Become a Fairy

Chapter 1351 The Method of Raising Corpse

"What monster?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"Magic planet, Lu Xiaotian must not have thrown it away like a waste." Xiang Yihang asked.

"Of course not, but once the magic planet is taken out, won't it be sensed by the people of the demon race? Wouldn't it be self-inflicted?" Lu Xiaotian asked doubtfully.

"Brother Lu only knows one thing, but not the other. It has been so many years since Brother Lu killed the demon star envoy, and the demons have already used other methods to refine another magic planet to control the remaining few. Demon Fox Clan. In fact, they can only sense roughly the same aura, and they cannot tell whether it is the Demon Planet or the Demon Fox Clan. If it is far away from the stronghold, it will be awkward for Brother Lu to hold the Demon Planet. You can enter and exit There are many demons in Broken Star Valley, where do they monitor?" Xiang Yihang analyzed.

When Lu Xiaotian thought about it, he thought it was good, but it was not the time to reply, "Let's talk about it after I get the Ice Marrow Yuequesha from the Elder Council."

"That's good, is there anything rare to hear about this trip to the ancient tomb?" Xiang Yihang asked.

"The Battle of the Julu is a place where the boats are broken. It's nothing new. The image we saw on the Zhenhe stele has been shown, but we didn't say it. The cauldron naturally refers to the Dinghuang Dingding. As for the sinking boat It refers to a large number of Feihong-class warships. Your Xiangshi royal family collected the fragments of Luo Dinghuang Ding, maybe because they wanted to find the site of the Julu Battle based on the breath of the fragments, and then they can follow the map to find the long-lost Guardian Dragon Beast."

Lu Xiaotian's tone was flat, and he seemed to be indifferent to Xiang Yihang, but he was secretly observing Xiang Yihang's expression changes. Although Xiang Yihang's city mansion is extremely deep. But Lu Xiaotian is not of the easy-going generation, and he can still see a little bit of disdain from his expression.

"It seems that brother Lu knows as much as I do." Xiang Yihang glanced at Lu Xiaotian meaningfully, and then said, "I heard that demons also appeared in the ancient tomb, what's the situation?"

"There are too many demons. Among them, the strength of you and me is like five or six. As for the others, it is too late to escape, and there is no time to learn more." Lu Xiaotian Said half-truthfully, Xiang Qingcheng didn't even mention the detailed process, so Lu Xiaotian would not tell Xiang Yihang.

"What, five or six ordinary big monks can barely fight against it?" Rao Xiang Yihang's mind is strong enough, and he couldn't help looking shocked at this moment. The strength of the devil has probably surpassed the six masters. Such a strong man would be a person who would shake the ground several times if he stomped his feet in Xiangguo.

"If you really let go of the fight, you may not be able to fight, so you are going to Broken Star Valley. Brother Xiang, don't think that you can take it lightly after becoming a great monk." Protecting the magic pool, trying to kill all six of them, greedy for more, and being attacked by the golden needle released by Lu Wushuang, Lu Xiaotian and others had a chance to disperse and leave. Otherwise, if you let go of the hand strike, it is almost impossible for Lu Xiaotian, the turtle, and the golden armor corpse king to retreat calmly, or one or two will fall. The ferocity of that old devil is really astonishing.

Xiang Yihang took a breath, "Thank you for reminding, Brother Lu. Brother Lu's guess is indeed not bad. The royal family's search for the fragments of Dinghuang Cauldron was indeed to find clues to Longlu's disappearance. It should be found in Hoshino Guiyuan. That's all for now, after Brother Lu gets the pot of Ice Marrow and Moon Quesha from the Elders' Council, he will make a decision on whether he wants to join hands with me to the Broken Star Valley. Farewell."

"No." Lu Xiaotian nodded, looking at the direction Xiang Yihang left for a while, thinking for a while, it seems that this guy is not satisfied with what he got in the elders' meeting, so he wants to continue to join forces with him temporarily. Wandering between the Council of Elders and outsiders, in order to seek more benefits. As for the source of Ice Marrow Moon Quesha, I have to find a way to confirm it later. You can't trust Xiang Yihang's words, if it's really not enough, it's okay to go to Broken Star Valley.

With this in mind, Lu Xiaotian refined a few furnaces of Broken Grade Pills. With the help of the previous successful furnace, Lu Xiaotian successfully refined two furnaces of Broken Grade Pills. three. The remaining two are inferior. After these two furnaces were successful, maybe the feeling faded temporarily, or maybe the luck had come to an end, and the next few furnaces were refined into useless pills. After thinking about it for a while, Lu Xiaotian stopped alchemy. It seems that the previous temporary feelings still need time to settle, and there is no rush. Maybe after this period of precipitation, the success rate of the broken-level pill will stabilize, and the alchemy will have a big improvement.

And the Broken Grade Pill on hand is enough, there is no need to continue refining it for the time being.

At the same time, Lu Xiaotian has already felt that the fluctuation of the ghost energy in the area where Han Lin is located has become weaker and weaker. If he hadn't paid attention to it deliberately, if he was farther away, he might have ignored it if he didn't pay attention.

"If there's nothing else to do, you can start." Han Lin naturally knew that Lu Xiaotian had been watching him, and when he was ready, he directly sent a sound transmission to Lu Xiaotian.

"Then let's get started." Lu Xiaotian nodded, told Lu Wushuang a few times, and asked others not to disturb him and Han Lin as much as possible, and then entered a ghost formation formed by Han Lin, which was mainly used to isolate The breath is used to prevent the aura from the outside world from entering the formation. Don't let the ghoul spirit inside escape.

Lu Xiaotian directly threw the small Moqing box to Han Lindao, "Tell me, when the refinement is about to succeed, how should I take over this Cave Ape Corpse Refiner?"

"This is the formula and method to control the cave ape's corpse refining. Take it and read it first." Han Lin threw a jade slip to Lu Xiaotian expressionlessly, "Then when you want to start, just let me know. "

Lu Xiaotian scanned the jade slips with his spiritual sense, and scanned the formulas inside, which introduced the refining process of the cave yuan corpse refining process, as well as the method of control. There are more things to worry about. Lu Xiaotian is not a person in this way. If he wants to control him, he naturally needs to consult Longshi, the god-level old monster.

"This method of control is no problem, but it is different from your previous taming of Di Kun. Our dragons and lions belong to the flying silver corpse clan, and some of the dragon and lion blood. Annihilation, just erased its original memory. The spirituality born from this cave ape corpse refinement was regenerated from its roots, and there are also some artificial factors."

"This kind of spirituality comes from the ghouls. They are extremely bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. It is their nature. Every once in a while, you can either feed him a drop of your own blood, or let him go out to kill. Other human races, too. Or the blood of monsters is also fine. However, you are a tenth-level physical cultivator yourself, and the exercises you practice are not trivial. If you feed them with your own blood essence, the effect should be better. It was cultivated by a person who cultivated both dharma and body. What will happen in the end of refining the corpse is really something to look forward to." Longshi laughed.

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