Become a Fairy

Chapter 1275

"What's the matter?" Xiang Qingcheng looked at Lu Xiaotian who was beside him with a dignified expression.

"The spirit chasing dog has discovered the breath of other strong people besides the giant snowstorm ape. It just makes me a little strange to be with the giant snowstorm ape. Since I can be with this giant snowstorm ape, why did we fight with us before?" It has never appeared before, could it be that we happened to meet?" Lu Xiaotian thoughtfully said.

"After guessing and guessing, I can't figure out why. Why don't you catch up and have a look. Since there is a spirit chasing dog, you don't have to worry about getting lost in the illusion. The floating coffin will appear. Presumably, the giant snow-storm ape, And those who stay with him will also return to the Falling Demon, waiting for the treasure to appear." Xiang Qingcheng said.

"That's right." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and Xiang Qingcheng left and right, guarding the little white dog in the middle, and the yin-yang lame monster hanging behind, chasing in the direction where the snow-storm giant ape and Youyue magic canthus disappeared. At this time, Lu Xiaotian didn't know that Zhao Xin, an old acquaintance, had led two strong men from the clan to track him into the Nether Blood Cave.

Looking from a distance, there is a flat plateau with a radius of tens of miles. The lake surface is as flat as a mirror, a black cold pool without a trace of ripple, and the water is like black ink. Black snow floated in the dark blue sky. There was a deathly silence everywhere, and there was no sign of life in a radius of thousands of miles. There is only a world of ice and snow, black glaciers, black snow. Although this place is crystalline black, the field of vision is much wider than that of Hell Blood Cave or other places in the ancient tomb.

Walking on this black glacier, you can clearly see your own reflection on the ice. Far more real than a mirror. Even the tiniest hairs.

"That black lake is the Falling Devil's Pool. Before the floating coffin appears, we'd better not approach it lightly. Even Youyue Demon Canthus, in the past, would not approach the Falling Devil's Pool within ten miles before the floating coffin appeared. "There was strangely no sound of cold wind whistling around, but it made people feel a kind of severe cold from the depths of the bone marrow. The yin-yang lame monster, whose cultivation base was slightly inferior, and whose injuries had not fully healed, shivered from the cold. It seems that he doesn't want to stay in this kind of place for a long time, and the little white dog can't resist the severe cold here, and has been put into the spirit beast bag by Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian threw another pot of strong monkey wine to Xiang Qingcheng. Although Xiang Qingcheng is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, his mana recovery speed is faster than his, but Lu Xiaotian's dual cultivation of law and body, his physique is extremely strong, and his resistance to the cold air is even Without deliberately mobilizing mana, a considerable part of it can be resisted. The consumption of mana is much lower than that of Xiang Qingcheng. Although Xiang Qingcheng has the most yang treasure in his body, he has been in this ancient tomb for a long time, and he doesn't know how long he will last, and the consumption of this treasure is not trivial.

Xiang Qingcheng took Lu Xiaotian's strong monkey wine again, and the fiery energy in the strong monkey wine spread among the tendons in the body, and a wave of heat continuously cooperated with the Kuiyang golden lock, relieving the cold that had invaded the body. force out of the body.

"Can it last for a while? If the treasure of the sun in your body fails, let's leave this place to rest for a while." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Xiang Qingcheng worriedly. What he will face on this trip is the twelfth-order demon clan , Corpse King, a powerhouse at the level of a big demon. If Xiang Qingcheng consumes too much mana, Lu Xiaotian doesn't want to get into such a dangerous area for nothing.

"As long as your supply of spirit wine is sufficient, with my Kuiyang golden lock, it is enough to resist the astonishing cold here."

Xiang Qingcheng's eyes were firm and authentic, how could he come back empty-handed after finally breaking into this place. At the same time, I was also a little puzzled. It seemed that Lu Xiaotian had prepared a lot of this kind of strong monkey wine. Not only could it help her resist the extreme cold here, but it could also speed up the operation of mana and reduce consumption. Such a rare treasure is rare even in Xiangdu, and it is even more impossible to let go of drinking like this. The silver-haired Dongfang was able to give her directly without blinking an eyelid, he was not a stingy person.

"Golden Armored Corpse King, there are others with similar strength who seem to have not arrived here yet." The Yin-Yang Lame Monster glanced around and said.

"Wrong, who said they haven't arrived yet." Lu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled, "Golden Armored Corpse King, green-eyed monster, since you're here, why don't you show up?"

"The Taoist friends have good eyesight, so they can find us."

Sure enough, an astonishing voice sounded. Six or seven reflections suddenly appeared on the black ice layer on the seemingly flat, uninhabited glacier plateau, thousands of feet away. The leader was the tall, twelfth-rank corpse king in golden armor, followed by the blue-eyed old man, and five other corpse kings of lesser strength.

"The two of you are unfamiliar. It should be the first time you have entered this ancient tomb. It is really extraordinary that you can find the Falling Demon Pool in such a short period of time." Go back and do the princess thing.

"No matter how unusual, it's not like being chased away by the corpse king." Lu Xiaotian replied in a low voice, "I didn't expect that you have such a wide range of friends, the corpse king, and you have such a good relationship with the green-eyed monster."

A hint of embarrassment flashed in the green-eyed monster's eyes. The Golden Armored Corpse King laughed, and then said with a smile, "We are each other, and I didn't expect you to have a close relationship with the lame monster under Youyue Demon Canthus."

"It's been a long time since any newcomers have joined, and they're still human races. What are you doing here?" The rough voice sounded, and a huge projection appeared again on the black mirror-like ice layer thousands of feet away. A huge griffin with a wingspan of tens of feet came flapping its wings. Green energy was lingering on those thick wings, which looked like countless icy wind blades ready to go.

"Hearing the reputation of this Falling Demon Pool, I naturally came to the Falling Devil's Pool to hunt for treasure." Xiang Qingcheng said.

"It's just a middle-stage Nascent Soul, and an early-stage Nascent Soul, plus a guy who is seriously injured, and dares to come here to hunt for treasure. I think it's more appropriate to wait for the treasure."

Another old voice. A huge black tortoise with a radius of several tens of feet was seen flying through the clouds and fog in the void, seemingly crawling slowly, but it came to everyone from dozens of miles away in the blink of an eye. This demon tortoise is the twelfth-order tortoise. Gu Gui's pitch-black eyeballs swept back and forth on Lu Xiaotian and the others, and he said with a smile, "The appetite for floating coffins has been getting bigger and bigger in recent years, and I don't know how many human races I caught as sacrifices." Is it enough?"

"Sacrificing this floating coffin may not only require human monks, maybe you monster races, or even demons." Lu Xiaotian said tit for tat, a floating coffin in the pool of falling into the devil has attracted so many strong people, all the strong Looking around, this is not the time to show weakness.

"What a big tone!" Gu Gui yelled angrily, before the words fell, two soaring sword intents rose from Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng respectively, and set off two huge waves on the strangely calm black glacier. swirl.

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