Become a Fairy

Chapter 1161 Discuss Conditions

Don't think that immortal cultivators have a long lifespan, but there are thousands of years of aging. It is precisely because immortal cultivators live too long, especially in Chiyuan Continent, where immortal cultivators have closer contact with ordinary people. Compared with Mochizuki where Lu Xiaotian was before, the blue devil sea area he walked through is actually a bit thicker.

"Looking at Mr. Dongfang's expression, I'm afraid we have found that old friend. I wonder how Mr. Dongfang's old friend is doing?" Patriarch Mang Xiao said first when he saw Lu Xiaotian's return.

"The situation is not very good, but you can recover before you die." Lu Xiaotian smiled.

"Being able to run around for a demon cultivator, you can be regarded as a lover. But it is not easy to fish this demon cultivator out of my black prison. Every person or demon cultivator who enters the black prison is Registered in the policy, although I am in charge of the black prison here, but whether to enter or not is in charge of another person. That person has been closed for many years. I can't even find a single person." Xiang Kuang poured cold water on Lu Xiaotian.

"Even if you ask Mang Heitan for help with this matter, you can't help. Since the incident of Yuan Jing's murder, the royal family has already had the idea of ​​tightening the prison. Although it has not been implemented yet. , but coincidentally, the person in charge of my access to this black prison happens to have something to do with Yuan Jing."

"Doesn't that mean there is no way?" Lu Xiaotian frowned.

"It's not that there's nothing I can do. I'm bored in this dark prison, and I don't have anyone to fight with me. If you are willing to stay, you can fight with me from time to time. Although the quota of entry and exit belongs to another person, But if I open my mouth, that person will give me some face." Xiang Kuang rolled his eyes, looked at Lu Xiaotian and said.

"Crazy Xiang, is there no other way?" Patriarch Mang Xiao frowned when he heard this.

"It's not that there is no way." Xiang Kuang hummed.

"any solution?"

"You stay and fight with me."

"This..." Patriarch Mang Xiao became dumb when he heard it. It is already a kind of torture for him to stay in this black prison, not to mention staying with Xiang Kuang, who doesn't know when he will end up. How could he do this kind of thing, in case Tian Xiangkuang got into a fight one day and hurt a few of his Golden Flame Tiger Head Ants, he would have nowhere to cry.

"Don't act like you're a dead mother. Even if you want to stay, I might not agree to it. With your little ability, you won't last long under my hands. If you really want to talk about fighting, it's interesting to fight with this little brother. Too much, neither you nor him can use all their strength. Your Liuhe Dagan formation composed of six golden flame tiger ants is far worse than this little brother's sword formation." Xiang Kuang rolled his eyelids and looked Xiang Lu Xiaotian looked quite expectantly.

Patriarch Mang Xiao was dumbfounded when he heard it, what Xiang Kuang said was not bad, this lunatic has realized a trace of the true meaning of earth, even though he is a great monk, he is really not his opponent. Fighting against Xiang Kuang, the other party will definitely not be able to use all their strength, and although Xiang Kuang is aggressive, he does not necessarily have to choose the stronger one. Of course, if the strength is similar to Xiang Kuang, it is naturally the best. But there are not many experts at the level of Patriarch Mang Xiao, looking at the entire Chiyuan Continent, how many can find someone with Xiang Kuang's strength? How could the opponent easily fight against Xiang Kuang?

If there is no opponent with similar strength, when fighting, there will be little difference in strength if the difference is more or less, and he has just seen Lu Xiaotian's sword formation with his own eyes. Going into this sword formation, if you ask yourself, you will end up in disgrace. Xiang Kuang used methods of the same level before, but he couldn't get it right. The sword array changed so much that it made people wonder. It was the first time he encountered such a strange formation, and it was reasonable for Xiang Kuang to be interested.

"How about it, little brother, although I'm a little bit tied up in this black prison, but you can find an opponent like me to practice against, which is also very valuable for the growth of your cultivation base." Xiang Kuang saw that Lu Xiaotian fell into deep thought, thinking After a jump, he was worried that Lu Xiaotian would refuse, and added, "Besides, if I don't want to help you with this matter, I'm afraid it won't be of much use if you find someone else."

A bit of weirdness flashed in Lu Xiaotian's eyes. During this period of time, his luck was really good, and he was quite lucky. Ever since Xiang Hua gave him the complete method of the ten-turn Fusion Yuan Gong, he has not had a suitable partner for training. If he can't cultivate the fusion blood beads in his body through repeated battles, he will not be able to achieve the purpose of storing mana. It's just that with his strength, ordinary Nascent Soul monks can't achieve the effect of sparring. It would be best for Lu Xiaotian to meet Xiang Kuang right now, if the other party took the initiative to speak up.

It's just that although Lu Xiaotian is very willing, he didn't nod easily at this time, but frowned slightly and said, "Although the earth spirit energy in this black prison is abundant, it doesn't help me much,"

"It doesn't matter. You are free to come and go from the black prison. A gentleman promises that as long as you agree to fight with me, other things can be discussed." Xiang Kuang said with a big wave of his hand. "An ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator staying in this black prison, if it is not an earth cultivator, will not feel good after a long time, but your situation is different, you are a master of alchemy, there will definitely be a solution, and you are still a tenth-order body Xiu, the resistance ability is not comparable to ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators."

"If Brother Kuang can solve my other two doubts, it's okay to agree to Brother Kuang." Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed, since Xiang Kuang was so forthright, he was embarrassed to make too many demands.

"It doesn't matter if you say it." Xiang Kuang said.

"Brother Kuang, your mana is so powerful that it is far beyond what my current realm can match. If you fight with me, you can't use too much strength beyond my realm. It would be meaningless to fight. The last point, for my friend, It's fine for me to stay in the black prison for a while, but it's impossible to stay in the black prison forever, you might as well give a time limit, mad brother." Lu Xiaotian thought for a while and said. Even if he wanted to practice \u003cTen Transformation Fusion Yuan Gong\u003e, Lu Xiaotian couldn't spend it here all the time.

"You don't have to worry about fighting skills. If you lose ten times with one force, it won't be interesting to fight. As for the time, it must be three to five years, and the little brother won't mind." Xiang Kuang laughed.

"Mr. Dongfang is a master of alchemy, and he has stayed with you for three to five years. Crazy Xiang, you really dare to speak." Patriarch Mang Xiao stared at him immediately.

"What's wrong with the master of alchemy? It's not that I want to ask others. Besides, although the master of alchemy can make alchemy, it doesn't help me much." Xiang Kuang poured a mouthful of Hanyang Zui and said nonchalantly.

"Come on, three to five years, three to five years, I can be free to come and go, it's just that I have to fight with the crazy brother every now and then." The head of the Mang Xiao family had some objections, but Lu Xiaotian said nothing. Promised it. It was originally planned to go to the secret realm of Lingxu to find Luo Qian after collecting the Pan Qingshi. Now that the biggest problem has been solved, there is a way to improve his strength for the time being. The most important thing is that this country is the top fairy in Chiyuan Continent. The power of the dynasty has accumulated a lot, especially since he is still a great master of alchemy, there are many things that can be exchanged. Staying in Xiangdu to collect spiritual objects may not be worse than going to the secret realm of Lingxu.

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