Become a Fairy

Chapter 122 Green Pearl

"Sure enough, we still have to send a few people out." After seeing three monks from the Evil Spirit Valley come out of the grotto, Lu Xiaotian appeared from behind a tree. Looking at the backs of the few people leaving, he frowned slightly. The monks in the Evil Spirit Valley did not look flustered when they left. Obviously, the situation in the grotto was not bad for the monks in the Evil Spirit Valley. Conversely, the situation is not bad for the monks in the Evil Spirit Valley, but not necessarily for the Lingxiao Palace.

It's just that they don't know what the situation of Wu Yan and his party is in the grotto. If Wu Yan's entire team could not successfully obtain the purple ginseng, with his own strength, the possibility would be very slim. Although he chose to leave the team before, it was not that he had no idea about those purple ginseng.

Let's see later, if the situation permits, we will save Wu Yan and his party from trouble. If you can't do anything, you can only protect yourself by being clear.

"Follow these people first to see what they are planning." Lu Xiaotian made up his mind and followed secretly.

"Yu Liufeng is really coquettish. In front of his Taoist companion flirting with Senior Brother Ye, Junior Brother Zhao is really useless, and he can stand it." A monk with a wretched face said with a smirk.

"Brother Zhao's strength is not even as good as Yu Liufeng's. Naturally, we can't control her. In our team, how many young girls have a crush on Senior Brother Ye, and Yu Liufeng is the best in appearance, and by relying on Senior Brother Ye, there are a lot of elixir Some, maybe if you gather enough elixir, you can go out and exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill, compared to the Foundation Establishment, a Taoist companion is nothing." Another monk said with a curled lip.

"Shut up, I brought you out to spy on the enemy's situation, not to talk about it." Cultivator surnamed Liu scolded.

"Senior brother Liu is right, but there are a large number of snakes in front of the cultivators of Lingxiao Palace, and behind them are the formations laid out by senior brother Ye, plus the ambush set up by other senior brothers. "The wretched monk said hesitantly.

Another monk agreed, "Just give them wings, how can they fly in that grotto?"

"The monks in Lingxiao Palace can't run away. They are afraid that people from other sects will come to disrupt the situation. If we are dumped by others, wouldn't we be in the same difficult situation as them? You two, don't cheat. Be careful and pay attention to the people around you. Movements. Also collect some food and send it to Senior Brother Ye and the others. It seems that the people in Lingxiao Palace can survive for a few more days. We must prepare for a long-term siege." The monk surnamed Liu said, and was about to reprimand the two of them again After a few words, the hairs on his back suddenly stood upside down, and he felt a huge crisis pressing his body. "who!"

At the same time, the cultivator surnamed Liu sacrificed a small yellow shield to block the vital part of the back heart.

boom! A small cyan magic weapon hit the small yellow shield with only a slight delay, and the huge impact force knocked the monk surnamed Liu upside down.

"Dharma Artifact, you are a cultivator from Lingxiao Palace!" The cultivator surnamed Liu opened his eyes wide, and was about to make a move when the green saber pierced through the small yellow shield full of cracks and pierced his chest. The cultivator surnamed Liu's body froze. , fell to the ground and died.

escape! The monk surnamed Liu was attacked to death without any resistance. The other two looked terrified, and they couldn't help but split up and fled.

"Can you escape?" Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and pointed, and the blue knife drew an arc in the air, then he came first to catch up with the other person, circled around his neck briskly, and a head soared into the sky.

Lu Xiaotian recalled the flying knife and used the Wind Control Technique to chase after the last wretched monk. The fight just now was only for a moment. Soon, he stopped in front of the wretched monk.

"Forgive me, spare my life, I will give you whatever you want." The wretched monk begged incoherently.

"If I kill you, all your things are mine." Lu Xiaotian once again sacrificed the green knife.

The wretched monk yelled, and threw a gourd to release a foul-smelling black mist.

Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed, the blue knife turned into a streamer, pointed at the wretched monk through the black mist.

"I'll fight with you!" The wretched monk gritted his teeth, sacrificed two green beads, and retreated violently at the same time. But the cyan knife has already arrived.

Boom, two explosions sounded. Lu Xiaotian hastily sacrificed the protective spirit mask, his body retreated violently, and was still affected. The aftermath of the explosion caused his blood to surge, and the wretched monk was chopped into two pieces. When Lu Xiaotian reached out to recall the cyan knife, he found that the cyan knife had Not quite listening, and flew back wobbly.

"The foul air produced by the explosion of the green bead is so powerful!" Lu Xiaotian was taken aback, checked the cyan knife, and heaved a sigh of relief. Sacrifice some. If it was replaced with an ordinary top-grade spiritual weapon, I am afraid it would not be able to withstand this strong corrosion at all.

He thought of the other two, who died too quickly just now, and lost their lives before they could use their methods in time. After rummaging through the spiritual objects and weapons left by the two of them, they found two green beads in the storage bag of the head monk surnamed Liu. Lu Xiaotian was overjoyed, this thing can temporarily greatly affect the Magical Artifact, and it will definitely be of great use later in the fight, after all, even the elite disciples of other sects rarely own as many Magical Artifacts as he does.

"According to what the monks said just now, Wu Yan and the others must have been blocked in the grotto by the monks from the Evil Spirit Valley. But these people are only practicing Qi refining, and they must eat. The food in the storage bag After all, it is impossible for food to last forever. As these people said just now, they must send people out to find food, or guard against monks from other sects who come behind. The monks in Evil Spirit Valley must guard against Wu Yan It is impossible for a group of people to send too many people out, and three or two people are not their opponents. As long as they can stay outside and attack and kill the people sent by Evil Spirit Valley, they will definitely not be able to persist for a long time."

"The key depends on whether Wu Yan and the others can persevere." Lu Xiaotian turned his mind and weighed the pros and cons. There is only so much he can do. If the situation permits, it's okay for him to help, let him die Bet, Lu Xiaotian won't do it.

After burning a few corpses with small fireballs, Lu Xiaotian returned to the vicinity of the grotto to monitor. An hour later, he used the same method to kill two more people, and it was already dark.

It seems that these people are not planning to come out for the time being, Lu Xiaotian yawned, and found a secret and easy-to-monitor place to rest. Those people in the grotto are destined to be in no mood to rest, Lu Xiaotian secretly smiled. Right now, we can only wait and see what happens, and let those people in the grotto worry about it. Lu Xiaotian hid in the canopy of a big tree, lay down on the branch and fell asleep. Although immortal cultivators have extraordinary energy, they still need a certain amount of sleep. However, after a lot of fighting, Lu Xiaotian has become very vigilant, even if there is any movement from the outside world, he will wake up.

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