Become a Fairy

Chapter 1455 Split

"Those ghost kings who escaped were really lucky. They lost the huge bone boat on their front feet, and caught up with the tide on their back feet." Yin Mingzong Yang Peng stood at the bow of the boat, with his hands on his waist, and cursed angrily.

"Since the scale of this tide is larger than any previous one, it means that after the tide recedes, perhaps even greater secrets will be revealed in this area of ​​black water. As soon as we come here, we will catch up with good things one after another. We are lucky enough to be safe along the way. " Xiahou Dun smiled while stroking his beard.

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Lu, everyone present here has recovered to a good degree, should we immediately look for the site of the Julu Battle?" asked the demon cultivator Yuanlie.

"The tide in the Blackwater Region is unpredictable. If we leave now, what should we do if we are taken away by other forces and encounter a resurgence?" Lu Xiaotian asked unmoved. Mind looking for clues to Longlu now, but not thinking about victory, but about losing first. He still has Luo Ping'er and Feng Ling with him. Especially when the injuries of Feng Ling and Mang Xiao's patriarchs will not heal for a while. It is really inappropriate to have an overly aggressive move.

"Fellow Daoist Lu has a careful mind, and we really have to guard against this. Otherwise, if we do not say anything beforehand, it will be a catastrophe. And now we are just looking for clues to the dragon and deer, even if we find the place where the giant deer was fought, it is not to say We will get the treasure right away. We really need to think about it more carefully." Chi Xiao old monsters nodded in agreement.

In the end, all the big monks and Yaoxiu discussed together and decided to divide the manpower into two teams. Xiahou Dunfeng and Mufeng Nishang draw lots to decide who will stay in the giant boat of bones. In addition, from the human race and the demon cultivators, they each recruited some people to go with Lu Xiaotian to find clues to Longlu.

In the end, it was decided by lottery that Xiahou Anfeng, Mingyu Palace Master Guan Feiyan, White Jade Lion with Purple Eyes, Snapping Turtle Monster, and Yuan Lie were the five main players, and they stayed behind on the bone giant boat. Lu Xiaotian and Mufeng Nishang led the team, and followed the fragments of the Dinghuang tripod to the place where the giant deer was fought.

"Husband, you must be careful, I will wait for your return on the bone boat." Luo Ping'er looked at Lu Xiaotian reluctantly and said.

"Mr. Dongfang, take care all the way." Mang Xiao Qingxue, Mang Xiao's Patriarch, Feng Ling also said one after another.

"Don't worry, it's not easy for others to deal with us." Lu Xiaotian smiled lightly. Patted Luo Ping'er's catkin.

Feng Ling and Mang Xiao Patriarch's old injuries have not healed, and Mang Xiao Qingxue's strength is not as good as Luo Ping'er, so they also stay behind in the bone giant boat. The strength on the bone giant boat was also extremely terrifying, and Lu Xiaotian didn't worry too much. He took the cave ape refining corpse that had recovered part of his strength, and followed the fragments of Dinghuang Dingding through the air with Mufeng Nishang.

With this tide, the weird black water has receded completely except for some remnants in the potholes.

Lu Xiaotian, Mufeng Nishang and a group of four and three monsters flew for more than ten days in a row following the fragments of the Dinghuang tripod, leaving clues along the way so that the bone giant boat led by Xiahou Dunfeng could keep up, and the bone giant boat itself was like a flying warship , has the ability to stay in the air, but when the Nightmare Ghost King built this bone giant boat, the main consideration was its ability to suspend on the strange black water. For its speed when it is in the air, it has not been strengthened too much. The speed of this giant bone boat is naturally incomparable with Lu Xiaotian's group of big monks and big monsters.

"Under the black water area, there is no mud at all. It seems that there are many submerged cities, not only the traces of the monster race's survival, but also the fairy city of your human race." Mufeng Nishang looked at the black water retreated , the various buildings that have completely lost their vitality. The scale of this fairy city in front of me is no smaller than any city in the Blue Devil Sea, and I don't know how vibrant it was when the ancient monks came and went here.

"Look, there is a change in the fragments of Dinghuang Cauldron." The big demon One-horned Wind Roaring Beast flashed its big silver horn on top of its head, and its giant rhinoceros-like body suddenly jumped forward.

Lu Xiaotian's movements were not slow at all, and in the distance, the fragments of the Dinghuang tripod with vibrating wings turned into a stream of light and fell.

Mufeng and the others had excited expressions on their faces. The fragments of the Dinghuang cauldron fell here. Doesn't it mean that they have found the place where the ancient cultivators fought against the giant deer?

"Something's wrong!" Lu Xiaotian's complexion suddenly changed, and he saw several similar figures flying towards the distant horizon, with wings waving.

"There are other people who came here. I didn't regain my strength when I was fighting with those ghosts before, and now I can use my hands and feet!" Mu Xi, the one-horned wind howling beast, grinned grinningly.

"Back!" The one-horned wind howling beast Mu Ximo rubbed his fists, and Huo Yuyu's eyes flashed fiercely, but Lu Xiaotian let out a low chirp, and shot back violently behind his body.

"You humans are timid." Yu said disdainfully. Although Lu Xiaotian showed considerable strength before, Yu thought he might be a little inferior, but now he has found the site of the Battle of Julu. , Their Yaozu no longer need to rely on Lu Xiaotian, a human monk, to hunt for treasures later, and the Yaozu can come by themselves.

The old monster Chi Xiao from Fallen Demon Valley, Yang Peng from Yin Mingzong, and Ding Yimeng from Pill King City all looked at each other at this time. For the Blue Devil Sea Territory, Lu Xiaotian is just an outsider after all. According to what was said before, after finding the site of the Battle of Julu, Lu Xiaotian's role was greatly reduced, and he was not the real team leader. In fact, those who can cultivate to this level are not arrogant. Except for the long-established prestige of Mufeng Nishang and Xiahou Dunfeng, Lu Xiaotian, an outsider, wants to truly command the heroes. Take it too seriously.

Seeing the reactions of the big monsters and big monks in the Blue Devil Sea Territory, Lu Xiaotian smiled coldly, he just reminded them a little bit. Ignoring this group of people, the big monster's reaction, but Lu Xiaotian himself withdrew from everyone's sight. At this time, the scope of the land of ruin has been roughly locked, even if it is a treasure hunt, there is no need to rush.

Not long after Lu Xiaotian quit. In the team, Mu Feng Nishang, who was the most energetic and had the strongest primordial spirit, suddenly changed his face.

"Fellow Daoist Nishang, what's the matter?" Seeing Mufeng Nishang's expression changed, Chi Xiao and the old monsters couldn't help being a little more vigilant.

"There is a large group of monks, and the ghost clan is approaching here. The fragments of the Dinghuang Dingding just now should come from this. It seems that they have been mixed together, and we are likely to be stirred into this chaotic battle." After the initial surprise, Mu Feng Nishang calmed down and said, even if they were thrown into a war for no reason, with the strength of the six of them, it would not be a problem to get out.

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