Become a Fairy

Chapter 1145

Lu Xiaotian poured a glass of this green fir wine into his mouth, and a strong sweet taste exploded in his throat.

What a strong drink! Lu Xiaotian didn't use his power to dispel the smell, but let out a sigh, and found that his mana was inexplicably shaken by the wine power, and seemed to be a little more active than before.

It's just that the shock quickly subsided again.

"It seems that the effect of your wine is very limited." Lu Xiaotian quickly returned to normal, and looked at the stocky young man and the delicate woman with a little disappointment.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible. This green cedar wine has been hidden in the kiln for decades by the younger generation, and I have tried several golden core monks without exception. Now I have added a few flavors of spiritual fruit. It is more powerful. No matter how powerful senior mana is, it will not be enough."

The solid young man suddenly trembled, looked at Lu Xiaotian in horror, his mouth trembled, and he couldn't speak.

"Dead drunkard, what's the matter with you, senior, what did you do to the dead drunkard?" Seeing the appearance of the solid young man, the delicate girl thought she had fallen for Lu Xiaotian's way, and rushed forward, blocking in fear and awe. In front of the stocky young man, his expression was excited.

"No, no, ex, senior didn't do anything to me, the reason why the green cedar wine is useless to senior, except if senior is the ancestor of Yuan, Yuan Ying! This junior has seen the ancestor!" The honest young man was so excited that he didn't know why, Bow down and worship.

"No need." Lu Xiaotian sat there without raising his eyelids, and an invisible energy directly supported the solid young man, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it anymore.

"Your green cedar wine is not useless at all. After drinking it, the mana does change a bit, but this movement is only a momentary thing to me."

"Senior, senior is Yuanying Patriarch, junior's green cedar wine is not hot enough, so naturally it won't affect senior." The honest young man muttered. The delicate woman next to her was a little dumbfounded. Although Xiang Guo had a lot of Nascent Soul monks, compared to other continents and areas of cultivating immortals, it was rare for ordinary low-level monks to share them.

The stocky young man and the delicate woman are just ordinary foundation-building monks, without a wealthy family background, and have not worshiped any immortal family. Even those powerful Jindan monks dismissed them as low-level monks at the bottom, not to mention that he wanted spirit stones but no spirit stones, and his cultivation talent was not very good. , and he didn't want to make a good living by brewing spiritual wine, and his spiritual wine music was not perfect enough, which would cause a lot of waste, and most of what he brewed was not enough for himself to drink, so he was naturally not valued by others.

"According to what you just said, if you are given enough spiritual fruits and spiritual objects, you can make better wine? Your wine making ability is not bad, why don't you make a better living, even if It is for those cultivating families to brew wine, so it should not be in such a situation." Just from the glass of wine just now, Lu Xiaotian can also see that this stocky young man is really good at brewing wine.

"Senior, this alcoholic is hypocritical. Although he is not very capable, he has a strong temper. He is unwilling to serve those dignitaries. Moreover, his ability to make wine is not very stable, and he is reluctant to take out good wine. Naturally It's just getting worse and worse. Even if seniors give him better spirits, he may not necessarily be able to brew good wine." Speaking of this, the delicate woman couldn't help complaining a bit.

The delicate woman's words seemed to be a complaint, but Lu Xiaotian couldn't hear it, she was covering for the solid young man, and worried that the solid young man would agree, and in the end, Lu Xiaotian's affairs would be messed up, and Lu Xiaotian, the Nascent Soul, would be angered at that time The ancestor couldn't end it. They can't even offend a Golden Core cultivator, let alone the Yuanying Patriarch. The opponent doesn't even need to do it himself, just a word, and their situation will be extremely miserable.

"Senior, this junior has also invested in several families, but the junior brews wine. After all, he took some shortcuts to refine this spirit wine song. Even alchemists alchemy alchemy, there are more or less chances of success and failure. The younger generation refines this spirit wine song. If it is used to brew wine, there is also a considerable chance of failure. Since a lot of spirits are consumed, and they are no more than spirit pills, the brewing time is at least a few months, a few years, or even decades. Those people waited so long It’s been a long time, but waiting for something that failed, naturally I don’t want to see the younger generation.”

The honest young man said bitterly, thinking of some things he had experienced before, he couldn't help but look sad. Soon, the honest young man said angrily, "It's all those people who are short-sighted. The juniors will naturally have a higher failure rate in the early stage of experimenting with the spirit wine, but once the spirit wine has a small success, the benefits gained are higher than what they invest in." Thousands of times."

"You mean, if you are given enough resources, you can refine better spirit wine, which can meet the needs of Nascent Soul cultivators?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"Yes, if the senior can make the junior show his strength, the junior will dare to gamble his life!" The solid young man's eyes were red, and he didn't care about the delicate woman's winking to him in private. Over the years, he has suffered all kinds of supercilious glances, and he can't even take care of his companions who depend on each other for life. He studied with him for years and delayed his practice. Some of the retail investors who came to him before were mostly just wanting to satisfy their desires, and occasionally a few people had the attitude of giving it a try, wanting to get some spiritual wine with special effects. But these people have limited abilities, and they just have a fluke attitude.

But the one in front of him is a Nascent Soul cultivator. For a solid young man, he is like a heavenly existence. The other party is willing to approach him as a foundation-building cultivator. He must have taken a fancy to his ability in spirit wine, at least in terms of mentality. It's different from everyone else. Of course, what is more important is that the resources controlled by monk Nascent Soul are far from comparable to those he has come into contact with before. Maybe, maybe a few more experiments, there will be a time when it will be successful.

After failing for too long, the solid young man who has been looked down upon by others is particularly eager to succeed and prove himself. It is also to make up for the delicate woman around him who has always paid for him.

"I don't need your life. I don't have anything to do with you for the time being. Let's just take the next step and give you a chance. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. If it can really produce something useful to me, I will give you two. It's not a bad opportunity." Lu Xiaotian glanced at the two of them, and naturally knew what they wanted most.

"Thank you senior, but this junior has said something beforehand. The key to improving wine recipes for this junior is the spirit wine koji. The wine koji corresponding to each spirit wine may be different, and repeated experiments are required. During the period, there may be a lot of waste, loss, and finally I hope that seniors don't blame me at all times." Hearing Lu Xiaotian's words, the solid young man trembled with excitement, and with his current ability, it would probably take a year of the monkey to collect a condensed gold pill.

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