Become a Fairy

Chapter 1418 Twelve Levels

"Cultivation has no time, this is the twelfth level!" Lu Xiaotian looked at his palms and muttered to himself, earlier he was also remembering the time he stayed in this void. Later, in order to do everything possible to survive in this void, Lu Xiaotian had already forgotten to keep track of the time.

All he had in his eyes was the dense and endless firestones. When he sacrificed the demon-suppressing tower to resist the impact of the flint stone, he seized the time to restore the exhausted blood in his body. The mana was exhausted, and the power of the blood gang had not yet recovered. Lu Xiaotian used the soul-swallowing technique to devour the Nascent Soul-level monster Jingbai.

Later, all the souls of monster beasts at the Nascent Soul level were also consumed, and Lu Xiaotian used Ziye Zhenwu again. Even at the critical moment, the grotto ape refining corpse, who was seriously injured and had not yet recovered, was driven by him again. Later, the corpse of the cave monkey was also beaten to death in this flowing flint that covered the sky and the sun, and most of the bones on his body were broken, so Lu Xiaotian took it back again.

The strong fire wine had already been consumed, and it was too late to refine it again. Lu Xiaotian made every effort to squeeze out time to absorb the fossil stone stalactites, and use the ice marrow moonque sand to forge his body. There were also two times when he was on the verge of death, but maybe it was because he didn't want to die, maybe because of his persistence, the flint rain would become sparse every time, or there might be a short pause.

Although this interval was extremely short, it also gave Lu Xiaotian the most precious breathing time.

Repeatedly, Lu Xiaotian didn't have time to think more, all he wanted was to persevere as much as possible. Whether it is body or mana, they have been tempered in this almost stubborn and paranoid persistence. Under this constant consumption, the fusion blood bead has condensed to the ninth drop. In addition to one's own mana, an additional 90% of mana can be stored in the Fusion Blood Bead.

After absorbing most of the ice marrow and moon sand, the physical body, which was continuously injured and recovered, improved at a faster speed. This time, it broke through to the unprecedented twelfth step!

The flint rain was still hitting his head and face, Lu Xiaotian's body swung left and right in the flint rain, and he didn't even need to consciously control it. Whenever the flint hit his body, Lu Xiaotian's body would always subconsciously sway, The skeletal muscles trembled and then pushed, releasing the force of the flint stone.

After the state is raised, the consumption has dropped several times compared to before.

Due to the limited strength before, it was not the strangling power of the collapsed space in the space, or the dense fire stone rain, with Lu Xiaotian's strength, he couldn't go far at all. Sitting in a sad city.

Now that his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, Lu Xiaotian will naturally no longer be confined to one corner. Lu Xiaotian constantly removes the impact of the fire stone, and begins to explore in this strange space, looking for the possibility of leaving.

"It seems that we have to venture into this extremely unstable area." After being promoted to the twelfth level of physical training, Lu Xiaotian was able to move freely in the flint rain. After exploring back and forth for a long time, Lu Xiaotian discovered that this space is not infinite Endless, vertical and horizontal, it looks like tens of thousands of miles. Then it was blocked by a barrier.

boom! Lu Xiaotian blasted away a huge boulder that was hitting him with one punch, causing gravel and flames to fly. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to grab the void, and grabbed a piece of gravel in the palm of his hand. These large and small stones are not the same low-grade stone. Some are low-grade black iron ore, some are ordinary rocks, or higher-grade red sand ore.

Combining with the previous wanderings in the Piaomiao Palace, Lu Xiaotian discovered that the stones that make up the fire flow stone rain should be the things in the Piaomiao Palace. It's just that the space here is not very stable, and under the distortion, the mysterious space tearing force threw these stones into this inexplicable space.

It’s just that Lu Xiaotian soon had another doubt. According to the scale of these flintstone rains, there are so many stones entering this space. It stands to reason that this strange space has been filled long ago. Why is it still so empty?

"Perhaps finding the place of the flintstone is the only way to leave this space." Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched slightly. Start to continue exploring in this space, use your spiritual sense to detect the whereabouts of the flint stone. It's just that these flint stones came strangely, and their whereabouts were also extremely strange. It seems to disappear for no reason.

Half a year later, Lu Xiaotian stood in the air in an extremely messy airspace that he had been unwilling to go deep into before, but now he had to face.

The reason why it is said to be messy is because even with the naked eye, Lu Xiaotian can almost feel the obvious tearing force of that space. When he was still in the eleventh-level physical cultivation before, going in was undoubtedly looking for death, and Lu Xiaocai was afraid that he would avoid it.

Even with the great improvement in strength now, if the situation permits, Lu Xiaotian is absolutely unwilling to stay in this kind of place that is almost a restricted area of ​​life. It is only after he searched this strange space several times that he found the whereabouts of the flint stone. Nine times out of ten, it was smashed by the tearing force of this space, and returned to the Piaomiao Palace. Therefore, this unstable space in front of him is the only way out for him to leave.

No matter what, you have to make a breakthrough, otherwise you will be trapped here to death sooner or later. Lu Xiaotian gritted his teeth and took a slow step. Enter this weird space. From the moment he stepped out, Lu Xiaotian immediately felt that his feet were scratched by several sharp blades at the same time. Lu Xiaotian released his spiritual consciousness, trying his best to feel where the sharp edges were, and avoid the vital points. When unavoidable, the muscles and bones tremble at the same time, minimizing the damage.

After getting used to it a little bit, Lu Xiaotian stepped into this area where the space is constantly tearing and merging with the other foot.

It's just that Lu Xiaotian still didn't dare to go too deep. In the first few days, he only moved in the edge area. The closer to the middle area, the denser the cracks produced when the space is torn apart. Greed for meritorious deeds, one bad thing is the end of being decapitated.

After the calamity of Huoliushi, Lu Xiaotian stepped into this even crueler area again. Every time he stepped into this airspace, no matter how Lu Xiaotian resisted, he could remove the huge damage caused by the spatial cracks on his body. It cannot be completely avoided. Over time, more and more injuries will accumulate on the body.

Every time when the limit is approaching, Lu Xiaotian will strenuously walk back and return to the area of ​​the flint stone. With his speed of several miles in an instant, he is also walking like a snail in this airspace.

After returning to the firestone area, Lu Xiaotian continued to forge his body with the remaining ice marrow and moon sand. After his body recovered almost, Lu Xiaotian repeated what he had done before, and stepped into it again. So repeated, Lu Xiaotian can't remember how many times he repeated back and forth. This extremely boring day has become his daily life.

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