Become a Fairy

Chapter 1394 Demon Race Gathering Howl

"One-eyed three-armed demon? Is this serious? Where did the news come from, brother Lu?" Xiang Yihang's purpose was to come for the demon puppet ancestor jade, and even the demons in Broken Star Valley didn't know about this demon Xiang Yihang is not clear about this matter.

"Where did the news come from, Brother Xiang, don't ask any more questions. It would be better if this matter wasn't true. If it was true that those two people were allowed to steal more ancient demon energy, we would have a better chance of surviving." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Then let's exchange the demon bodies. Now that the Fenye Kazuki array has been set up, you don't have to worry about any twists and turns. You can save a little trouble when you enter the altar with the demon body of the cricket fire."

The two discussed for a while, and Lu Xiaotian exchanged the demon body with Xiang Yihang.

Three days later, Lu Xiaotian put on the already refined Gu Lie Huo Demon Body and flew to the altar through the air. Xiang Yihang pretends to be Gu Hai holding an ancient magic bottle and waits for the arrival of Du Crazy Tiger and the magic scorpion girl Feng Ling.

"Hehe, brother Zhuhai is really a believer. Originally, I thought I would use the magic antelope bag. Now that I have the ancient magic bottle, even if we don't enter the altar, the three of us can get the same benefits." Feng Ling smiled. , looked at the ancient magic bottle in Xiang Yihang's hand and said.

"This ancient magic bottle is for you. I also want to see how you can extract the ancient magic energy from the altar." Xiang Yihang stretched out his hand and threw the ancient magic bottle to the other side. "After your arrangement is completed, I will Automatically control this vial to absorb the ancient magic energy. Don't play tricks."

"Brother Zhuhai, don't worry. Only the three of us know about this matter. If there is a quarrel, the entire Broken Star Valley won't be able to accommodate us." Feng Ling's eyes lit up, and she looked overjoyed when she took the ancient magic bottle. Crazy Tiger said via voice transmission, "Brother Du, this Guhai looks a little strange, I always feel that there is something wrong with the breath, it seems to be a little different from the Guhai we knew before. Nothing will happen."

"It doesn't matter whether there is any problem with Guhai, as long as there is no problem with the ancient magic bottle. If he has the ancient magic energy and wants to swallow it all by himself, we only need to release the news, and it will be enough for him to drink a pot. Now that we are on this boat, It's not so easy to think about it." Du Fenghu snorted coldly.

"That's right." After thinking about it, Feng Ling, a demon girl, felt that what Du Fenghu said was reasonable, as long as the ancient magic bottle was real, it would be fine, why bother so much.

After saying that, Feng Ling took out a yellowish stone, a stone basin about three feet high.

Feng Ling chanted a mantra, plausibly speaking. After a while, put the yellowish stone into the stone basin. With a bang, it was like a stone falling into water. The yellowish stone turned into liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Du Crazy Tiger looked serious at this time, stretched out his palm, and a grass-green shoot appeared in the palm of his hand. The grass-green shoots were like living things, and they screamed excitedly when they smelled the yellow juice in the stone basin.

"Qu Moya!" Xiang Yihang had a look of surprise on his face, this thing is extremely rare, and there is nothing special about it, but it is his favorite elixir that he likes to steal, Ordinary restrictions and formations can't stop it. There are often some high-ranking monks who have spiritual fluids that are not suitable for putting in the Xumi ring, so they use specific stone ponds and jade ponds to hold them.

It's just that the higher the level of spiritual liquid, the easier it is to attract this magic bud. This song is not afraid of the smell of demon buds, and it is occasionally found in demons and human territories, and it is considered a disaster in the world of cultivating immortals. It's just that this thing is very good at hiding, and even the big monks of the earth system can't catch up with the people who escaped from the ground, so it is extremely difficult to catch. Unexpectedly, Du Madhu and Feng Ling, the scorpion girl, would have this thing in their hands.

"This is not an idle Qu Moya. After a while, Brother Zhu Hai will know that this thing is supernatural." Du Fenghu didn't explain much, just waited for the Qu Moya to suck enough yellow spiritual liquid, and slowly stretched out a finger A wide straw. The straw was almost transparent, and it penetrated into the ground in a blink of an eye. Xiang Yihang's spiritual consciousness was also partly immersed in the ground. The straw stretched longer and longer, and it actually stretched directly towards the altar of the demons. Xiang Yihang asked himself that his spiritual consciousness was not weak, but he saw it with his own eyes, and saw a flash of inspiration on the transparent long tube, and his spiritual consciousness lost the trace of the long tube.

"Crazy Du, bring your earth mirror, it's too far from the altar, don't go astray." Feng Ling, the scorpion woman, urged.

"It's coming." Du Fenghu nodded, and took out another ball of mud. Under the urging of his spiritual consciousness, the dirt on the ball fell one after another, revealing a khaki mirror inside.

"Hey!" Du Crazy Tiger shot a stream of mana into the ground mirror, took a look at Qu Moya in the stone basin, and could faintly see a vaguely visible pipeline extending underground.

Xiang Yihang watched quietly from the side, secretly thinking that these two did not know how much preparation they had made for the current action, even if there was no ancient magic bottle, they might be able to steal the energy of the ancient magic, of course, the current operation is still quite It is difficult to find artifacts that store the energy of ancient demons without escaping.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian had come to the altar again.

Silver-backed Demon Ape, Disillusionment Demon Butterfly, Xueling Demon, and Prison Demon Yaksha four demon armies defend the surrounding area. Farther away, other demons such as the tentacled cricket demons stationed near or far from the altar according to their strength.

"The opening of the altar this time is a grand event that has never been seen in tens of thousands of years in the Broken Star Valley. After absorbing enough ancient demon energy, the strength of everyone present is greatly improved, and after gathering the clansmen from the ancient tomb, We no longer need to be suppressed by the human race in this flickering place, and let the human race see who is the real Lord of the Chiyuan!" On the altar, the voice of the leader of the Xueling Demon, Hong Tiangang, was deep and powerful, with a radius of a hundred miles The internal shock is like a Hong Zhong.

"Brother Hong, if you don't need to avoid some red tape, let's get straight to the point and open the altar. I can't hold back the old ape." A body that is more than ten feet tall is silver on the back, and the rest is black and long-haired. The giant ape folded its arms and stood majestically in the air, like a hill hanging there.

"Yu Qi, this altar can't be opened just by saying it's opened, it needs a few formation masters to work together. It's not as simple as killing a few ordinary human races." A coquettish voice came out from the clouds, the voice It is soft and waxy, but it is coagulated but not scattered, and it is clear to the ears.

"Huan Xiaodie, I haven't seen your real body for hundreds of years, why are you still playing tricks when you come to this altar?" the leader of the silver-backed ape, Yuan Qi, said with a pair of fist-sized eyes curling up in the clouds above his head in front of him.

"Since everyone is here, I think it's about the same." A gray light flashed, and a Yaksha with a figure that was no different from an ordinary person, with a blue face, fangs, and fleshy wings, came through the air.

Lu Xiaotian looked at the leaders of the four major demon clans from a distance, and thought in his heart that the demon clan entrenched in this Broken Star Valley has become such a Qi cultivator. The strength of these four chief commanders made him palpitate for a while, and he didn't know what he felt. Including the powerhouses of other tribes, the number of Nascent Soul-level demons in Broken Star Valley is also extremely impressive.

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