who have inherited the ancient mirror in the clan. With the power of this great formation, can't they still not be able to deal with a great monk in the late Nascent Soul?" Another woman with a beautiful face said in disbelief.

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